Author Archives: Joyce Anderson


About Joyce Anderson

Joyce is a mother, wife, sister, school teacher, Bulgarian speaker, conservative, lover of good music, social media junky and a two time culinary arts Grand Champion bread baker. She and the family reside in a remote mountain community where great discoveries have been made. When not changing the world, she enjoys the occasional bowl of chips and salsa. She can be found at:

A Savior Is Born

Posted on by Joyce Anderson

From the Mormon Newsroom, “A Christmas initiative that includes a video in multiple languages and outdoor advertising in New York City’s Times Square was launched today by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The 2015 initiative, “A Savior Is Born,” focuses on finding, knowing and following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

“We live in a world where the power and influence of God in our daily lives are downplayed and dismissed and where the need for a Savior is ignored and even mocked,” said Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the December issue of the Church’s Ensign and New Era magazines. “For those who are devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ, there has never been a greater need for us to profess our faith in our Savior, privately and publicly.

“The two-minute video can be found at, as well as on the Gospel Library app. The video features children in locations around the world, including Israel, Los Angeles, New York and Utah, quoting Isaiah (see Isaiah 9:6 and Handel’s Messiah) and expressing their personal belief in Jesus Christ.”

Read the full press release HERE. Please share this video with your families, friends, and neighbors this season.

Posted in General

Elder Cook Addresses the Stanford University Convocation

Posted on by Joyce Anderson

spacer Who says the members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles are out of touch, or living in some sort of enclosed ivory towers? They are not, and they don’t. They are very much engaged in the problems we face today, and keep a visible presence in the world.

Yesterday Elder Quentin L. Cook addressed the Stanford University Convocation. In his talk, he stated,

“I am deeply concerned that faith, accountability to God, and the religious impulse are so often seen as antithetical to serious academic pursuits. I am equally concerned that the foundations which have historically supported faith, accountability to God, and the religious impulse are increasingly being marginalized in a secular world and derided and even banished from the public square.

spacer “I believe many institutions have lost their way. They have abandoned the basic moral high ground that gives meaning to this life and has guided civilizations for centuries. It is the heart of the message I am conveying this evening.

“But first, we must acknowledge that the entire burden for training and teaching young adults is not the responsibility of academia, particularly in areas of moral values, faith, and accountability to God. Many families and society as a whole have largely abdicated their responsibilities to assist the rising generation with the moral values that have been the foundation of civilization for the last several hundred years and in some cases even millennia.”

To read the full transcript of Elder Cook’s remarks please click HERE and then come and tell us what you think in the comments.

Posted in General | Tagged Academia, Elder Cook, Families, Stanford

Elder Ballard Addresses World Conference of Families

Posted on by Joyce Anderson

Today Elder M. Russell Ballard addressed the World Conference of Families being held in Salt Lake City. The address is only 21 minutes long. Watch it and let us know what you think about his address in the comments.

Posted in General | Tagged Elder Ballard, Family Proclamation, Natural Marriage, World Congress of Families

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

Posted on by Joyce Anderson

spacer I wrote this post on my personal blog last year for October 15th, which Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. I’m sharing it here, with the hope that it can give comfort to someone, as I feel particularly burdened today for various reasons.


Some years I remember October 15th and some years I don’t.

This year, I think, things have not been particularly hard when I’ve remembered our babies that we lost to miscarriages, but I have thought a lot about the fact that they would have been 8 years old. And for Mormons, age 8 is significant, because that’s when we are baptized into our church. I’ve been thinking about those baptisms that will not happen. Not in a sad way, but with a hint of longing is all.

I remember the fall of 2005 and the winter of 2006 without much fondness. I was unexpectedly plunged into a very deep and lasting sadness because of miscarriage. I just felt totally broadsided by my circumstance. betrayed by my body, and wholly unprepared for how to handle it. It took me almost year for that fog to lift and to feel like myself again.

There were days when I could not face people because I knew I would just dissolve into tears. I didn’t want people to ask me how I was, because I certainly was not “FINE” at all. But I didn’t even know how to deal with the depth of emotions and feelings that I found myself in. I wanted help, but I didn’t even know how to ask for it.

Perhaps that was the lesson for me. Going thru pregnancy loss certainly helped me to understand empathy and compassion in ways I never thought possible, and how to reach out to women in need. It also helped me to understand the indescribable joy that children are. In the spring of 2008 when I was expecting Sweet Baby James, I did not let myself be happy for the first 6 weeks of the pregnancy, not until I heard the comforting whir of a fetal heartbeat on an ultra sound. That was a very blessed and miraculous day.

So, almost 9 years later, what have I been thinking about in relation to pregnancy loss and what it taught me?

spacer First, there are still women who suffer alone when they lose a child. My heart goes to them. I wish I could find all of them, and sit and comfort them — because you are not alone. There are many women who perfectly understand what you are going thru. Pray to find them.

Second, despite the associated sorrow of losing a child, we still have the amazing ability to heal and be made whole thru the grace of Jesus Christ. He truly is a sun and shield (see Psalms 84:11). Days will get better, I promise.

Third, I think losing my first pregnancies made me appreciate my subsequent ones, even with all of the associate complications. Modern medicine is amazing and miraculous. Children are amazing and miraculous. The births of both of my children were amazing and miraculous, because truly we almost lost both of them during their pregnancies.

Fourth, I can even say now that I would not trade the experience of losing my first children either, because I would never want to lose that walk with God.

Fifth, I am thankful for the people that I have met and who I have been able to help, as a result of losing our babies. Most especially my friend Paula, who was a true friend, and to the friends who have come to me privately when they have lost their pregnancies. Even though those were sad times, I am so thankful that I was able to mourn with them and stand with them in their times of need. I’m so thankful they thought to trust me with their sorrow.

So, to my friends who have lost children, either due to miscarriage or some other circumstance — I am remembering you today. And I am looking forward to that day, in two years, when we will have a baptism to celebrate in our family.

Posted in General | Tagged miscarriage, pregnancy loss

Testimonies of Jesus Christ from His Apostles

Posted on by Joyce Anderson

The Church released a video of all of the current apostles bearing their testimony of Jesus Christ, at the time of their calling to the apostleship. It’s a great way to start your day. Please share it with your friends.

Posted in General | Tagged apostles, testimony