
Silver Doctors

Gold, Silver, & Finance News

The History Of SD

It started with two doctors and one dream, educating the masses on the value of hard assets including gold and especially silver., founded in March of 2011, has quickly become a rallying point for the most intellectual of individuals to discuss the precious metal market and current world events. Silver Doctors provides daily gold news and silver news updates to keep you informed of how it may affect gold and silver prices. The website has become a favorite among many respected silver analysts and investors including Jim Willie and billionaire silver investor, Eric Sprott.


Our desire to educate others exceeds far beyond the scope of  Publicly launched in August, 2013, builds upon the community and media innovation developed at  The is an internet media property designed to maximize valuable time of alternative news consumers. We bring high quality content from websites and blogs under one umbrella. team also develops unique, exclusive content that appeals to audiences thirsty for perspectives beyond mainstream media.spacer

We are determined to educate others on the value of protecting your financial assets, so much so, that we launched SD Bullion to help others invest in precious metals through physical silver and physical gold.  SD Bullion debuted in March of 2012 as a service to our readers with the goal of providing the lowest cost bullion available. It is now recognized as one of the largest retail bullion dealers in the country.



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To learn more about the individuals behind the operation, please visit the “Meet The Doctors” page here. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.