
Online Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs | Denise Wakeman

Your Guide to Better Visibility on the Web.


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How Do I Start Building My Platform? #AskDenise



Over the last ten days or so, I’ve had conversations around the same question at least three times. With a friend, on a hangout with Jason Wiser, and in the 30 Day Online Visibility Challenge program … how do I start building my platform, a.k.a. audience?

Platform, audience, tribe, community, followers… without them, it’s nearly impossible to stand out and get your message heard.  Committing the time and effort to building your platform increases your visibility…guaranteed.  [Read more…]

Filed Under: Ask Denise, Online Visibility Tagged With: online platform, online visibility, social marketing

How Often Should I Post to Get Visibility? #AskDenise



One of the most perplexing things about social media marketing is wrangling all the social sites you’re on and knowing what, when and how often to share content. I received this question from Trudy Van Buskirk:

How many times a day do you have to post to get visibility?

It’s not the first time I’ve been asked this question over the years. A decade ago it was “how often should I post on my blog?” Now, it’s “how often should I post on [insert social networking site]?”.

[Listen to the post if you prefer audio]

The first thing to get out of the way is that there are no rules and everyone has an opinion. There is no “right way” or right time to post. It’s tempting to want to follow someone else’s formula, and that’s great for a guideline and setting up your initial schedule. Ultimately, though, you need to test and experiment to find what works for your followers AND what you can comfortably sustain on a consistent basis. Then you have to tweak and test some more. [Read more…]

Filed Under: Ask Denise Tagged With: infographic, online visibility, posting frequency, social media is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.