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World Halal Day is organized in India

Posted: November 1, 2015, 6:50 am
A Halal Lifestyle Festival showcasing over 60 Indian Halalcertified items ranging from biscuits to beauty products is also being held as part of the event

Muslim rights are off for burials

Posted: November 1, 2015, 6:50 am
In Spain there are Muslim cemeteries in Andalusia, Valencia, Zaragoza, Barcelona and the Canary Islands and other places, but insufficient, so the model for implementing new burial spaces for Muslim citizens in the different autonomous communities currently under discussion


Posted: October 31, 2015, 6:50 am
Ten thousand roses i would give you...

As rates of chronic diseases in the ME rise, Australian farmers could have the answer

Posted: October 31, 2015, 6:50 am
As the Middle East grapples with rising rates of chronic lifestyle diseases, agribusinesses in Australia have been cashing in on demand for perceived safe and healthy food, according to a trade and business group.

The Chemical Institute of Sarria go to Halal

Posted: October 31, 2015, 6:50 am
During the event which was attended by representatives of the Institute Halal, Muhammad Escudero and Tomás Guerrero, they have spoken issues such as food safety, quality, healthy lifestyle and mainly issues related to halal certification application in the food industry

Islão em Geral

AL FURQÁN divulga e edita estudos Islâmicos em Portugal (primeira página Islâmica em Portugal)

Mensagem de Id ul Fitr - 2011 / 1432 H

Posted: June 12, 2013, 6:08 pm

Al Furqan

Neste dia de Id ul Fitr, expressamos os nossos desejos sinceros de felicidade para toda a Comunidade Islâmica.

Assalamu Alaikum:

O Id ul Fitr marca o fim do mês do Ramadão. Dizemos adeus ao mês abençoado, aos seus dias e às suas noites belas, espirituais e perfumadas. Deixamos o mês de buscar proximidade com al Gafur, al Rahim, esperando termos recarregado as nossas baterias espirituais.

O Id-ul-Fitr está relacionado com o mês sagrado do Ramadão. Isto significa o fim do mês de jejum (o primeiro dia do mês de Xaual).

O Id-ul-Fitr é um festival único. Não tem nenhuma conexão com qualquer evento histórico, nem está relacionado com a mudança das estações ou ciclos da agricultura. Não é um festival relacionado de alguma forma com assuntos mundanos. O seu significado é puramente espiritual. Este é o dia em que os muçulmanos agradecem a Deus por lhes ter dado a vontade, força e resistência para observar e obedecer rapidamente ao seu comando durante o mês sagrado do Ramadão.

Este dia traz alegria e felicidade no mundo muçulmano. A alegria não é, contudo, pela partida do Ramadão, é a felicidade que o ser humano (crente muçulmano) sente depois de concluir com sucesso uma tarefa importante.

É comemorado durante três dias. Presentes são trocados. Amigos e familiares reúnem-se para rezar em congregação.

A festa do Fitr é a recompensa de Deus para aqueles que jejuaram durante o mês sagrado do Ramadão. Neste mês, os homens devem tentar acumular o seu verdadeiro conhecimento sobre Allah, fazer actos de caridade aos necessitados, renovar as suas crenças para com o seu Senhor, e, portanto, será uma fonte de unidade e solidariedade para todos os muçulmanos em todo o mundo.

O Santo Profeta (Paz e Bênçãos estejam sobre Ele) comemorou o Id e encorajou todos os muçulmanos a fazê-lo. Ele disse aos muçulmanos para usar boas roupas, usar perfume e ir para a Mesquita para rezar a oração do Id. Ele também disse para trocarem presentes no Id, visitando-se uns aos outros, e passar o feriado geralmente de uma forma festiva. Devemos lembrar aos pobres, dando-lhes a fitrah antes do Id.

O dia do Id é para a recordação de Deus. O Santo Profeta (Paz e bênçãos estejam sobre ele) disse: "Dê a beleza a seu Id fazendo o Takbir".

Diz-se que o Profeta (paz e bênçãos estejam sobre ele) costumava sair de sua casa no dia do Id, recitando o Takbir e glorificando Deus em voz alta.

Hazrat Ali (r.a.) disse: "Id é para aqueles cujos jejuns foram aceites por Deus, e cujo culto foi apreciado por Deus. Cada dia que não desobedeçam a Deus é um dia de Id".

O que fazer hoje? Qual a Sunnah da Oração do Id?

Os seguintes actos prescrevem-se como Sunnah no início do dia de Id-ul-Fitr antes de prosseguir para a oração do Id:

1. Acordar de manhã cedo.

2. Lavar os dentes um a um com um mishwaak ou escova.

3. Tomar um banho.

4. Usar uma das suas melhores roupas disponíveis.

5. Usar perfume.

6. Comer um alimento doce, de preferência tâmaras, antes da oração do Id.

7. Recitar o seguinte Takbir em voz baixa, enquanto se dirige à oração do Id:

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Lá iláha Il'Allah; Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar ,Wa lil láhil hâmd. (Deus é Grande, Deus é Grande, Não há outra divindade senão Deus; Deus é Grande, Deus é Grande, e louvado seja Deus.

Prezados Irmãos:

Que Deus nos mantenha no caminho recto no sentido de obtermos as Bênçãos, a Misericórdia e o perdão de Deus;

Que Deus nos dê forças para vivermos como Muçulmanos, honesto e sinceros, dignos de exemplo;

E que o Dia de Id seja feliz para os Muçulmanos de todo o mundo.


M. Yiossuf Mohamed


Muslim Affairs

Comment: "Experts on Turkey" have recently been fantasizing about dictatorship - however little was heard from them throughout the decades of Kemalism. By Abu Bakr Rieger

Posted: June 7, 2013, 10:00 pm
Islam does not envisage any dictatorship

The head of faction group Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazlur (JUI-F) and Secretary General of the religious alliance Mutthida Majlis-e-Amal Pakistan (MMAP) Mawlana Fazlur Rehman, has issued a fatwa that it is haram (forbidden, by Islam jurisprudence) to vote for Imran Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) political party.

Posted: May 7, 2013, 10:00 pm
Beyond the limits and into madness

The recent history of Cyprus is a microcosm of the story of all Western nation-states. An insightful assessment of the Cyprus Crisis and what is means for our generation and our wealth. Written by Pet

Posted: April 6, 2013, 10:00 pm
Learn to Bail-in

Why these creatures band together into swarms that can number well into the millions, written by Peter Miller

Posted: March 8, 2013, 11:00 pm
Swarming Locusts Descend on Egypt

Bangladesh, violence the 1971 syndrome and the unresolved post-Partition legacy of the Subcontinent, written by Moonis Ahmar

Posted: March 5, 2013, 11:00 pm
The violent ghosts of the Raj in East Pakistan

Islamische Zeitung

Islamische Zeitung

Ein Stadtteil für Flüchtlinge: Berlin plant XXL-Unterkunft. Theresa Münch berichtet aus der Hauptstadt

Posted: January 21, 2016, 11:00 pm
Kein Ort für Monate?

Polizeigewerkschaften: Verlängerte Grenzkontrollen nicht zu stemmen

Posted: January 21, 2016, 11:00 pm
Mehr als 2 Millionen Überstunden

Ein Kommentar von Ahmed Kreusch

Posted: January 20, 2016, 11:00 pm
Zur Silvesternacht am Kölner Hauptbahnhof

Stereotype Bilder brechen: Muslimische Bundeswehrsoldatin kämpft gegen Vorurteile. Von Christina Sticht

Posted: January 20, 2016, 11:00 pm
„Es müssen Lösungen her“

Ministerin Johanna Wanka: Islamische Theologie an deutschen Unis wird weiter gefördert. Von Werner Herpell

Posted: January 19, 2016, 11:00 pm
Der Bund will weiter unterstützen

The Muslim News

US begins tightening visa requirements after terror attacks

Posted: January 22, 2016, 8:29 am

WASHINGTON (AA): The Obama administration announced Thursday that it has begun to enforce changes to the U.S. visa waiver program following deadly terror attacks at home and in Europe. The new restrictions affect citizens of Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria … Continued

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Somalia: Two bombs explode in Mogadishu killing several people

Posted: January 22, 2016, 8:10 am

MOGADISHU, (AA): Two car bombs exploded Thursday near cafés in the center of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, causing extensive damage, security sources said. At least six people and eight attackers were killed according to various media reports and several others … Continued

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Obama expands Daesh airstrikes to Afghanistan

Posted: January 22, 2016, 7:46 am

WASHINGTON (AA) – The White House expanded the Pentagon’s authorities to strike Daesh militants in Afghanistan, a defense official said Thursday. “We have made some adjustments to the authorities there to be able to make clear that we have the … Continued

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Nihari Nation

... a place where Irf injects some much needed spice and chilli in discussions about Muslims.

PhD: New World Order?

Posted: October 10, 2015, 5:04 am
Things have changed since the Berlin Wall fell. Some readers of this blog (assuming I have any) may not have even been born during the period of 1989-91 which saw the end of ideological bipolar world (p3).

What was the end of communism as a global power replaced with? With a new unipolar global order based on market capitalism and liberal democratic institutions and processes of government. There was also a strong growth of civil society operating relatively independent of market capitalism and processes of government.

Religion's situation has changed - ironically "its role has grown in significance". Global order could never really control the role of globalised religion and religious identity and culture, especially in the established religions which easily crossed national and political boundaries. At best, global order could try to regulate religion.

So what is global order anyway? "Global order" means more than just the international order of states. Order is

... a concrete state of affairs which is dominant, or rapidly becoming so, in space (the globe) and time (contemporary) in respect of human activity and the surrounding beliefs, values and ideas" (p3).

The collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the bipolar world has been accompanied by globalisation, often seen "overwhelmingly as an economic and technological matter". Religion has entered political and social consciousness largely due to

... the resurgence of a militant Islam and in particular its challenge to modern (Western) values and power.

So "Islamism" is seen as competing with global Western hegemony. (p1) Religion, especially Islam, has come to be seen as a threat to global order and particularly to Western dominance therein. The main threat seen as Islam. Secular political and economic ideology as a source of competing alternative world views has declined. (p4)

A rather complicated way of saying that Islam is the new communism. Perhaps we really are still living in a bipolar world after all. The human race is suffering from bipolar disorder.



JL Esposito & M Watson (eds), Religion and Global Order (2000) University of Wales Press Cardiff


Scherper dan het zwaard

Hoe word ik een schrijfster of schrijver voor Wijblijvenhier!?

Posted: January 19, 2016, 7:00 pm

Eigenlijk vrij eenvoudig. Jij mag als schrijfster of schrijver zelf weten waarover je wilt schrijven. We zijn een website van en voor moslims, maar het hoeft niet per se (direct) te gaan over ‘islam’-gerelateerde zaken. Gewoon wat jou bezig houdt (...)

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Column Khadim Zaman | Gemiddelde verkrachter in Nederland is een witte man!

Posted: January 15, 2016, 1:04 pm

Ondertussen vindt iedereen het wel best dat ome Joop zich elk weekend aan zijn nichtjes vergrijpt. Stelletjes hypocrieten, met je gratis verf-spray uitdelen voor ‘jullie vrouwen’. Wie van jullie heeft zich hiervoor óók uitgesproken over het schrikbarend hoge aantal aanrandingen (...)

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Postbode humor

Posted: January 12, 2016, 4:36 pm

Fatiha krijgt weleens pakjes. Een bezorger van PostNL dacht lollig te zijn... Islamofobie is zooooooo suf.

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Drieluik: Islam, logica, rationaliteit, en wetenschap (deel 2)

Posted: January 10, 2016, 9:50 pm

Anders dan vaak wordt verondersteld, gaat de Islam heel goed samen met logica, rationaliteit, en wetenschap. Dat betoogt Frederica Hugenholtz in een drieluik, gebaseerd op lezingen met als titel ‘Islam, een logische keuze?’ die ze door het hele land geeft (...)

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Drieluik: Islam, logica, rationaliteit, en wetenschap (deel 1)

Posted: January 10, 2016, 9:50 pm

Anders dan vaak wordt verondersteld, gaat de Islam heel goed samen met logica, rationaliteit, en wetenschap. Dat betoogt Frederica Hugenholtz in een drieluik, gebaseerd op lezingen met als titel ‘Islam, een logische keuze?’ die ze door het hele land geeft (...)

The post Drieluik: Islam, logica, rationaliteit, en wetenschap (deel 1) appeared first on Wijblijvenhier.nl.

Patheos Recent Articles

Patheos Recent Articles

Listening at the Watergate: Reflections on Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

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The Real Meaning of Beulah Land: Reflections on Isaiah 62:1-5

"Beulah Land" is the transformed Jerusalem, a marvelous symbol of God's power to change devastation into a marriage-like joy and to do so in such a way that the world may see and act accordingly.spacer

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"Jonathan bridges the gap between ‘addicts’ and the rest of us in a way that calls us to the sacred mission of including all of God’s people in the ministry of the church." —Teresa B. Pasquale, licensed clinical social workerspacer

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SaphirNews.com | Quotidien musulman d’actualité

Islam et musulmans : toute l'actualité sur SaphirNews.com . La rédaction vous propose une information approfondie sur le fait musulman.

L'esprit du forgeron

Posted: January 22, 2016, 7:00 am
Il existe dans le corpus prophétique, une parabole forte connue, mettant en exergue les effets du compagnonnage : i[« Je compare, dit le Prophète, l...

www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans

Rachid Lahlou : Que la jeunesse soit fière des valeurs de la République et de celles de l’islam

Posted: January 21, 2016, 5:16 pm
Un an après les premiers attentats qui ont bouleversé la société française, que faut-il retenir de ces funestes événements et de leurs conséquences...
www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans

Pour une faute d'anglais, la police débarque chez un enfant de 10 ans

Posted: January 21, 2016, 11:54 am
Pour avoir mal orthographié un mot, un écolier de 10 ans a vu la police débarquer à son domicile pour l'interroger et a vu l’ordinateur familia...

www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans

Aslam Timol : Ce que nous voulons aujourd’hui, c’est contribuer à inventer le monde de demain

Posted: January 21, 2016, 8:00 am
Un an après les premiers attentats qui ont bouleversé la société française, que faut-il retenir de ces funestes événements et de leurs conséquences...
www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans

Le pape François attendu pour une visite historique à la mosquée de Rome

Posted: January 20, 2016, 4:08 pm
Une délégation de responsables du culte musulman en Italie a lancé une invitation, mercredi 20 janvier, à l'adresse du pape François afin qu'i...

www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans

Les actes racistes en forte hausse en 2015

Posted: January 20, 2016, 3:11 pm
Le bilan publié mercredi 20 janvier par la Délégation interministérielle à la lutte contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme (DILCRA) est alarmant. Le...

www.saphirnews.com | Journal d'actualité générale et d'information sur l'islam et les musulmans


5 Muslim Inventions That Changed The World

Posted: October 10, 2014, 5:00 pm

Source : Agencies | 10 Oct 2014


About 1,600,000,000 cups of coffee are consumed every day around the world. Billions of people rely on it as part of their daily routines. And yet, very few people are aware of the Muslim origins of this ubiquitous drink.

According to the historical record, in the 1400s coffee became a very popular drink among Muslims in Yemen, in the southern Arabian Peninsula. Legend goes that a shepherd (some say in Yemen, some say in Ethiopia) noticed that his goats became very energetic and jumpy when they ate beans from a particular tree. He had the courage to try them himself, noticing they gave him an energy boost. Over time, the tradition of roasting the beans and immersing them in water to create a sour yet powerful drink developed, and thus, coffee was born.


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Organic Halal Meats Get Muslims Thinking About What It Really Means To Eat Religiously

Posted: October 10, 2014, 4:53 pm
By Carol Kuruvilla | Huffin
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