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Profilo di Thistlecraft Designs


First, let me explain my user name. I have a twin sister, and when my Dad called one of his uncles to let him know that my Mom had just given birth to twin girls, my great-uncle responded, "Well, I guess you'll just have to call them Whistle and Thistle."

I am Thistle, and I LOVE handmade crafts!

  • Donna
  • Nato il 25 marzo
  • Iscritto dal 23 febbraio 2006
  • spacer
    • Thistlecraft Designs
    • Gatesville, Texas, Stati Uniti
    • Profilo
    • Preferiti
    • Follower: 40
    • Contatta


First, let me explain my user name. I have a twin sister, and when my Dad called one of his uncles to let him know that my Mom had just given birth to twin girls, my great-uncle responded, "Well, I guess you'll just have to call them Whistle and Thistle."

I am Thistle, and I LOVE handmade crafts!

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