Welcome to the Office of Transfer Services!

Our new name more accurately reflects the comprehensive resources and services that our office can now provide. Although our name has changed, you can still expect the same quality service that is the hallmark of our office.

Our Mission:

The mission of the Office of Transfer Services is to provide the knowledge and resources to empower transfer students thereby creating a smooth and seamless transition. We will work to be student centered by advocating and collaborating to build the bridge necessary for transfer student integration, retention and success.


spacer   Why Transferring to App State Was The Best Decision

I said "yes" to Yosef and I couldn't be happier...read more



Transfer Student Spotlight


Haviv Avrahami

There are many factors transfer students consider when choosing a four-year institution: how many credits will they take, how long will it take to finish, how much will it cost, where will I live, what clubs and activities do they offer....and what research opportunities are available. Read More!



spacer Transfer Student Jalyn Howard elected SGA President  

Jalyn Howard made history this week when he was elected SGA President. Jalyn is the first transfer student ever to serve as SGA President at Appalachian and along with his running mate, Kendrick Dawson becomes the first President/Vice President ticket with two people of color. Read more!





spacer  The Iowa Project: Ryan Hofmann and Emily Montgomery

Two transfer students recently participated in an exciting, unique class entitled the Iowa Project which took them on a road trip to Iowa to witness the Iowa Caucuses. Read more!


NCCC Transfer Guides
The most current North Carolina Community College Transfer Guides are now available. (Additional guides will be added as they are developed).


We encourage you to become familiar with this website as it contains all the information you need to determine how your credits will transfer and assist you in registering for courses at your current institution. We hope you find this site easy to navigate and find the answers to your questions. If not, one of our staff members will be more than happy to assist you. 

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.