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    Updated: 03-24-16 10:13 AM
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    Minor patch (6.2.3)
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    Updated:03-24-16 10:13 AM
    Created:11-27-10 11:16 PM
    Categories:Data Broker, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Group, Guild & Friends, Map, Coords, Compasses, Mail

    Broker Everything  spacer

    Version: v2.14-release3
    by: hizuro, Ekaterina


    This addon is a collection of modules to display various informations in the game about the game, your character, friends, guild and more. It is recommended to display the modules with panel-addons like Bazooka, ChocolateBar, DockingStation, NinjaPanel, TitanPanel or single- button-addons like Fortress, StatBlockCore.

    Current: Archaeology, Bags, Calendar, ChatChannels, Clock, Currency, Dual-spec, Durability, Equipment, Follower, FPS, Framenames, Friends, Game Menu, Garrison, GPS, Gold, Guild, GuildLog, IDs, Latency, Location, Mail, Memory, Missions, Nameplates, Quest Log, Speed, Stuff, Surprise, Tracking, Volume, WoWToken, XP, ZoneText
    New in 2.13
    : Achievements, Reputation, Ships

    Info to new modules:
    Achievements: Display the last achievements and achievements from watch list in tooltip.
    Reputation: Displaying reputations in tooltip with some nice options.
    Ships: A list of your ships like follower module.

    Archaeology: A list of factions with fragments and keystones. currently the broker button display green colored faction names if you can solve an artifact.
    ChatChannels: List your chat channels in tooltip and broker with amount of present users. the coloring depends on your chat channel color settings.
    GuildLog: Display the guild log in a better readable style with the option to hide any action you won't like to see in the list.
    WoWToken: Display the current wow token gold price.
    Addon Core: Custom iconset support. Would you like to replace the icons used for the brokers of Broker_Everything? It is possible. Use Broker Everything - Demo Iconset as example to create your own iconset. Please read "For Iconsets and Localization" in the "Important" Section.
    Broker - GPS / Location / ZoneText:
    A click on the tooltip line "Inn" execute the hearthstone. A right-click on the broker button opens a menu with class specific spells and usable items in the character backpack like The Innkeeper's Daughter or Lunar Festival Invitation.
    Broker - Bags: Optional list of item qualities with count and vendor price sum.
    Broker - Clock: Display local, realm, UTC time. Display your playtime for session, level and all.
    Broker - Calendar:
    Since v2.12 with optional displaying holidays in tooltip. (current not complete)
    Broker - Durability: Autorepair function with optional use of the guild funds and guild masters can disallow the automatic use of guild funds by adding "[noautorepair]" to the guildinfo. Optional list of last repairs with date, spend gold and player/guild fund indicator.
    Broker - Equipment: List your equipment sets and your current equipment. the list of current equipment display item level, an # as indicator for unenchanted items, item info (like heroic, mystic, warforged or rank n of n) and Tier Set Number (like T17 or T18).
    Broker - Game menu: Display duration time in of gm tickets in broker button.
    Broker - Guild: Optional displaying applicants in broker and tooltip. Optional displaying mobile chatter in tooltip.
    Broker - Mail: List of chars with number of mails in her box and the lowest days before return to sender.
    Broker - Volume: Master volume adjustable by using the mousewheel on broker button. A list of your hardware in tooltip with the option to change it.
    Broker - XP: XP bonus and a list of equipped items, spells (fast track) and if you are in group with your friend for 'recruite a friend' xp bonus. List of your chars on current realm with level, name (class color), faction (icon) and xp (<current>/<max> <percent>).

    Tooltip scaling and tooltip addons like Tiptac
    It is recommended the tooltip scaling in BE not to use, if you use other tooltip addons like tiptac. It can lead to truncated texts in tooltip.
    For Iconsets and Localization
    I have add some php scripts. the script generates the 3 example files for iconset and localization. I will try to use the php script in this folder to keep all examples up to date... spacer

    Bug reports, feature requests and Support
    On WoW Interface
    * Bug reports
    * Feature reqests
    * Comments & Criticism
    On Curse & Curseforge
    * Bug reports & feature requests
    * Comments & Criticism

    French incomplete [thanks at Chanir from Curseforge]
    German incomplete
    Chinese [thanks at thomasmo from WoWInterface]

    For anyone how is interested to help translating this addon in other languages?

    Please read "For Iconsets and Localization" in the "Important" Section.

    Thanks to Hungtar for the original Broker_Everything and Ekaterina for futher developing.WowInterface and Curse community for an amazing amount of help.

    v2.14-Release3 | Hizuro
    - friends: fix problem with wod 6.2.4

    v2.14-Release2 | Hizuro
    - archaeology: fix error on empty result from GetItemInfo
    - friends: update for wod patch 6.2.4 (don't worry, it is usable for both versions)

    v2.14-Beta4 | Hizuro
    - wowtoken: added missing event ADDON_LOADED

    v2.14-Beta3 | Hizuro
    - wowtoken: fix wrong variable name
    - gold: fix reported error - delete entry results in error message

    v2.14-Beta1 | hizuro
    - tanaanjungle: added new experimental module
    - some code cleanups
    - shared: changed tooltip scanning functions
    - added toggle option for dialog sound and visualized disabled mastersound with grayed text in broker button
    - surprise: added Strange Green Fruit/Ripened Strange Fruit to itemlist
    - ships: added detection for shipyard upgrades
    - missions: removed default enabled status preset
    - memory: added option for update interval
    - latency: fixed swapped labels home/world
    - gps: added Bladespire Relic (id 118662) and Relic of Karabor (id 118663) to transport menu
    - framenames: added ownership of elements by hold shift key and removed unused code
    - followers: removed default enabled status preset
    - equipment: code cleanup
    - currency: fix error on expand/collapse currency list sections by user action
    - calendar: removed debug dump value
    - bags: changed tooltip building
    - archaeology: added quest starter items
    - some code cleanups

    v2.13-Release5 | hizuro
    - ships: fix error in tooltip by holding shift key
    - followers: fix error for user with disabled garrison module
    - ships: fix error for user with disabled garrison module
    - missions: fix error for user with disabled garrison module

    v2.13-Release4 | hizuro
    - follower: added options to limit list size of 'show characters' option by 'all realms' and 'all factions'.
    - ships: added options to limit list size of 'show characters' option by 'all realms' and 'all factions'.
    - garrison: added options to limit list size of 'show characters' option by 'all realms' and 'all factions'.
    - missions: added options to limit list size of 'show characters' option by 'all realms' and 'all factions'.
    - mail: added options to limit list size of 'show characters' option by 'all realms' and 'all factions'.
    - xp: fix 2 lua errors

    v2.13-Release3 | hizuro
    - shared: fix index field nil error in character data migration script.

    v2.13-Release2 | hizuro
    - garrison: fixed lua error in tooltip on lower chars

    v2.13-Release | hizuro
    # no changes

    v2.13-Beta2 | hizuro
    - ids: fix table index nil error
    - update localization files
    - bags: fix hint column span
    - mail: correct spelling
    - missions: fix compare with nil error

    v2.13-Beta2 | hizuro
    - added missing global saved variable be_character_cache

    v2.13-Beta1 | hizuro
    - update .pkgmeta file
    - update localization files
    - modules: adding achievements.lua to modules.xml
    - core: some changes...
    - bags: some little changes.
    - calendar: adding event listing for tooltip and option to hide it.
    - followersgarrison: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache. add some options and option menu.
    - fps: removed some unused code
    - garrison: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache. add some options and option menu.
    - gold: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache.
    - gps: some little changes in tooltip
    - guildlog: changed language string
    - mail: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache. removed some outdated code.
    - memory: adding parts for a graphical memory usage histogram. (disabled)
    - missions: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache. adding icons for ships and follower missions. adding new character overview. adding option to hide character list.
    - modules: adding reputation.lua to modules.xml
    - reputations: adding new module reputations
    - professions: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache.
    - modules: adding ships.lua to modules.xml
    - ships: adding new module 'ships' to seperate it from followers
    - some changes on spell and license detection and tooltip displaying.
    - xp: some changes to use new savedvariable be_character_cache.
    - wowtoken: add option for history with 5 last changes in tooltip, persist reload and relog between chars under 20minutes.
    - gamemenu: change entries for PetJournal to CollectionsJournal plus icons. update PVEFrme and add Heirloom icon.
    - garrison: fix missing building and changed garrison cache forecast
    - gps: added missing itemid 128353 for admirals compass to transport menu
    - expand pendingEquip option to use after death of the player
    - update examples for localizations
    - guildlog: correct spelling

    v2.12-Release1 | hizuro
    - update examples for iconsets and localizations
    - equipment: added tier 18 item id's

    v2.12-Beta2 | hizuro
    - core: fix for bagScan error and adding 2 new global options

    v2.12-Beta1 | hizuro
    - update interface version in toc file
    - shared: some changes...
    - adding module chatchannels to modules.xml
    - adding new module chatchannels
    - updated list of heirlooms
    - surprise: change to use event driven update instead of use 10 second interval
    - speed: adding tooltip with learned riding skills, speed bonus (by race, class and guild) and flight licences.
    - professions: removed '(Experimental)' info from cooldowns section in tooltip
    - garrison: some changes
    - friends: replaced character name from HofS playing friends with name of the friends
    - framenames: changed to display <anonym> and the parentKey if possible instead of nil
    - equipment: extend display of current equipment. Display heroic, mystic, warforged and T17 (for tier 17 items) after the item name. Tier 18 coming soon.
    - calendar: adding holidays to tooltip and an option to disable it.
    - adding new module wowtoken
    - adding new module guildlog
    - adding new module archaeology
    - adding archaeology, guildlog and wowtoken module load to module.xml

    v2.11-Release | hizuro
    - no changes

    w6.1-v2.11-beta2 | hizuro
    - module mail: debug print removed
    - module gps: fixed missing option panel module header
    - core: fixed missing clickOpti is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.