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“Abel is a great guy who produces excellent content. Subscribe to his e-mail list. You’ll be smarter, happier, and healthier for doing so.”
- Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec



Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

Hey there, thanks for stopping by. My name is Abel, and a few years ago, I made some alarming discoveries. I learned that almost everything that I thought I knew about health, nutrition, and fitness was completely wrong.

After years of frustration, sickness, and increasing flab, I stopped listening to the “experts,” “gurus,” and even my doctors. I buried my nose in the research and experimented on myself like a lab rat until I found the truth. And man, it was a doozy.


spacer It turns out that my “healthy” low-fat, low-cholesterol diet and “effective” running program recommended by magazines, TV shows, and my doctors, were actually causing me to be fat and sick.

Once I did the opposite of what my doctors told me, I dramatically improved my health – reversing hypertension, healing my malfunctioning thyroid, and effortlessly shedding 20 pounds in 40 days.

Skip ahead a few years, and now as host of the award-winning #1 Rated Fat-Burning Man Show, I help folks to improve their relationship with food, activity, and life by circumventing marketing myths, misinformation, and corporate scheming by eating real foods and engaging in effective, science-backed training to make you lean, healthy, and energetic.

But make no mistake: I’m no guru. I do not have all the answers. YOU are the expert on you. Through my podcast, books, and coaching, I am dedicated to helping others optimize their health and reach their ultimate potential by being their own guru.

After all, experts should help you build behaviors that would eventually put them out of a job.

But with the collective health of the country (and beyond) falling off a cliff, it is more important than ever the help reverse the obesity and health crisis. As such, I share the principles and system that enabled me to dramatically optimize my life with folks who want to shed unwanted fat and improve their health in a way that is completely honest, fun, and lifelong. If I can do it, so can you.

Watch Abel Tell His Own Story in this Documentary…


Discover how to drop fat with chocolate, bacon, and cheesecake. Plus: learn the 3 worst foods you should NEVER eat and the 7 best exercises for rapid fat loss. Click below to to claim your FREE gift ($17 value)!



Questions and Answers


Why did you start your blog and The Fat-Burning Man Show?

spacer Because people deserve to know the truth.

Today, two-thirds of Americans are overweight or morbidly obese. I am extremely passionate about addressing the obesity epidemic and health crisis in order to improve the lives of as many people as I possibly can.

My goal is to create a place where people can have spirited discussions and debate about issues that truly matter – not just fat loss and fitness, but ultimately health and quality of life.

I also feel obligated to expose the truth about nutrition, fitness, and health so that people are no longer reliant upon deceptive marketing practices, misleading corporate propaganda, and powerful special interests that have accelerated the worldwide obesity epidemic and health crisis.

I want to show people that they can eat extremely well – awesome, delicious foods – and not only get away with it, but get lean, strong, and healthy in the process. You can’t argue with pumpkin pie.

When people come to my blog, I want them to treat it as a conversation. I learn from my readers and love hearing from them.

The Fat-Burning Man Show rocketed to top the charts just a month after launching and went on to hit #1 in 8+ countries, taking down Jillian Michaels in the process! How did that happen?

Because you listen! What started as a hobby to help spread the truth about health turned into a massive podcast with half a million downloads a month!

No corporation, no sponsors, no PR or media campaigns – I’m just a dude with a mic who is passionate about helping as many people as I can.


I’m humbled, and I truly appreciate your support. (If you’d like to help spread the word, you can leave review on iTunes by clicking through this link.)

Diet, nutrition, and fitness is a crowded space. What makes you unique?

  • I practice what I preach – and I love this stuff. It’s amazing how rare this is these days. Many diet and fitness professionals just treat it as a job. For me, this isn’t a business, it’s a calling and a lifestyle. I’m extremely passionate about addressing the obesity epidemic and health crisis and improving the lives of as many people as I can.

  • I’m a biohacker. I’m constantly experimenting on myself to see how much our bodies and minds can achieve. This leads to incredibly interesting discussions with the top minds in performance on the show that you can use to level-up your game.

  • I used to be flabby and miserable (see my before and after shots here). Many gym rats selling their “advice” (and expensive supplements and worthless gizmos) have always been fit. I followed a low-fat, “healthy” diet for years and it made me fat and sick. Now I’m not. I feel obligated to share with others everything I learned along the way.

  • The Wild Diet works. So many diet and nutrition “experts” just spout out the same old advice, “Eat less food! Exercise more! Take magic pills!” Nonsense. If you want to judge a nutrition or fitness system, take a good, hard look at a picture of its creator. It’s astounding how many of these people are unhealthy, obviously photoshopped, or even fat and out of shape. Enough of that.

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