IntenseDebate Comment System

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Plugin Resources »Plugin Examples


  • YouTube
  • AddToAny Share Button for Posts
  • AddToAny Share Button for Comments
  • Hyves Tip
  • After the Deadline - Spell check for Comments
  • Facebook-share


Looking for a few examples to get you started? Look no further!

Quick Links:

  • YouTube
  • AddToAny Share Button for Posts
  • AddToAny Share Button for Comments
  • Hyves Tip
  • After the Deadline: Spell check for Comments
  • Facebook Share


<pre>var id_youtube_plugin = {};
id_youtube_plugin.youtube_disabled_edit_ids = []; /* IntenseDebate commentid's that should have edit functionality disabled (contain youtube embeds) */
id_youtube_plugin.youtube_posted_from = 0; /* Which field should the poll embed code be inserted in (Reply or New Comment) */

/* add the YouTube button to the interface */
id_youtube_plugin.id_add_youtube_button = function() {
     id_add_plugin_button("javascript: id_youtube_plugin.id_show_youtube_embed(0)", "javascript: id_youtube_plugin.id_show_youtube_embed(1)", "", "Add a YouTube Video", "YouTube", "Embed video");


/* display the popup for the url of the video to embed */
id_youtube_plugin.id_show_youtube_embed = function(posted_from) {
     /* keep track of if it was for a reply or a new comment */
     id_youtube_plugin.youtube_posted_from = posted_from;

     var link2 = $newEl('a');
     link2.class="javascript: id_youtube_plugin.id_add_youtube_embed_code();";
     IDReplaceHtml(link2, "&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span class='idc-r'&gt;Embed Video&lt;/span&gt;");
     link2.className="idc-btn_s idc-disablestyles"; = 'right';

     showMsgBox('Embed a YouTube Video', '&lt;p&gt;Enter the video URL to embed below:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;input type="text" id="txtYouTubeURL"/&gt;', 0, null, link2);

id_youtube_plugin.id_add_youtube_embed_code = function() {
     /* Grab the url and identify the target textbox */
     var vidUrl = $id('txtYouTubeURL').value;

     /* make sure we add the embed code to the right textbox ( a reply or a new comment) */
     if(id_youtube_plugin.youtube_posted_from == 0)
          var textBox = $id('IDCommentNewThreadText');
          var textBox = $id('txtComment');

     /* Check for valid match */
     var regex=/http:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(.*)/ig;
     var m=regex.exec(vidUrl);

     /* If there is a match */
     if(m &amp;&amp; m.length&gt;2) {
          /* If no comment text has been entered yet be sure to clear the default stuff */
          if(textBox.value=='Enter text right here!') {
               textBox.value = '';
      = 'black';

          /* Add the embed code to the textbox */
          textBox.value += " + " " + vidUrl + " youtube]";

          /* Hide the popup box */

          /* reset the regex */

          /* Give focus to the text box */
          /* Failed to match the url */
          alert('Unable to parse that url');

/* Disable the edit button for any comments that have a video */
id_youtube_plugin.id_youtube_disable_edit_buttons = function() {
     for(objElem in id_youtube_plugin.youtube_disabled_edit_ids) {
          $id('IDCommentPostReplyLinkEdit'+id_youtube_plugin.youtube_disabled_edit_ids[objElem]).style.display = 'none';

id_youtube_plugin.id_youtube_embed_replace = function(args) {
     var text = args['text'];

     //Check for valid match
     var youtube_regex=/\/ig;
     var m = youtube_regex.exec(text);

     //If there is a match
     if(m &amp;&amp; m.length&gt;1) {
          /* add the IntenseDebate commentid to the array of comments to disable editing for */
          id_youtube_plugin.youtube_disabled_edit_ids[id_youtube_plugin.youtube_disabled_edit_ids.length] = args['commentid'];

          /* reset the regex */

          /* return the youtube div (where the video will go */
          return text.replace(youtube_regex, '&lt;div class="idc-video_youtube"&gt;&lt;object "480" "295"&gt;&lt;param name="movie" value="'+m[1]+'&amp;hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src="/img/spacer.gif"> 

AddToAny Share Button for Posts↑ Table of Contents ↑

var id_addtoany_posts_plugin = {};

// Initiate AddToAny drop-down(s)
id_addtoany_posts_plugin.load_addtoany_js = function() {	
	/* AddToAny globals */
	a2a_linkname = document.title;
	a2a_linkurl = location.href;
	var s = document.createElement('script');
	s.src = "";

// Insert AddToAny button below each comment
id_addtoany_posts_plugin.insert_share_button = function() {
	var container = document.getElementById('idc-container');
	var button_cont = document.createElement("div"),
		button_link = document.createElement("a"),
		button_image = document.createElement("img"); = "block"; = "15px 0";
	button_link.className = "a2a_dd";
	button_link.href = "";
	button_image.src = "";
	button_image.width = 171;
	button_image.height = 16;
	button_image.border = 0;
	container.insertBefore( button_cont, container.firstChild );
	container.insertBefore( button_cont, container.firstChild );
	/* Initiate drop-down */

// IntenseDebate Filters
id_add_action('idcomments_init', id_addtoany_posts_plugin.insert_share_button);

AddToAny Share Button for Comments↑ Table of Contents ↑

var id_addtoany_plugin = {};
id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids = [];
id_addtoany_plugin.addtoany_script_loaded = false;

// Return comment IDs as they appear in DOM (modified getElementsByClass)
id_addtoany_plugin.get_comment_ids = function (className) {
	var testClass = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)");
	var elm = document.getElementById('idc-cover'); // Assumed idc-cover
	var elements = elm.getElementsByTagName('div'); // Assumed DIV
	var returnElements = [];
	var current;
	var length = elements.length;
	for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
		current = elements[i];
			returnElements.push(; // Set element ID
	return returnElements; // Return element IDs

// Detect external script onLoad
id_addtoany_plugin.load_external_js = function (src, test, callback) {
	var s = document.createElement('script');
	s.src = src;
	var callbackTimer = setInterval(function() {
	var call = false;
	try {
	  call =;
	} catch (e) {}
	if (call) {
	}, 100);

// Initiate AddToAny drop-down(s)
id_addtoany_plugin.load_addtoany_js = function() {
	a2a_linkname = document.title; // AddToAny global
	var base_location = location.href.split('#')[0] + '#IDComment';
	// Additional drop-downs: set location, call a2a_init
	if ( id_addtoany_plugin.addtoany_script_loaded ) {
		var num_ids = id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids.length;
		for(var i = 1; i < num_ids; i++) {
			a2a_linkurl = base_location + id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids[i]; // AddToAny global
	// First drop-down, set location, load AddToAny script (which also calls a2a_init)
	else {
		// Set all comment IDs
		id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids = id_addtoany_plugin.get_comment_ids('idc-c');
		id_addtoany_plugin.addtoany_script_loaded = true;
		a2a_linkurl = base_location + id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids[0]; // AddToAny global
			function(){ return (typeof window['a2apage_init'] != 'undefined') },
			function(){ id_addtoany_plugin.load_addtoany_js() }

// Insert AddToAny button below each comment
id_addtoany_plugin.insert_share_button = function(args) {
	var comment_text = args['text'],
		comment_id = args['commentid'];
	// Add the IntenseDebate commentid to the array of comment IDs
	//id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids[id_addtoany_plugin.comment_ids.length] = comment_id;

	return comment_text+'&lt;div style="display:block;margin:6px 0 0"&gt;&lt;a class="a2a_dd" class=""&gt;&lt;img src="/img/spacer.gif"> 

Hyves Tip↑ Table of Contents ↑

var id_hyvestip_posts_plugin = {};

id_hyvestip_posts_plugin.insert_hyves_button = function() {
// Declare values

	var container = document.getElementById('idc-container');
	var hyvesUrl = "";
	var hyvesCont = document.createElement("div");
	var hyvesLink = document.createElement("a");

// Set classname for container

	hyvesCont.className = "idc-hyves-tip"; = "32px"; = "right";

// Add location for link
// Set background and styles

	hyvesLink.href = hyvesUrl + document.location.href + "&title=" + document.title; = "blank";
	hyvesLink.innerHTML = "Plaats als tip op Hyves!"; = 'url( no-repeat left'; = "10px 0 10px 28px !important";

// hierarchy of elements


	container.insertBefore( hyvesCont, container.firstChild );

// Insert to IntenseDebate

id_add_action('idcomments_init', id_hyvestip_posts_plugin.insert_hyves_button);

After the Deadline - Spell check for Comments↑ Table of Contents ↑

var id_AtD_plugin = {};

id_AtD_plugin.add_button = function()
   id_add_plugin_button('javascript:id_AtD_plugin.check_writing(0)', 'javascript:id_AtD_plugin.check_writing(1)', '', 'Proofread Comment w/ After the Deadline', 'AtD', 'Check Spelling');

id_AtD_plugin.restore_edit_comment = function(button_selector, field_id)

   var style = jQuery('#' + field_id).attr('style');
   jQuery('#' + field_id).replaceWith('&lt;textarea class="idc-text_noresize" id="' + field_id +'"&gt;' + jQuery('#' + field_id).html() + '&lt;/textarea&gt;');
   jQuery('#' + field_id).attr('style', style);

   jQuery(button_selector).text('Check Spelling');

id_AtD_plugin.check_writing = function(field)
   /* Choose your destiny: the main comment box or the reply comment box */

   var field_id, button_selector;

   if (field == 0)
      field_id = 'IDCommentNewThreadText';
      button_selector = '#idc-plugin-buttons-new-thread > li > a > img[src="/img/spacer.gif"> 

Facebook-share↑ Table of Contents ↑

function add_fb_share() {
var fb_link = document.createElement('a');
fb_link.href = '' + window.location.href;
fb_link.className = 'fb_share_button';
fb_link.onclick = 'return fbs_click()'; = '_blank'; = 'none';
fb_link.innerHTML = 'Share'; = 'right';
document.getElementById('idc-container').insertBefore(fb_link, document.getElementById('idc-container').firstChild);

function fbs_click() {
return false;
id_add_action( 'idcomments_func_load', add_fb_share);

Tags: Plugins API — Can't find your answer here? Let us know.

Last modified: January 11, 2012 by Michael

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