Change . . . it happens

"Entanglement .... that is what I'm writing about today."

On December 1, 2012 I posted Life is short.

A little over 2 years later and changes are happening again.

"Being in a triad has awesomeness at its center and a large helping of learning. Sounds like many relationships, right?"

That learning isn't always easy. It doesn't always lead to a continuation of that situation. Learning may cause change.

"Three adults living together (and who knows who the future holds?) has its trials and tribulations; not entirely different from a couple, but potentially magnified - both the good and the bad."

Unfortunately the living situation didn't work out. Different personalities, different habits, different needs - despite incredible efforts from all of us we were not able to make cohabitation a comfortable or safe fit. The trials and tribulations - magnified - were simply too much.

"And it has been beautiful. Wonderful. A dream come true."

That was true of many times living together. Many, many times were beautiful, wonderful, and dreamlike.

"Learning how to communicate effectively in these intimate, interconnected relationships has been a real struggle at times. I was worried that living together might make these things harder for me - and for all of us thereby."

For me, that statement ended up being truth. In the next few months our family configuration will again change with one person moving out.

It's not easy. And somewhere along the way I learned that model of family configuration with our set of individuals and individual awesomeness didn't combine smoothly or comfortably. We gave it a real, hard, long try. The cost to health was high; our family was worth fighting for. It still is.

"My father said to me the other day that I've never been conventional. Maybe not, but I'm having a fucking blast in this"

Still not conventional; not likely to become so. Back when I wrote that post I expected many things would happen if the cohabitation situation changed - relief was not one of my expectations. However, when the announcement was made about the move-out I was filled with relief. Relief that the madness was ending. Relief that there was a new beginning. Relief at change.

I am joyful, excited, and eager for the changes coming this summer. The old wasn't working.... in with the new!

-Lisa, 2015-04-13, Comment

Someone asked

Someone asked that one time
For that one thing
That was impossible to give
and ever so simple

For that one thing
Was a piece of that other thing
and that other thing, too
and that one there, as well

And so with great care
I took the sun and that fragile wave
With charcoal to the wave I copied each page
Each phase
Light and shadow
piece by piece

It was a journey and a long way to go
With much to see and much to do
and in that journey and in that time
I found some pieces of me
that belonged to you

Someone asked that one time
For that one thing
and in the impossibility of giving it
I found the missing piece
of me
that belongs to you.

And now I return
wave in hand
charcoal stained finger tips
and that piece of me
that belongs to you

I reach out my hand
that piece
my heart
beating, talking, reaching
and return it to you

Someone asked that one time
For that one thing
That was impossible to give

I found it
in an impossible place
tracing my way through shadows and light
and all that time
That impossible thing
was mine to give

I give that piece of me to you.

-Lisa, 2015-04-07, Comment

A Faerie named Harry

Once there was a faerie
named Harry
who flew from

She dabbled in pollen
and leaves
and moss

She dove into nests
and branches
and puddles

She flew high over the trees
and into the dark caves
and everywhere in between

-Lisa, 2015-02-17, Comment

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