January 28th, 2011 by Misti Sandefur

The Right Way to Use Twitter to Improve Your Rankings

Danny Sullivan recently interviewed Google and Bing about social signals. In that interview, Google and Bing confirmed that being retweeted by Twitter users with authority could improve your organic ranking. That being said, I'd like to share a few tips that could help get your tweets recognized by a person of authority on Twitter. In addition, I'd also like to tell you how you could become an authority.

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Getting Your Tweets in Front of the Eyes of an Authoritative Tweeter

"Follow" authoritative people relevant to your industry. Not everyone follows back, but since you're choosing people with the same interests as you, chances are they may follow you as well, so make sure your tweets are relevant to your industry. For those who do return the follow, that's how you'll get them to notice any links you tweet that go to a page on your website or blog. Then you just have to hope they'll retweet.

Retweet links tweeted by authoritative people in your industry. They may return the favor later by retweeting something of yours, and they may even follow you. When retweeting, keep this in mind: Don't go overboard!

Add Twitter and other social media share widgets to the end of all your quality articles and blog posts. This will help you get as many backlinks as possible -- the more who share your links the better, especially if they're someone of authority.

Use #hashtags when posting tips and links. Speaking of #hashtags, try to find out which ones are popular at that moment, and if the popular #hashtags are related to your industry, think of a relevant tweet to use it with.

Earn an Authoritative Status on Twitter

The number of followers you have counts. Although there are a number of ways to increase your Twitter followers, here are two things you can do to gain followers that will stay around for a while.

1. Post relevant and helpful information to keep and gain followers on Twitter. You can share tips and recommend apps, tools or software. Be sure to keep your tweet as short as possible due to the character limit. Try not to use up your entire limit. Others may want to retweet your tips and recommendations, but if you use the entire 140 characters, they may not retweet.

2. Communicate with others. Don't just login to share tips, retweet and link to your content. Instead, spend a half an hour or more reading tweets and responding to those of interest to you. You can even join in scheduled chats related to your industry.

Aside from doing what you can to increase your followers, you should also do the following:

  • Follow authoritative people in your industry. You can follow others with less authority, but make sure to follow quite a few people with high authority.

  • Build natural backlinks to your Twitter profile. Guest posting on blogs in your industry is a great way to do this.

  • Mention others you're following by retweeting any of their tweets and/or links that are related to the niche you're tweeting about. Again, keep the retweeting to a minimum.

Just follow this advice and you should start improving your rankings a bit as well as become an authority yourself. Remember, though, things take time, so don't expect to see changes overnight. Happy tweeting!
Author Info
Misti Sandefur is an experienced freelance writer dedicated to helping businesses and individuals succeed. She provides blog writing and SEO copywriting services, which she has been doing since 1999. When Misti's not writing for clients, she loves inspiring with words through her Christian fiction books. Aside from SEO and Christian fiction, Misti loves writing about frugal living, reality TV, parenting and various other topics. You can connect with Misti on LinkedIn.
This entry was posted in Social Media and tagged ranking, rankings, SEO, Social Media, twitter. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to The Right Way to Use Twitter to Improve Your Rankings

  1. spacer fabian76 says:
    January 31, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    that was a very informative post you should tweet out what you think or what your website is about

  2. spacer Dynamic Web Design says:
    February 1, 2011 at 4:27 am

    This is a very good article spacer
    I would say this is very helpful to someone starting to Tweet. So many clients, when advised to use Twitter as so afraid. They always say what will I tweet about.

    This article will give them a good idea of what to do spacer

    Thanks for the article.

  3. spacer Artur Pinto says:
    February 1, 2011 at 5:37 am

    I’m not a great fan of Twitter, even so this are usefull tips.

  4. spacer Jim says:
    February 2, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    Thanks, I echo Artur, not a big fan of Twitter, have been running specials on it, with not much response. Still, a good article with very helpful information.

  5. spacer Destiny K. Coleman says:
    February 10, 2011 at 4:37 pm

    Twitter has always been a mystery to me. This article goes a long way in helping my understanding of the concept behind Twitter. Thank You!

  6. spacer Jim says:
    March 14, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    I found you need a dedicated Twitter account for each brand or product you are marketing. This complicates issues as you now need to manage multiple Twitter accounts. This article highlights the steps to create a credible prescience on Twitter which will help drive prospects to your marketing site. Good Stuff!

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