3 Easy steps to scanning files for viruses in MVC (and for free)

Well it’s been a while since I wrote something here, but now I came across something useful and worth sharing. In a few projects I work on, users upload content to share online. Now while we have virus scanners running, they only scan files saved on disk. I needed to figure out a better way […]

Category: .net ASP.net MVC c# Testing web security

Cardiff NHS hack day or (weekend) and Bcon.cc

I have finally got a little time to sit down and talk about my experience of the NHS hack day in Cardiff last month, organised by Anne Marie Cunningham. Hack days are brilliant for putting Developers, Designers and Domain Experts together in one space to come up with solutions to solve real world problems. I […]

Category: ASP.net MVC communities Mobile Pragmatic programmer

New WHOIS tool to get structured whois information for a domain released

During the development of our WebPageAnalyse project we wanted to give users the ability to find WHOIS information for any domain they like. I tend to do WHOIS for a domain on a regular basis to check who is the owner of a site, i.e. if I need to contact them if they put up […]

Category: tools Tags: ruby, tools, whois

When to use MongoDB or another document oriented database system?

We are building a platform for comparing websites on a detailed level. We are using MongoDB to store all the information and it works quite nicely. We use it to store all meta-information of the domains, because MongoDB better fits the requirements. For example: We retrieve different kind of data for every domain so I […]

Category: MongoDB Uncategorized Tags: mongodb

Lessons learned for large MongoDB databases

We are currently developing a system which wants to analyze all the domains in the internet. This is a really challenging task and not easily done in a few months time. Besides loads of problems, like finding so many domains and parsing them in a reasonable amount of time we also implement a MongoDB cluster [...]

Category: MongoDB Uncategorized Tags: mongodb

How to do a deployment pipeline in jenkins

On our current project we are aiming to reach that goal of continuos delivery. There are a lot of things you need to get right to achieve that but one of the more important ones is a functional deployment build pipeline where a defined version of the source code is being built and pushed through [...]

Category: build servers continuos delivery (CD) continuos integration Tags: cd, ci, continuos delivery, continuos deployment, deployment, go, jenkins, pipeline

ASP.Net MVC, Fluent Validation and testing

In this post, I will show you how I set up fluent validation, to work smoothly with my MVC 2 project. I create a custom model binder to validate view models and show how to validate a registration using fluent validation. Finally I show how to unit test the validation rules I needed for registration.

Category: .net ASP.net MVC c# Testing

Nhibernate returns duplicate results on paged data sets – work around

There is a problem with Nhibernate, when paging record sets, using SQLServer 2008. This offers a work around, to fix this problem.

Category: .net c# nhibernate SQL Tags: c#, nhibernate, SQL

Role Based Access Control in ASP.Net MVC

Currently I am looking at access control systems, and how best to integrate them with ASP.Net MVC framework. While this framework already provides support for role based access control (RBAC), using the membership classes. I need to implement this on a legacy database, and some how integrate the old system with asp.net forms authentication. This [...]

Category: .net c# Uncategorized Tags: Access Control, ASP.NET MVC, Bitwise Operations

FluentNhibernate and Stored Procedures

I am evaluating FluentNHibernate (FNH), to see if it is suitable for a project I am working on. Disappointingly, FNH does not support Store procedures of the box. Of course, FNH is under the BSD licence, so I am sure those who are confident enough can implement this for the rest of us! This post [...]

Category: c# nhibernate SQL Uncategorized Tags: Fluent NHibernate, nhibernate