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Wholesale Oil Paintings, Picture Frames, Mirrors
 Directly From China Frame Factory & Oil Studio!


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WholeSale Oil Painting WholeSale Picture Frame WholeSale Mirror WholeSale Moulding
USA Oil Paintings, Steve Art Gallery, China Oil Paintings, Xiamen Oil Paintings

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WholeSale Oil Painting WholeSale Picture Frame WholeSale Mirror WholeSale Moulding
New Crafts Group: USA Oil Paintings, Steve Art Gallery, China Oil Paintings, Xiamen Oil Paintings
We are the leading wholesale oil painting factory & frame factory or manufacturer in Xiamen city, Fujian Province, Peoples Republic Of China. We provide wood or wooden frame, picture frame, photo frame,  beveled mirror, stretcher or stretch bar, easel, framed oil painting, unframed oil painting, framed picture and framed photo, picture poster, framed picture and no minimum for oil painting. Factory or Manufacturer - We are the leading wholesale oil painting factory & frame factory or manufacturer in Xiamen city, Fujian Province, Peoples Republic Of China. We provide wood or wooden frame, picture frame, photo frame,  beveled mirror, stretcher or stretch bar, easel, framed oil painting, unframed oil painting, framed picture and framed photo, picture poster, framed picture and no minimum for oil painting.

Discount - If you buy quantity, we have a very good discount. We have a large number of paintings in stock all the time. You can buy oil on board. The price of oil on board is special, 50% charge extra. If you see a picture and you want to order but it is not in our current database, you can still order it, just mail or email us the picture and we will give you a price by email. There is no charge extra. But please send us clearer and bigger picture if possible. 

Oil Painting Quality - The toppest quality or museum quality oil painting is the most special quality. We do it exact as the origianl and use special canvas, speical oil and our most talent , more than 10 years experienced, artist. About the high quality, we just paint them beautiful but not exact as the original. About the commercial quality, it is good quality and good for quantity buyer for wholesale. Same as our economica commercial quality paintings. 

Custom Painting & Custom Frame - If you see a picture and you want to order it but it is not in our current database, you can still order it, just mail or email us the picture and we will give you a price by email. There is no charge extra. But please send us clearer and bigger picture if possible. If you don't find the style of frame you like, you can send us the sample by mail or email and we can do the custom picture frame for you.  Besides, we always upload our new picture frames online once every week. Please check it every week for the new design.

Wholesale China oil painting  - We are manufacturer and supply ONLY 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas. Oil paintings could be impressionist or impression, still life, classical or academic people, abstract, jewish or jew, male or female body nude, portrait by photo, lempicka, landscape, arab or arabic, flower or floral or fruit, seascape, modern portrait, venice street scenes, mediterranean, paris street scene, harbour, gardensetc, original, contemporary, orientalist. The old maters are Picasso, Renaissance, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Mona Lisa,  Michelangelo, Leonard de Vinci, Rembrandt, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Degas, Roybal, Gustav Klimt, Matisse, etc, etc. Now we have list more than 2,000 artists and more than 100,000 different pictures online.

Nous fournissons des peintures l'huile et des cadres Xiamen, Fujian, en Chine. Nous offrons des chssis en bois, cadre photo, cadre photo, miroir. Nous avons notre usine en Chine. Vous pouvez acheter directement auprs de nous.

Wir bieten lgemlden und Rahmen in Xiamen, Fujian, China. Wir bieten Holzrahmen, Bilderrahmen, Bilderrahmen, Spiegel. Wir haben unsere Fabrik in China. Sie knnen direkt bei uns kaufen.

Ofrecemos pinturas al leo y marcos en Xiamen, Fujian, China. Ofrecemos el marco de madera, marco de foto, marco de foto, espejo. Tenemos nuestra fbrica en China. Usted puede comprar directamente de nosotros.

Vi tillhandahller oljemlningar och ramar i Xiamen, Fujian, Kina. Vi tillhandahller trram, bildramen, fotoram, spegel. Vi har vr fabrik i Kina. Du kan kpa frn oss direkt.

Our Mailing Address in China:

New Crafts International Ltd.
Office: Room 2304, No.20. Gaolin yi li, Huli, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 361000.


我們是專門生產油畫和畫框, 像框, 長條, 鏡子, 鏡框的工廠. 工廠在中國大陸的福建省廈門市. 我們有專門的工作經驗迖10年以上的畫家. 他們都是從正規的藝術學院畢業的大學生, 有接受正規油畫基礎和油畫理論的學習, 再加上豐富的創作經歷. 所以我們只提供最好的作品.我們的畫框, 像框, 長條, 鏡子, 鏡框都是使用實木雕刻制作的. 我們可以提供單獨角花框, 長條, 鏡子帶框, 油畫帶框, 油畫等產品. 我们是专门生产油画和画框, 像框, 长条, 镜子, 镜框的工厂. 工厂在中国大陆的福建省厦门市. 我们有专门的工作经验达10年以上的画家. 他们都是从正规的艺术学院毕业的大学生, 有正规油画基础和油画理论的学习, 再加上丰富的创作经历, 所以我们只提供最好的作品. 我们的画框, 像框, 长条, 镜子, 镜框都是使用实木雕刻制作的. 我们可以提供单独的角花框, 长条, 镜子带框, 油画带框, 油画等产品.

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WholeSale Oil Painting WholeSale Picture Frame WholeSale Mirror WholeSale Moulding
New Crafts Group: USA Oil Paintings, Steve Art Gallery, China Oil Paintings, Xiamen Oil Paintings
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