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=OS= The Oversoul Review Thread

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spacer 12/28/2013 2:33:19   


Hello everyone. This thread is where you as OverSoul players get to give more feedback for the OS development team and try your talents at game reviewing.

So basically we thought it would be helpful for the OS dev team and the game itself and also fun for everyone if we had a place where people try to come up with an honest and polite review of OverSoul.

Below are a few bullet points you can work off of if you decide to post a review, in the form of questions you could try to answer (not mandatory but desirable):

  • What is the name, who are the publishers and developers of this game?
  • What is the object of the game and how do you play it?

    Now it`s time for the more interesting parts, the ones where you give your personal, subjective opinions on the game:

  • How do you find the actual gameplay? Is it fast, slow, rewarding or lackluster?
  • Is the gameplay good, needing improvement? Why?
  • How is the gameplay difficulty, it`s learning curve?
  • How easy or hard it is to get accustom to the concept?
  • What are your thoughts regarding the length of the game, if applicable?
  • What is your opinion on the sounds, the music, the graphics and the animation?
  • How fun and rewarding is a gameplay session? Needs improvement?
  • How do you feel after multiple gameplay sessions spread through a few days? Is the game still appealing after a lengthy period of time spent ingame. Yes? No? Why?
  • How does it hold up with others similar concept games? Why is it better or why is it flawed in comparison?

    Conclusion time:
  • How do you find the game overall? Who should play it? Is it for everyone? Why? Why not?

    If you decide to come up with a game review for OverSoul, remember to remain civil, polite and constructive in your posting. Also this thread is also a discussion one. Feel free to discuss each others reviews, give feedback and have fun.

    < Message edited by James Lu -- 12/28/2013 2:33:19 >
  • spacer AQ spacer DF spacer MQ spacer AQW spacer Epic  spacer spacer spacer Post #: 1 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 12:11:46   

    As a start out I can tell you that I love OS. As a game it has a lot of potential and it is a unique concept that at the current stage that OS is at, I am somewhat enjoyed.

    The gameplay is fluent and fun when you go against other players. There are bugs that would ruin gameplay, but it is fun nevertheless though there are some things that I frown upon though it is fixable at later stages. Boss battles are fun and intriguing, but right now a bit over excessive since the main features of the game like Elemental Weakness, Stats, and Swapping Battles haven't been implemented yet, but the main factor of my enjoyment in OS is of course the AI and soon to come Card Customization.

    It is difficult to find a game that is enjoyable as this with a card battle system and a Pokemon like system of possessing and evolving monsters.

    The animations in the game are great to its style and the music can be a bit repetitive, but so was Final Fantasy. I would recommend changing the music when we fight bosses so it would help engage the player more. On the side there are some repetitive animations as well with some characters, but like I said, OS is very unique to its style.

    This game overall is enjoyable and there are players that would find the gameplay difficult though in my experience it took a couple of seconds to get used to the battle system. I hope to see OS grow with each release.

    - Mon Dez
    spacer AQ spacer DF spacer MQ spacer AQW spacer Epic  spacer spacer spacer Post #: 2 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 12:36:50   

    This is the thread where we can help to improve OS and give our honest review on Oversoul. Ok, time to give my review.

    - The publishers of this game is Artix Entertainment. The developer of this game is Nulgath the great Archfiend and king of OS along with his team, Revontheus the artist of OS and apprentice of Nulgath, Dilligaf the coder of OS and master of Babarians , Klunk the coder of OS and king CRUSHER of orges , Warlic the tester/coder of OS and master of archmage and Rolith the coder/tester of OS and EBIL knight.
    - The object of the game is to help fulfil Nulgath and his teamates' dream of creating a game they want. I play Oversoul with my skills, strategy and some luck depending on the draw of the deck/cards.

    - Dont really know how to answer this question but i find the gameplay to be rewarding because i felt that Oversoul is such a unique game, a game which i always thought of, catching every characters and gain their power. Oversoul is the game which attracts my attention! Able to possess character and use them for training. This is rewarding for defeating every monsters and possessed them.
    - The gameplay is good but it can still improve if we have more gameplay update like card customization, artefacts.
    - The gameplay is simple.
    - I have no clue about this question.
    - Honestly, i have no thoughts.
    - In my opinion, its AWESOME. The song in the battlefield and lobby totally fits in Oversoul!!
    - Honestly, sometimes is fun when you hunt for character and sometime is boring because we need to fight a lot of times to level up to 20. However, with exp boost being released last week, the game improved but it can still improve if we get more releases like storyline and quests although it is still in beta testing.
    - The game always appeal to me because i get to play many different characters and also to train and get stronger in OS so that one day, i will be the top OS player!!
    - Can't compare to other games since OS is still in beta testing but OS is completely a very unique game with many new, interesting and exciting releases like quests, hunting characters and many more!! OS is a game which allow us to possess every characters except Treasure Chest we fought something which other games never does.

    Overall, the game is really fun, interesting and exciting. Since OS is the first AE game recommended for 13+ players, i felt that every player who are 13+ should get to play Oversoul including those who never have Artix master account. Also, Oversoul should not have bosses being so extremely challenging otherwise the players would enrage and may eventually quit OS if every boss are to be OP like Lich, Witchblade and Vergil of fiend. It should make it less OP but challenging so then the players would be satisfy and won't thought of quitting. This is my overall honest review for OS. I believe Nulgath and his team will make the game a huge success in the future as i can tell they are putting in a lot of effort developing and updating Oversoul. I have faith Nulgath will have his dream come true if he puts his soul and mind into it. spacer

    < Message edited by megaknighthero -- 2/8/2013 14:18:30 >
    spacer spacer spacer Post #: 3 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 12:47:01   

    What happens when you cross Pokemon, Yuigioh, Video Games, Constant updates and enough characters to keep someone obsessed for weeks on end? Most would say you get a gigantic mess, but somehow it works in Oversoul. Curreny in Beta it is being Produced by Artix Entertainment and develped by the OS team of:

    Nulgath (Project lead, animator and Archfeind, Devourer Of Souls, Ruiner Of Worlds, Defiler Of All That is Good And Pure, Dage Destroyer and Generaly Not a Very Nice Person)
    Revontheus (Artist and Apprentice to the former)
    Warlic (Coder and Archmage),
    Rolith (Coder and Person To NEVER Say Something Is Too Easy To)
    Diligaf (A barbarain with suprising musical talent) And
    Klunk (I am told he is Official Smasher and Klunker Of Things, and that he sometimes does music when not Klunking.)

    While currently there is no clear objective to accomplish in Oversoul, Players can go hunting for new Characters to find and posess, Earn Gold and XP to level them up, and explore a few dungeions and Quests weither from the lobby opr the world map. Gameplay is based around a card based system where you charge a character's card element energy and use the energy to spend on your hand. Cards have 4 different types: Normal Attack cards, Unblockable cards, Sheilds that protect your health, and Special cards that can devastate your opponent if used right.

    The Gameplay is relativly fast and a good pace, although battles slow the higher level and HP you get. The learning curve is steep but fair, save for the current state of some bosses which may massivly overpower the unprepared. While fun, since it IS in Beta it can get monotonus with little to accomplish yet save leveling and the odd quest. However plans for the game include such things as Artifacts that power up a character in one way but lessen another, the ability to customise card decks,
    Stats and a good storyline which sould liven things up. However, with this not yet applied they cannot be taken into consideration that much.

    The music, graphics and animation are all top notch, although the art style may not be everyone's cup of tea. Music is quite well crafted and fits the themes of it's area apporpriatly. While there HAVE been some major lag issues on this computer, enough to be comented upon, they come and go in the space of a battle and may well be down to inadequate hardware more then the game.

    Overall, Oversoul is a fun game for those why enjoy card based gameplay. Is it not for everyone, since it IS AE's first 13+ game, and it DOES have issues, but then any game in it's Beta would do. I would recomend playing, although to stay away from extended game sessions untill more gameplay mechanics are implemented, which occurs every Friday. Now if you excuse me I have to run away from a Ogre who is yelling that I blabbed about the music thing and plans to KLUNK me.



    Also this thread is also a discussion one. Feel free to discuss each others reviews, give feedback and have fun.

    Tell me what you think of my review guys. spacer

    < Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/8/2013 12:51:21 >
    spacer DF  spacer spacer spacer Post #: 4 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 14:09:09   

    Oversoul. This game was made by the Artix Entertainment, a team that was originally concieved with the desire for world conquest before splitting off between itself and a rival company, Ebilcorp. That's where the game was develouped in secret by Nulgath, Dilgaf, and Warlic of AE until the rights were won back by Cysero in a game of Chess Boxing along with 15 boxes of shrimp and a Brazillian cheeze grader. Ever since, the game has been constantly improving after a successfull nothing went wrong Stress Test *smile*

    The gameplay itself is not exactly as fast paced as it could be due to the lack of an attack increase at higher levels. However, instead players can expect to evolve thier monsters to get better skills. Leveling up increases your health and levels don't carry over to your evolved form, but they can't make the game too easy. But more on that later....

    The game itself is excelent, although there are a couple of junk cards that serve verry little purpose. You can either Charge, use cards to attack or defend, or draw a new hand. This means that much of your combos are random and give the player a good uncertain feeling in an otherwise consistant game. 2 attack cards will always do 2 damage. Players who figure out some more hidden mechanics of the game can usually trump newer players from the strategy aspect alone *look at how much your energy raises each turn. Wink* And you have to pay attantion to how much damage fards do compared to thier cost. As a standard, 2 energy will be used to deal 2 damage. Then there are the unblockable cards.... Most of the time, I never found myself using these. They deal 1 damage for 2 energy. Only in the rare instance of the foe having a counter or verry low health will you use an unblockable attack. While it may seem like a good idea to use one when your foe has a shield, unblockable cards do not effect the shield itself. Meaning you will just have to deal with the shield later. Then there are the boss fights that are being set on a new standard. The theme that really sells the game is that you can use any enemy you beat, meaning most monsters has to be effectively balanced to make harder fights possible. Bosses seem like they will be the exception. You will be able to posess them, but they are made redicuously overpowered for the sake of having a challenge. To keep balance you get a signifigantly weaker character than the boss you beat. I wish the staff could manage some other way of making bosses challenging without having to give us a watered down version of it for balance in PvP and PvE.... But the best I can come up with includes giving a player-deck using boss more energy and full recharge rate at the start of the match. It's something that will HAVE to be fixed later, but for now does not subtract from the game.

    As for the difficulty, it's pretty easy if you use some common sense. Besides teaching players how to draw or charge energy *click the colored circle with a nomber/ click empty card space* there's not a huge load to force players to figure out. First time users may think they just have to wait out the timer to attack, but will probably quickly see the big "end turn" button they can click and put the pieces together. Other than *pay attention to how much energy you gain each turn. Wink* it's pretty easy to get into and most players will understand that dealing more damage in an unexpected combo is better than single attacks.

    The main concept is that you can posess anything you beat in battle (most of the time.) So simple, and yet so awesome! Ever wanted to be a wolf and beat the crap out of knights? OVERSOUL!!! It's something I wish more games did. How many times did you find an enemy in an RPG with a cool design and wondered, "Why can't I be THAT thing!?!?" This is the answear. Although you still have the power of a nomad, it's still fun to play as one! Challenge yourself by fighting as the weakest thing in the game! Of course.... There are some frustrating parts about this........

    Most of the really cool monsters are rare and hard to find, requiring hours of farming simply to show off what you've managed to get. It makes for a long-lasting game, especially if you don't know where this stuff is. Players have to ask each other where they get the cool stuff they're using. Most rare monsters can only be found in a specific area and have a horribly low appearence and capture rate.

    The graphics are nice and stylized. Imagine AQW but closer up. Animations are also pretty good, but you will be seeing alot of the same ones. Jump slash, stab, slash upwards. If I had a nickel for every time a character had that combo, I'd have around 72 cents and a bag of maggot. Why? Because I actually love the maggot's animation! It's a base-level character, moves around differently, and is easilly the weakest thing in the game. But enough about that.... The awesome animations are usually saved for master characters whom, usually, you have to pay for. That may bug some players, but the game is free to play and does have to make a profit at the end of the day.

    Conclusion time:

    Overall, Oversoul is great for someone who wants to play something different and have a character that will stand out well. The more in-tune you are with the player base, the more secret characters you will be able to find. I personally love it, but it's not for the easilly frustrated.
    spacer AQ spacer DF spacer MQ  spacer spacer spacer Post #: 5 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 14:22:03   

    I liked your summary of the game in the beginning, but I would spend less time talking about the developers.
    Also, I would divide my review up into sections (with a heading), and give a general score to each section (like, Combat: 4/5) just like other professional game review sites.

    My quick review:
    Combat: 3/5
    Oversoul does have a unique combat system and it adds just the right amount luck to make battles interesting. The in-game tutorial does a good job of teaching new players how combat works, and after a few PvP or PvE matches, new players can pick up the basic strategies for each element easily.
    However, because the game is still in Beta, and many of the more interesting functions, such as Card Customization, Elemental Resistance, and Team Combat have not been released yet, the gameplay is quite tedious. After the initial excitement of playing each element has wore off, the combat loses some of its luster, and I often find myself using the same card-combos every match. Considering how many hundreds of battles it takes to level any character up to PvP quality levels, this can get rather dull. I often PvE on autopilot and can only get through it by watching TV, listening to music, or reading at the same time.

    Music (4/5):
    There is only 3 soundtracks in the game: Lobby, Exploration, and Battle. They fit the mood of their respective activities very well. After long stretches of playing this game, I sometimes find myself humming the battle theme randomly throughout the day. However, there ARE only 3 songs, and after a while, most players just switch the music off because they get repetitive and annoying. I support what others said before, and wish there was a Boss Battles theme too.

    Overall (4/5)
    The most rewarding aspects of the game right now are capturing extremely rare characters (like Earth Golem, Poison Drake, and Cosoma), evolving characters to Legendary rank, and the occasional challenging PvP match.
    The "gotta catch them all" allure is what kept me going back to the game initially; the training to legendary kept me playing, and the matches with awesome forumites made me stay.

    spacer AQW  spacer spacer spacer Post #: 6 spacer
    spacer 2/8/2013 17:43:24   

    With most characters, it gets dangerously close to a dress-up game. Legendaries prevent that as well as the more unique low ranks. There isn't much variety as the dominant elements are Shadow and Neutral. It still could do some more to earn the 13+ rating, but not everyone would be a fan of such ideas. Themusic is very good, but it could use some creepy dungeon music and different music for different rooms like solace, sleepywo is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.