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Welcome to the Website of the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research

The Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research, Incorporated (AIPR, Inc., or Parapsychology Institute) was established in 1977 and is a non-profit community association. The AIPR is based in Sydney, New South Wales, and its membership is world-wide.



The aims of the organisation are:

  • To collect, assess and disseminate factual information about claims of psychic (paranormal) phenomena.
  • To support and encourage parapsychology (the scientific study of paranormal phenomena). See Rosemary Breen's study on "Paranormal Experiences".

  • To provide support in matters to do with alleged or actual experiences of a paranormal nature that may require relief of suffering, distress, or helplessness (see seeking help).

  • To undertake or promote activities (e.g., fundraising, social events, etc.) in support of the above.


  • Psychic experiences (or claims of such) should be studied and treated in the same way as other human experiences.
  • The AIPR places psychic phenomena in the broader context of experience, health and illness.
  • The AIPR advocates the use of the scientific method.

The Australian Journal of Parapsychology

spacer The academic aims and philosophy of the AIPR are served through our peer-reviewed journal, Australian Journal of Parapsychology which is published twice-yearly (June and December). The journal features research articles on parapsychology and book reviews.

Australian Journal of Parapsychology

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The AIPR News

The AIPR also publishes a newsletter, The AIPR News, which is available free of charge to journal subscribers. To find out more about the journal and the newsletter, click here or go to the menu bar above and click on 'the journal'.


AIPR Certificate Courses

The AIPR offers four courses in parapsychology:

The AIPR Certificate in Parapsychology and the AIPR Advanced Certificate in Parapsychology. These two online courses give students an education in the field of parapsychology by providing a comprehensive understanding of paranormal phenomena. To find out more, click here, or go to the menu bar above and click on 'education'.

The AIPR Advanced Certificate in Experiential Parapsychology. This course is run for groups of students who like to experience psychic phenomena directly. The emphasis is on having fun; hands-on doing psychic things. There are no exams or written assignments. This course is run in Sydney, Australia. To find out more, click here: AIPR Experiential Course.

Poltergeist Disturbances and Hauntings. Almost everyone has a 'ghost' story involving paranormal phenomena. This course is run in Sydney, Australia. To find out more, click here: Poltergeist and Haunting.



The AIPR announces

AIPR Monograph #3: "Psychic Phenomena and the Brain"

Author: Bryan J. Williams

spacer Psychic phenomena such as extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (mind over matter) have been reportedly experienced by people from all walks of life. But are these phenomena real? And how could they possibly fit into our knowledge of the human brain? In this monograph, Bryan Williams examines some of the latest findings to emerge from efforts that parapsychologists have made to explore how psychic phenomena may be linked to brain functioning. Although they do not yet lead to a fully working theory, these initial findings do point to possible brain correlates that could be a focus for further study using advanced brain wave monitoring and functional neuroimaging techniques.

Bryan Williams is an affiliate with the Psychical Research Foundations. He was a co-recipient of the 2008 Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship Award offered by the Parapsychology Foundation in New York.

Psychic Phenomena and the Brain is available for purchase ($35). To purchase online, click here



Thinking of making a donation? AIPR, Inc. is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as a not-for-profit organization and as such can be nominated as a beneficiary of a trust to receive distributions. For more details contact AIPR Public Officer in Sydney, Mr. Robb Tilley on (02) 9816 4279.

Your support will help keep our website online. Or you might like to see your donation go towards much-needed parapsychological research. If you donate via PayPal, just leave a note on the PayPal page by clicking on: "Add special instructions to the seller".


Or post a cheque or money order with your name, address and funding purpose, to:

Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research Inc.
P.O. Box 295
Gladesville, NSW 2111

If your donation is used to fund research, an acknowledgement will be made to you in any publication that results from that research. Further enquiries in confidence to Robb Tilley on (02) 9816 4279.

Past Event

On Saturday, November 28th, 2015, Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research, Inc., and the Cardigan Fund presented

The AIPR Mini-Conference 2015


Venue: North Sydney Community Centre

(The Morton Room, Ground Floor)

220 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

(rear of Stanton Library; near North Sydney Station)

(car-parking, 200 places)

       Six Lectures on Parapsychologyspacer

                     Chaired by Dr. Tony Jinks*

                           School of Psychology

                           University of Western Sydney

                             (Penrith Campus) Kingswood, NSW

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Mini-Conference Programme

Session 1 (10:00am to 12:00pm)


Mr. Bill Chalker*

UFO Researcher and Author, Sydney


spacer "Strange Brew: Are Parapsychology and Ufology Compatible?"

In this lecture, renowned ufologist Bill Chalker will examine whether the two areas of study, Parapsychology and Ufology, offer insights into each other. Are Eric Ouellet's application of Model of Pragmatic Information (MPI), recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK), and Rupert Sheldrakes morphic fields, three novel approaches, or are they merely Emperors new clothes? Are other perspectives and approaches possible?

Click to see the Youtube video

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Ms. Kylie P. Harris*

PhD candidate, School of Behavioural, Cognitive, and Social Sciences

University of New England, Armidale, NSW


"Spiritual Emergency as a Parapsychological Phenomenon"

Spiritual Emergency (SE) refers to a process of spiritual emergencespacer that becomes overwhelming and difficult to integrate, subsequently sending an individual into a state of psychological crisis. SE may be considered both a transpersonal phenomenon (involving a transcendence of consciousness beyond ordinary states of waking consciousness), and a parapsychological phenomenon (due to the nature of many of the experiences reportedly involved in SE). SE may involve mediumship, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and so on. Ten types of SE have been identified in the literature: shamanic crisis, near-death experience, Kundalini awakening, psychic opening, past-life experiences, possession states, encounters with UFOs, activation of the central archetype, dark night of the soul, and peak experiences. These categories of SE will be described, with a focus upon the psi phenomena associated with each.

Click to see the Youtube video

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Lunch Break - 1 hour (12:00pm to 1:00pm)

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Session 2 (1:00pm to 3:00pm)


Mr. Alexander De Foe* and Dr. George van Doorn*

Alex is a psychologist and lecturer, Faculty of Counselling, Phoenix Institute of Australia, Melbourne, Victoria; George is Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Federation University, Gippsland, Victoria


"Multidisciplinary Approaches to Out-of-Body Experiences"

Dr. van Doorn and Mr. De Foe will examine both historical and modern theories of out-of-body experiences (OBEs), in addition to recent advances that could make it possible to induce OBEs in experimental studies with the use of perceptual illusions.

spacer Part 1 - OBE Theories and Unification: Alex De Foe will canvas OBE theories based in numerous fields, including spacer neuroscience literature, sleep research, schizophrenia research, parapsychology (i.e., extra-sensory perception), psychodynamic and transpersonal models, and studies into perceptual illusions. Alex will also examine the importance of developing a unified definition of the OBE in order to address some of the conflicting perspectives amongst scholars who investigate this phenomenon.

Part 2 - OBEs in the Lab: George van Doorn will explore laboratory-based investigations into OBEs and body ownership illusions (BOIs). The evidence from experimental work will be related back to existing theories to establish which best explains OBEs.

Click to see the Youtube video

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Tea Break - 1/2 hour (3:00pm to 3:30pm)

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Session 3 (3:30pm to 5:30pm)


Paul Cropper* and Tony Healy*

Tony (from Canberra) and Paul (from Sydney) are paranormal investigators


"Stone Throwers and Fire-Starters"


Part 1 - Pursuing Poltergeists in Australia: In early 1998, just as they were preparing a magazine article about other classic poltergeist episodes, Paul Cropper and Tony Healy found themselves, through a very fortuitous coincidence, "embedded" in the most remarkable Australian poltergeist event of the modern era the amazing Humpty Doo episode in the Northern Territory. Tony Healy will give a brief account of what transpired there, examine the various factors that may have triggered the weird outbreak, and compare phenomena observed to those reported during other Australian episodes.

Part 2 - The Global Poltergeist: Paul Cropper will describe his recent investigations at three fire-poltergeist sites in Turkey, Vietnam, and Malaysia, and compare events observed there to those recorded during notable historical cases, such as the fiery persecution of the McDonald family in Wallaceburg, Canada in 1829-30. He will also report on the fruitful historical research he has been engaged in since Australian Poltergeist was published, summarizing a few of the most interesting recent poltergeist reports. In 2016, he and Tony plan to gather the dozens of "new" old cases that he has unearthed, and publish them in "source book" form for the benefit of other researchers.

Click to see the Youtube video

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* Dr. Tony Jinks lectures at the University of Western Sydney, where he teaches neuroscience and paranormal studies to psychology students. He is a specialist consultant for the Australian Journal of Parapsychology and publishes in a wide variety of scientific fields; Mr. Bill Chalker is an Australian author and UFO researcher. His current major focuses include the alien DNA paradigm, the Asian UFO experience, science and the UFO controversy and so-called UFO solid light cases; Ms. Kylie Harris has an Honours degree in psychology, and is completing a PhD, supervised by Dr. Adam J. Rock (Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW; Dr. George van Doorn is a Senior Lecturer at Federation University Australia. His main research interest is in exploring perception. Recently, George has merged his interest in touch with illusions, which are useful in that they can tell us about errors in perception, and thus about perception itself; Dr. Alex De Foe is an academic psychologist and adjunct Lecturer in the Faculty of Counselling at Phoenix Institute of Australia. He has researched, lectured, and consulted in the field, having published a sequence of journal articles based on his work on out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and he has taught parapsychology and transpersonal psychology at higher education level; Tony Healey and Paul Cropper have investigated all manner of strange phenomena, both in Australia and overseas, since the mid-1970s and have collaborated on many projects, notably in co-authoring the book Australian Poltergeist, in which they cover eleven of Australias most remarkable episodes and, in a comprehensive Catalogue of Cases, document every other incident in their Australian files, some dating from as far back as 1845. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.