About Those Darn “Progressives”

Yeah, about that…

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3 thoughts on “About Those Darn “Progressives”

  1. spacer progressingamerica says:

    As is with everything, if you want to understand something, you start at the beginning. In one of the debates, Hillary Clinton said she considers herself a modern progressive, saying: “I prefer the word ‘progressive,’ which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century.”

    She has clearly started at the beginning.

    Have you ever considered who she may be talking about, from that era? She gave us a timeframe in which to focus on. So who are the founding fathers of progressivism? You’ll be surprised what you find, if you take the time to look.

  2. spacer JDF says:

    They’re people of a socialist idealogy. WANT TO GET TO KNOW HOW THEY TICK? READ “THE TEN PLANKS OF
    COMMUNISM” Know your enemy

  3. spacer Marians Musings says:

    Hillary wrote her thesis on Alinsky. In order to understand where she is coming from, you have to trace her back to those roots.


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