
I love those goofy b*st*rds: Ed Wood and Bela Legosi
June 18, 2009, 10:12 am by bottleman. Filed under: alien zoology, love those goofy b*st*rds.

You rarely see top-bottom split screens used in movies, but this scene makes me wonder why not.  Bela Legosi lords over a stock shot of city streets, in the classic transvestite liberation film, Glen or Glendaspacer .  The world-weariness could apply to Solomon himself — if he had a morphine problem, anyway.


There are two kinds of music…
June 17, 2009, 8:11 am by bottleman. Filed under: alien zoology, explosions.

“… good and bad. I like both.” — Duke Ellington, apocryphal


Alien zoology: would that legwarmer look good on me?
November 9, 2007, 2:27 pm by bottleman. Filed under: alien zoology, love those goofy b*st*rds.

I often wonder: Why do humans invent things? Why do we have culture?

Let’s face it, all we really need to do is eat and copulate. Why do we bother with so much more than that? To an outside observer, say an alien zoologist, what could possibly explain all the details in the following picture?


Who are these humans, he/she/it ponders? What are their machines? What, particularly, is the significance of the fuzzy ball on the cap of the human at the right? Is he, perhaps, a priest? …more

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