
We love to receive CDs and vinyl in the post – and sending them will guarantee a listen.

We also try to listen to most stuff we get via email, but that is not always possible with the high volume of emails we get (you can find some pointers on what you might want to include here but please include links to at least your Facebook, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp. You can send stuff to the general account, but it’s probably better to email the most relevant person individually below.

Tim [Contact] is the editor and lead author of TBW. Please send physical promos to:
Tim Dickinson
284a Battersea Park Road,
SW11 3BT

Jacinta [Contact] is only accepting promos via email at the moment.

Francisco [Contact] is only accepting promos via email at the moment.

Emma [Contact] loves music in digital and physical forms. Please send CDs and vinyl sent to:

51 Rosefield Road,
L25 8TE

Hamish [Contact] is only accepting promos via email at the moment.

If you would like your song taken down just email the editor (Tim) and he will remove it asap. We try to only post album tracks and tracks actually sent for promo material, but every now and again we love a song a bit too much…

Want to join the team?
We love music, listening to it, playing it, talking about it and sharing it with the world. If that sounds like you then get in contact.

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