Donate to Occupy Sandy & Occupy Sandy NJ

Occupy Sandy is a coordinated relief effort to help distribute resources & volunteers to help neighborhoods and people affected by Hurricane Sandy. We are a coalition of people & organizations who are dedicated to implementing aid and establishing hubs for neighborhood resource distribution. Members of this coalition are from Occupy Wall Street,, and interoccupy. We have only just begun collecting donations for the New Jersey Relief effort!

New Jersey Donations


Amount raised as of Jan. 29: $265,009.66

New York Donations


Amount raised: [sws_wepay_donation amount WePay_ID=”492531958″ Widget_Anchor=”50c029349cd2b”] [/sws_wepay_donation amount]

More information about the Occupy Sandy NYC fund

Checks can also be mailed to:

Occupy Sandy/AfGJ
Alliance for Global Justice
1247 E. St, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Occupy Sandy believes in mutual aid and the community that is formed through in-kind donations. In order to recognize that there is more than one form of capital, the money in this account will be invested in long-term disaster relief rebuilding projects and emergencies. All other needs will be filled through in-kind donations. The task of rebuilding communities is a marathon and not a sprint. We thank you for your donations and your support.