The PowerShell Virtual Chapter is geared towards those wanting to learn more about PowerShell and to share best practices.
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Previous Webcasts

Below are a few of our previous sessions.


PowerShell MVP Mike F. Robbins will cover PowerShell basics, and why PowerShell matters to SQL Server database administrators.

Stupid PowerShell Tricks

PowerShell MVP Jim Christopher demonstrates a few of his favorite PowerShell tricks.

Simplifying SQL Server Migrations using PowerShell

PowerShell MVP Chrissy LeMaire demonstrates how to migrate SQL Server databases, logins, jobs, operators, and other SQL Server components with just a single command.

Maintain SQL Server Performance Baseline with PowerShell

SQL Server MVP Allen White walks you through a series of PowerShell scripts you can schedule which will capture the most important data and a set of reports to show you how to use that data to keep your server running smoothly.

Making PowerShell Useful for your Team

SQL Server DBA with a beard, Robert Sewell demonstrates how to turn your one-off scripts into shareable functions and how to ensure that your team can easily and quickly make use of and contribute to PowerShell solutions.

Carpe Scriptum! Make the PowerShell ISE Work for You

PowerShell MVP Jeffery Hicks shows you how to get the most out of the PowerShell ISE. From snippets, to customizing the look and feel, to creating your own add-ons you'll be eager to open up the ISE and get started.

PowerShell Tips and Tricks for SQL Server Administration

Data Artisan Mike Fal covers a handful of useful scripts and patterns in PowerShell that will ease your management of SQL Server.

. - Thursday, April 9, 2015

View Recordings of Previous Sessions on Our YouTube Channel

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News and Updates

We broadcast our presentations on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12:00 PM - Noon Eastern Time (GMT -4), 9 AM Pacific Time (GMT -7) using Go To Webinar.

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