Department of Languages and Literature

Welcome to the Department of Languages and Literature. The Department is the largest and most diverse in the College, culturally and programmatically. Our programs and courses offer multiple opportunities for undergraduate and graduate study in language, literature, culture, and language education. Read more...


Russian Concert

Date: Wednesday, April 20th
Time: 5:00pm
Location: 2110 LNCO

The Russian program at the University of Utah invites you to a concert of food, festivities, and student performers. Click the link for more information. 

News & Announcements

  • Sheena Mugavin Receives UTA

    CLCS graduate student Sheena Mugavin has been selected for a UTA to work on first-year Arabic pedagogy. Click the link for more details on her project.

  • Featured Student: Kya Palomaki

    Read about Kya Palomaki, a recent student of German in our department.

  • Professors Guevara and Baumgartner Receive Digital Humanities Grant

    Professors Karin Baumgartner and Gema Guevara have won a grant from the University Teaching Committee with a project in the area of digital humanities.

  • Professor Jerry Root selected as 2016-2017 Honors Humanities Professor

    Professor Jerry Root has been selected as an Honors/Humanities Professor for the 2016-17 academic year.



Click here for a complete list of News & Announcements. 

Quick Links

Academic advising

B.A. Language requirement

Language placement test

Purchase Language Credit

Graduate Language Requirement

Language Clubs

Eta Sigma Phi - Zeta Pi


Middle East




Featured Student

Tianna Tu's learning abroad experience in Tianjin, China inspired her to pursue a career in global health and earn the Truman Scholarship. Learn more about this recent graduate’s experience at the U, and how her passion for Mandarin Chinese helped shape her future by clicking here.

Click here for a complete list of featured students.