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The Dhammapada

Question everything;
Be your own light.


  1. 1 Choices
  2. 2 Mindfulness
  3. 3 Mind and Thought  
  4. 4 Flowers
  5. 5 The Unwise
  6. 6 The Wise
  7. 7 The Venerable
  8. 8 The Thousands
  9. 9 Wrongdoing
  10. 10 Punishment
  11. 11 Self
  12. 12 The World
  13. 13 The Enlightened
  14. 14 Happiness
  15. 15 Pleasure
  16. 16 Anger
  17. 17 Impurity
  18. 18 The Just
  19. 19 The Middle Path
  20. 20 Miscellaneous
  21. 21 The Dark
  22. 22 The Elephant
  23. 23 Attachment
  24. 24 The Seeker
  25. 25 The Enlightened
    1. 25.1 About This Dhammapda



1 We are what we think. We come from our thoughts. We become what we think. So, if you think, act or speak negatively, then negativity will follow.


2 All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is made from our thoughts and it is made up of our thoughts. So, if you speak, act or think with true and positive thoughts, then happiness will follow.


3 "He hurt me”, “She was nasty to me,” “He robbed me," – when we keep such thoughts, negativity will grow in and around us.


4 "He hurt me”, “She was nasty to me,” “He robbed me," – when we let go of such thoughts, negativity will stop growing.


5 Negativity is never stopped by negativity. Negativity is stopped by positivity - this is an ancient law.


6 You shall die soon! Once you know this, how can you be negative?


7 If you live just for things, with senses uncontrolled, greedy, lazy and weak, then Attachment will overthrow you; as the wind blows down a weak tree.


8 If you live without looking for pleasure, your senses well controlled, moderate in consumption, confident and endeavouring, then Attachment will not overthrow you, just as the wind does not blow down a mountain.


9 If you wish to live the wise and happy life you must clean your thoughts and remove all dishonesty to be worthy of this wise and happy life.


10 When you have mastered your own nature, cleaned your mind of negativity and filled it with honesty, then you are worthy of the wise and happy life.


11 If you mistake the True as False and the False as True, then you will poison your thoughts and never find the essential Truth.


12 But if you see the True as True and the False as False then you find and follow the essential Truth.


13 As rain breaks through a broken roofed house, Desire will break through an unreflecting or neglected mind.


14 As rain does not break through a well-thatched house, Want will not break through a well-controlled mind.


15 The Wrong-doer mourns in moment and he mourns in the future; He mourns and suffers when he sees the negativity of his own work.


16 If you are kind and honest you will find delight in the moment and you will find delight in the Future. You will harvest the fruit of your good thoughts and actions.


17 The wrong-doer suffers in this world, and she suffers in the Future; she suffers always. She suffers when she thinks of the wrong she has done, and this makes the suffering even greater.


18 If you are kind and honest now then you will be happy in the Future. You will be happy when you think of the good you have has done, and this will make more happiness.


19 If you understand all of these ancient teachings but do not follow them then you will not benefit from them; you will be like a shepherd who counts other people’s sheep, instead of their own.


20 Even if you understand just a small part of these ancient teachings, if you try end your ignorance and attachment, then you will benefit from these teachings.




21 Thoughtfulness is the way to live, thoughtlessness the path of death. Those who are thoughtful and mindful do not live as if they are dead, but those who are thoughtless are as if dead already.


22 When you understand this clearly you will find delight in being thoughtful and mindful, you will rejoice in this ancient teaching.


23 When you are thoughtful, mindful and at peace, then you will be on the path to the highest happiness.


24 If an earnest man has roused himself, if he is not forgetful, if his deeds are pure, if he acts with consideration, if he restrains himself, and lives according to the ancient law then his Happiness will increase.


25 If you are thoughtful and in control of your thoughts you will make yourself and an island which no flood can overwhelm.


26 Fools are careless and thoughtless; they follow vanity and false wisdoms. Be wise and keep thoughtful mindfulness as your best jewel.


27 Do not follow vanity or give in to desire! If you are focused and thoughtful, you will discover true happiness.


28 When you are wise and you drive away craving, then you see the unwise; as one who stands on a mountain looks down upon them that stand upon the plain.


29 Thoughtful among the thoughtless, mindful among the mindless, awake among the sleepers, be wise and race ahead.


30 People praise thoughtfulness; thoughtlessness is always blamed.


31 When you delight in thoughtfulness and fear thoughtlessness, then you will destroy negativity.


32 When you delight in mindfulness and fear mindlessness, then you cannot fall from the path to true happiness.


Mind and Thought

33 Your mind is unsteady, hard to control and hard to aim. Make straight your unsteady thoughts; as a fletcher makes straight his arrows.


34 Like a fish on dry ground, our thoughts thrash and flap, desperate to escape the land of desire.


35 It is good to train your mind. It is difficult to train and control; as it rushes and falls wherever it wishes. A trained and tamed mind brings happiness.


36 Be wise and know your mind, observe your mind. It is subtle, difficult to observe and restless: a well observed mind brings happiness.


37 If you can restrain your wandering mind you will be free from the chains of Attachment.


38 If your thoughts are unsteady you will never be wise.


39 If your thoughts are not leaky and your mind not perplexed by these teachings, if you do not think in terms of extremes, then while you are mindful, you will not be fearful.


40 Know that your body is like a fragile jar. Make your mind like a fortress from where you can attack attachment with the weapon of wisdom. Defend what you have already discovered.


41 Life is so short! Soon your body will be without thoughts, discarded like a useless log.


42 Your worst enemy cannot harm you more than the harm you can cause with your unguarded thoughts.


43 Nobody, not even your family, can help you more than you can help yourself; through understanding and controlling your own thoughts.




44 Who shall overcome this earth and the world of death and gods? Who shall find the clear path of Truth and Virtue, as the garland-weaver finds the rare flower?


45 Will you overcome this earth and the world of death and gods? Will you find the clear path of Truth and Virtue, as the skilled garland-weaver finds a rare flower?


46 Understand that your body is but froth on a wave - a shadow of a shadow. Snap the flower-pointed arrows of Attachment and escape the world of death and gods.


 47 If you are always distracted by gathering life’s flowers then death will suddenly snatch you away; like a flood wiping out a sleeping village.


48 If you are always distracted by gathering life’s flowers then Death will overcome you before your desires are satisfied.


49 As the bee collects nectar without harming the flower, be wise on the path, resting and wandering.


50 Accept the faults of others. Confront only your own faults.


 51 Empty but well spoken words from one who does not mean what they say, these are like a beautiful flower that is full of colour but without scent.


52 But, like a beautiful flower, full of colour and full of scent, are the fine and fruitful words of one who means what they say.


53 As many kinds of garlands can be made from a heap of flowers, so many good things may be achieved by a by wholesome actions and thoughts.


54 The scent of flowers does not travel against the wind; but the scent of good thoughts and actions can travel in all directions, even against the wind.


55 The perfume of truth and kindness is greater than all others


56 The perfume of those who possess this virtue rises up to the highest heavens.


57 Those who possess these virtues, who are thoughtful, kind and freed by truth, for these people Want and Temptation will not ruin their path.


58 & 59 As on a heap of rubbish the Lotus will grow, full of sweet perfume and delight to those who pass by, thus the wise follower of the path will shine to those who pass by them.


The Unwise


60 Long is the night to she who is awake; long is a mile to he who is tired; long is life to the unwise who do not understand The Path.


61 If a traveller does not meet with one who is his better, or his equal, let him firmly keep to his solitary journey; there is no companionship with the unwise.


62 "These things belong to me, and this wealth belongs to me," with such thoughts the unwise are tormented. For if one does not even belong to themselves then how much less do their possessions and wealth?


63 The unwise who knows that they are unwise are that much wiser; they may become wise. But a fool who thinks himself wise, he is a fool indeed.


64 Even if a fool is always with a wise man, he will not understand the truth; just as a spoon does not understand the taste of soup.


65 If a thoughtful man is with a wise man, he will soon see the truth, as the tongue perceives the taste of soup.


66 Fools of little understanding are their greatest enemies, for they make bad thoughts and actions which bear bitter fruits.


67 A deed is bad if it brings regret, and it has as its reward tears, sadness and remorse.


68 A deed is well done if it does not cause regret, and it has as its reward joy and happiness.


69 Some bad deeds may seem to bring sweet fruit, but when that fruit ripens, the real reward is tears, sadness and remorse.


70 A fool may seem to live the wise and noble life, but such actions are worthless compared to one who is truly on The Path.


71 As fresh milk takes time to sour, so a fool’s bad deeds take time to sour; they are hidden and smouldering within them.


72 And when the bad deed is known it brings more sorrow to the fool, destroying any good within.


73 The fool wishes for a false reputation; for honour among the wise and for status above the others.


74 "Let them know my work! Let them all look up to me for guidance!" - This is the mind of the fool; swelling with desire, ego and pride.


75 "One path leads to wealth and fame. One path leads to peace and happiness." - When you understand this, you will follow the Right Path.


The Wise


76 The wise who tell you where true treasures are to be found, who show you what is to be avoided and who guides with common-sense, follow those people; it will be better - not worse - if you do.


77 Let them advise and teach you and guide you away from negativity. They will be beloved of the good, but, by the bad they will be hated.


78 Do not have haters, cheaters and liars for friends. Have kind and honest friends; these are the highest of people.


79 Wise people drink in The Truth and live happily with a peaceful mind. Be delighted by the wisdom of those who are awake.


80 Irrigators guide the water. Fletchers bend the arrow. Carpenters turn a log of wood. Wise people guide themselves; Wise people control their minds.


81 As a mountain is not shaken by the wind, the wise are not shaken by blame or praise.


82 The wise, when they have understood the Truth, become serene, like a deep, smooth, and still lake.


83 Wise people do not long for pleasure. Whether touched by happiness or by sorrow, they walk on, untouched and unattached.


84 For themselves or for others, the wise do not wish for things, wealth or status.


85 Few cross the river of want and attachment, most are stranded on the shore.


86 But those wise people who understand and follow the ancient law, they shall cross over to the other shore, beyond the reach of death.


87, 88 A wise person should leave the dark state of life, and follow the bright state of happiness. They will find enjoyment where before there seemed none. Leaving all worldly pleasures behind, calling nothing their own. The wise shall cleanse themselves from all the troubles of the mind.


89 Those whose mind is well grounded in the seven elements of knowledge (mindfulness, effort, joy, peacefulness, concentration, equanimity and understanding); those who are free from desire and attachment; those who are free from negativity and who are full of their own light; they are free.


The Venerable


90 There is no suffering to those who have finished their journey; having abandoned attachment.


91 They are not content with possessions and place. Like the swan, satisfied, flies from the lake, so they to leave behind desire.


92 Those that have no riches, who feed on wisdom, who see emptiness and freedom, their path is hard to see, like that of birds in the air.


93 Those whose appetites are stilled, who are not absorbed in pleasures, who understand emptiness, their footsteps are invisible.


94 Those are venerable, who have mastered their sense and desires and freed themselves from pride; just as a horse is broken by a masterful trainer.


95 The Venerable are tolerant, without resentment. They are clear and pure, like a lake without mud, free from the torrents.


96 Calm your thoughts, quiet your words and deeds, obtain freedom by understanding the ancient truth and thus become at peace.


 97 Be free from views and opinions, understand causation, remove temptation, renounced all desires, destroy all attachments and become Venerable to yourself.


98 In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep water or on the dry land, wherever the Venerable dwell, that place is delightful.


99 Forests are delightful; though many find no delight. There the Venerable will find delight, for they do not seek delights.


The Thousands


100 A speech of a thousand of senseless words is not worth a few words that are wise; promoting peace and clarity and truth.


101 Even though a poem be a thousand senseless words, a single sentence that speaks sense is better.


102 Though a man recite thousands senseless words, one word of truth is better; for it will lead to peace.


103 If one man conquers in battle a thousand times a thousand men, and if another conquers himself, the latter is the greatest of conquerors.


104 Victory over self is superior than victory over others.


105 None can undo the Victory of one who has conquered themselves.


106 No amount of offering and homage compares to one who has conquered themselves; and grounded themselves in the ancient Truth.


107 If a man, for a hundred years feeds the sacred forest fires, and if he – just for a moment – respects The Truth, better is that respect.


108 The life of virtue and truth is more worthy than one of seeking merit, status and success.


109 To those who respect the aged, four things will increase to them: life, beauty, happiness, vigour.


110 He who lives a hundred years, vicious and unrestrained, a life of one day is better if a man is virtuous and reflecting.


111 And he who lives a hundred years, ignorant and unrestrained, a life of one day is better if a man is wise and reflecting.


112 And he who lives a hundred years, idle and weak, a life of one day is better if a man has attained firm strength.


113 And he who lives a hundred years, not seeing beginning nor end, a life of one day is better if a man sees beginning and end.


114 And he who lives a hundred years, not understanding emptiness, a life of one day is better if a man understands emptiness.


115 And he who lives a hundred years, not seeing the ancient truth, a life of one day is better if a man sees the ancient Truth. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.