Internet Explorer 8


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Internet Explorer 8

Details of the changes

The Internet Explorer 8 is out, and clearly there have been some big advances since IE 7. Sadly there have also been some major oversights, but more on those later.

The advances have mostly been in the CSS support, which has actually moved IE forward towards the other browsers. It has made a substantial advance through CSS 2.1, though is still behind the others in terms of CSS 3.

Unfortunately, there are almost no advances at all in DOM support, and IE remains nearly a decade behind the other browsers. Important DOM modules like DOM 2 Style, DOM 2 Events, and DOM 3 XPath have been ignored. The DOM support is basically just as bad as it was in IE 7. The updates are not really worthy of mention next to the missing parts that Web developers are still in desperate need of.

The main changes are as follows:

Generated content uses only the single colon syntax from CSS 2, not the double colon syntax from CSS 3 that all other browsers also support.

There is also a way to make IE 8 break standards and revert to IE 7's archaic and broken rendering (it has several small differences when compared against a real IE 7 install). I condemn any use of this, since it harms standards and knowingly causes problems for other browsers, as it implies they can replicate all of IE's bug-ridden versions. It is a sign of lazy development and is simply a way to show that your own knowledge of standards is so poorly lacking, you should not be making Web pages. If you are only here to learn how to use that mode, then you are in the wrong place; this site tries to help people to write pages properly.


There are also several regressions since IE 7 that cause problems with the display of various pages. These are the regressions I have found so far that cause display problems on this site, and a few others that I help maintain.

The following regressions are present in IE 8 final:

The following regressions have been fixed in IE 8 final:

The following regressions have been fixed in IE 8 RC 1:

The following regressions have been fixed in IE 8 beta 2:

Running IE 8 and IE 7 on the same computer

The IE 8 install overwrites the IE 7 install (though apparently it can be uninstalled). While it is possible to use the IE 3-6 packages, a package for IE 7 is not yet available. IE 8 RC 1 has a menu item and button "Compatibility view" to switch it into IE 7 mode, which is close to a real IE 7 install, but not perfect. A few of the IE 8 script properties still exist, and a few little CSS differences are present. Still, it is not a bad approximation. For now, this is the best approach. Be warned that the IE 3-6 packages have problems with text inputs when IE 8 is installed - they cannot be typed into, or have their contents changed.

Alternatively, there is IETester, which provides IE 5.5-8, and seems much more reliable. It also uses a real IE 7 install, and therefore does not have the IE 8 properties that appear in IE 8's IE 7 compatibility mode.

This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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