
Display Name

Simon Ellinas

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Caricaturist in London


Cartoons, caricatures and illustrations for books, magazines, websites and presentations. Live cartooning at conferences to illustrate the main points of the speeches. Caricatures from photos as gifts and as a live entertainment at parties and events.

Simon has been a cartoonist and caricaturist ever since he could hold a pencil. Published in Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, News of the World, The Week, Life and many other newspapers and magazines around the world. His cartoon illustrations are used in books and websites and he is often booked to entertain at parties with live caricatures or for draw lightning quick cartoons illustrating talks or conferences. He was the official live cartoonist for the Conservative Party at their conference in 2013.

Publisher of Ha! Magazine back in the Nineties and organiser of The Poetry Shack live performance venue. Producer of Chattoon! the chat show with cartoons and organiser of networking group The Harpo Club.



07790 893239

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