
Tarot Readings

Author: thehighpriestess July 22, 2013

spacer I’ve been using astrology and tarot to help work out creative blocks in both my own work and for my friends. I mix in storytelling and myths in my readings, as well as history and art, to help you understand what your strengths are, how you manage your energy, and how to retool your thinking on a project to bring it into alignment with your abilities and interests. I’ll show you how to rediscover your passion.

And with each reading, you’ll get a free copy of the Black Magic issue.

Your options:

Creative Flow

An astrological reading to uncover your particular strengths as a writer or other artist, the areas of interest you should be focusing on, and all the little hidden weapons you have in your arsenal that you didn’t know about. Mixed with a special tarot reading to help you find the direction things are going in, where the trouble lies, and what tools may be used to get things working smoothly again.

One hour Skype session: $120, which
 includes consultation, discussion, a personal report, a copy of our Black Magic issue, and a recommended reading list

General Reading

Have a question that is not about your work? Choose between an astrological reading or a tarot card reading, on a specific subject. (Love, money, what have you.) Can be done either over Skype or simply typed up in a report over email, depending on your preference.

40 minute Skype session: $85, which includes consultation, discussion, a personal report, a copy of our Black Magic issue, and a recommended reading list

Three Card Draw
When dealing with an issue, sometimes a three card draw to see where you are, where you’ve been, and what direction you’re going, can offer an insight of clarity. Available over email only.

Written report: $30. Includes consultation, a detailed write-up and analysis, a copy of our Black Magic issue, and a recommended reading list.

A note on pricing: I do offer sliding scale for clients in need, also barters. Email me for more information.

Disclaimer: for entertainment purposes only. By which I mean, if you are suffering from anxiety or depression or an acute problem, you will need to seek help with a professional. A reading is not a substitute for counseling. If you do not feel safe, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255.

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