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Breaking Down 4.2: Patch Day Guide

posted 2011/06/28 at 9:02 AM by Ashelia

spacer 4-2 daily-quests firelands guide patch patch-notes pve pvp
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Edit @ 7:45AM PST: 4.2 is now live to download, make sure you're patching up!
Edit @ 11:00AM PST: Servers are up and live!
Edit @ 11:10AM PST: As expected, there is a lot of lag out there in Hyjal. It's basically unplayable in Hyjal, but fine in other zones. The keyring is also bugged and still shows up.
Edit @ 2:00PM PST: Ashelia has confirmed that the new crafting recipes for boots and gloves drop from Firelands trash: Screenshot.
Edit @ 3:00PM PST: Bosses give 275 rep; can get to friendly easily farming trash--this means Avengers capes are pretty easy to get.
Edit @ 7:00PM PST: Most trash will give rep until 5999/6000. Molten GIants and Hounds still give reputation to push you into Honored.

Although there was a lot of coverage to be had through out the past two months, we've rounded up most of it into a quick one page guide so you can know exactly what to do when the patch goes live on the servers.

As for the patch itself, it's going to be today after the servers come up. It's weird; most players don't "feel" like it's a patch, this process has been a little different than previous patches. However, it's all but been confirmed by a blue post, so expect to see the patch and also expect to not be able to play nearly all day. If you thought 4.1 was bad, that was a minor content patch; 4.2 is a major one and it has multiple zones with a lot of phasing which means it has a lot more ways to break.

For further details, check out our bigger 4.2 guide or use the 4.2 tag on the blog to catch up.

Table of Contents

  • 4.2 Dailies -- Guide & Phase Rewards
  • 4.2 Changes -- Patch Notes Explained
  • 4.2 Bosses -- Drops & Dungeon Journal
  • 4.2 Tier 12 -- Final Tier Set Preview
  • 4.2 Season 10 -- Ruthless Gladiator Set Preview
  • 4.2 Valor/Reputation Rewards -- Avengers of Hyjal & Crystallized Firestone
  • 4.2 Craftables -- New Profession Item

4.2 Dailies -- Guide & Phase Rewards

This is a guide to the 4.2 dailies--each tab is for each phase. It progresses fairly linearly, allowing for a branched path a couple of times that are fairly inconsequential as you eventually unlock all of the zone. You can use this guide to help determine what loot you want.

Also make sure to do your quests to save Thrall. Although unrelated to the dailies, it awards ilevel 365 capes.

Starting the Quests

Since this quest line takes place in a cleared phase of Hyjal, you will need to have assisted the Ancients and resolved the troubles at their sanctums. If you haven't progressed through Hyjal yet, you can pick up Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients / Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients along with the introductory Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal! / Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal! from your faction's quest board. This quest will serve you as a guide for how much you need to do to unlock the real deal. The next step in the quest chain will become available after Aessina's Miracle.

Marks of the World Tree

Every daily quest as well as some of the regular quests of the Firelands invasion awards at least one Mark of the World Tree. Players need those to progress further through the various stages of the two quest hubs, as well as to unlock new quests. If you end up with some extra Marks, you will always be able to exchange them for capital cities reputation commendations. If you don't need that either, Zen'Vorka's Cache costs 0 Mark of the World Tree and awards you with a random green item or, in very rare cases, a Scorched Stone.

Mount Reward

Flameward Hippogryph is rewarded to players after all dailies are completed--so expect it to take a while to get, but be the ultimate vanity reward for your troubles.

Objective: Stop the assault on the Sanctuary of Malorne.

This is the introductory phase of the event. Players will be asked to assist the druids of Hyjal in their campaign against the forces of the Firelands. Upon your arrival to the Sanctuary of Malorne in the Regrowth, you will be instantly dragged in the ongoing war and will have to defend the area. After the invaders have been repelled, your efforts will go towards putting constant pressure on the fire elementals in Hyjal, as well as protecting the denizens of Hyjal from both fire and invaders.


  1. Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion! / Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!
  2. Opening the Door
  3. A Ritual of Flame
  4. To the Sanctuary!
  5. Caught Unawares
  6. The Sanctuary Must Not Fall

Daily Quests

Every day, you will have access to 3 daily quests, which will award you with a total of 4 Mark of the World Tree. One of the dailies will always be a Rage Against the Flames, and the rest will be one of the short daily quest chains.

  • Rage Against the Flames (every day)
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Those Bears Up There & Nature's Blessing
    Between the Trees & The Power of Malorne
    Punting Season & Echoes of Nemesis
    Perfecting Your Howl & The Call of the Pack
    Call the Flock & Wings Aflame

The Next Stage

To progress past this phase, you will need to collect 0 Mark of the World Tree and complete Calling for Reinforcements. With the maximum of 4 Marks every day and the initial 16 earned from the normal quests, you will complete this stage the same day you started it, entering the Molten Front soon after that!


Objective: Gain access to the Molten Front.

This is the part where you and the druids from Hyjal establish your forward base in the Firelands area known as the Molten Front. Malfurion Stormrage plants a seed from a sentinel tree in a cave there, so that you will eventually have a defensible position to fall back to. Your tasks here, at Malfurion’s Breach, will be numerous and various. For the most part, you will have to defend your base, cull the enemy’s numbers, and examine different parts of the environment in order to gain a better understanding of what you are all up against.

In addition to your missions in the Firelands, you will need to continue your efforts in the Sanctuary of Malorne. Fire elementals are rampaging all over the Regrowth, cute little animals need saving and big ugly commanders need slaying. Hamuul was badly burned during his encounter with Leyara, so you will be helping him - and your forward base - by collecting supplies and vital ingredients.


  1. Calling for Reinforcements
  2. Leyara
  3. Through the Gates of Hell

The Regrowth Daily Quests

The dailies in the Sanctuary of Malorne are mostly the same as before. You have all of the old quests, mixed up with a few ones. The Protectors of Hyjal will be available to you every single day, and its completion will award you with 2 Mark of the World Tree. The Rage Against the Flames now belongs to the same group as some supplies/ingredients quests, so you will only be able to get one of those every day. And finally, you will have one of the short quest chains, bringing you up to 6 Mark of the World Tree every day.

  • The Protectors of Hyjal (every day)
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Rage Against the Flames
    Supplies for the Other Side
    Treating the Wounds
    Relieving the Pain
    Releasing the Pressure
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Those Bears Up There & Nature's Blessing
    Between the Trees & The Power of Malorne
    Punting Season & Echoes of Nemesis
    Perfecting Your Howl & The Call of the Pack
    Call the Flock & Wings Aflame

Molten Front Daily Quests

You get a total of 4 dailies during this stage of the Molten Front development. Each quest awards 2 Mark of the World Tree, which brings you up to a grand total of 4 Mark of the World Tree for all of the dailies during this stage, the ones at the Sanctuary included. As before, mutually exclusive quests (i.e. dailies that belong to a group you can only take 1 quest from) belong to the same bullet point.

  • Hostile Elements (every day)
  • Burn Victims (every day)
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Breach in the Defenses
    The Harder They Fall
    The Dogs of War
    Traitors Return
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Wisp Away
    Aggressive Growth

Ricket's Daily

If you have advanced far enough into the Molten Front progression, you may have completed the quest Additional Armaments. To get there you must have both the Druids and the Wardens recruited (that's 300 Marks), and then spend an additional 125 Marks to complete Additional Armaments. Now, if you are there, you should know that there is an additional daily quest you can complete at Malfurion's Breach:
  • Living Obsidium

The Next Stage

To unlock the next stage of the invasion, you will need to secure the aid of either The Shadow Wardens or the Druids of the Talon. The choice is yours, and you will need 0 Mark of the World Tree for each one of them. With the 15 Marks you received when you complete Through the Gates of Hell, as well as the 14 Marks you earn every day, you will need a minimum of 10 days to unlock one of the two possible next stages.


Objective: Recruit the Druids of the Talon.

The Druids of the Talon are one of the big factions you will need to recruit for the Firelands invasion. Their leader, Skylord Omnuron, resides in the Shrine of Aviana and that is where you will find him should you decide to complete Druids of the Talon. Unlocking the Druids will about double your Mark gains unless you have already been questing for their counterpart - the Shadow Wardens. Then your income will increase only slightly, but you will double your quest pool, so you don't get bored questing for the Wardens every day. Once you have both factions recruited, you can choose which one to quest for every day - but you can only choose one.


  1. Druids of the Talon
  2. Flight of the Storm Crows

Daily Quests

It is worth mentioning that the dailies tied to this stage follow a linear progression of some sort. You will need to complete your four dailies from Stage 2 in order for Into the Fire to open up. You will need to complete that to open the next two dailies - the ones in the Molten Flow. When you are done with those, you will be able to take the two Fireplume Peak. If you have completed Calling the Ancients, you will get one more quest here - Strike at the Heart. This means you'll be earning your 14 Marks from the previous stage, and then an additional 8 for a grand total of 2 Mark of the World Tree. Anren / Tholo and Fire Lasher dailies are not included in this count.

  • Into the Fire (every day)
  • Flamewakers of the Molten Flow (every day)
  • Fire Flowers (every day)
  • Limit: 2 / day
    Peaked Interest (unlocks Fire in the Skies on the next day)
    Starting Young (unlocks Fire in the Skies on the next day)
    Mother's Malice
    Fire in the Skies
    Singed Wings
    Territorial Birds
  • Strike at the Heart (every day, requires Calling the Ancients)

Anren & Tholo Daily

This is a small stage that you unlock if you have already quested for the Druids of the Talon. If you explore the caves of the Molten Flow, you will find Anren Shadowseeker, dehydrated and in need of an escort. Take him out of the caves and he will award you with 5 Mark of the World Tree as well as a daily worth an additional 1 Mark of the World Tree. The daily will be available regardless of which group you choose to help this day (assuming you've unlocked both), but your choice will determine which daily you could get. If you complete Into the Fire, you get one of the two listed below; if you complete The Forlorn Spire, you get one of the two in the Shadow Wardens tab.

  • Limit: 1 / day
    How Hot
    Hounds of Shannox

Fire Lasher Daily

This is a small stage that you unlock if you have already quested for the Shadow Wardens. If you kill a Druid of the Flame somewhere in the Widow's Clutch, he or she will drop a Dried Acorn that starts a short quest chain (beginning with The Mysterious Seed) to unlock the Fire Lasher dailies. The quest chain awards 5 Mark of the World Tree on completion, as well as a daily worth 1 or 2 Marks. The daily will be selected from the same pool every day, regardless of which group (Druids or Wardens) you choose to help this day.

  • Limit: 1 / day
    Steal Magmolias
    Some Like It Hot

Ricket's Daily

If you have advanced far enough into the Molten Front progression, you may have completed the quest Additional Armaments. To get there you must have both the Druids and the Wardens recruited (that's 300 Marks), and then spend an additional 125 Marks to complete Additional Armaments. Now, if you are there, you should know that there is an additional daily quest you can complete in the Furnace:
  • The Bigger They Are

The Next Stage

If you have not yet recruited the Shadow Wardens for the Firelands Invasion, you will want to save up 0 Mark of the World Tree and complete The Shadow Wardens. If you do have them in your team and you just got the Druids to join as well, the next stage will be your call. As soon as you get the Druids to go to Malfurion's Breach, you will see three new quests open up - Calling the Ancients, Filling the Moonwell, and Additional Armaments. You can complete those three in any order you wish, but keep in mind that they all unlock different rewards:
  • Calling the Ancients - Unlocks the Strike at the Heart daily, as well as the vendor Varlan Highbough who sells epic gear.
  • Filling the Moonwell - Unlocks Into the Depths, the vendor Ayla Shadowstorm (who sells patterns for 36-slot profession bags, as well as some gear), and an infinite supply of food in the Molten Front.
  • Additional Armaments - Unlocks two additional dailies (one at Malfurion's Breach and one at the Druids/Wardens camp), as well as the vendor Damek Bloombeard who sells some epic gear and a lot of Blacksmithing and Engineering plans.


Objective: Recruit the Shadow Wardens.

The Shadow Wardens are one of the big factions you will need to recruit for the Firelands invasion. Their leader, Saynna Stormrunner, resides in the Sanctuary of Malorne and that is where you will find her should you decide to complete The Shadow Wardens. Unlocking the Wardens will about double your Mark gains unless you have already been questing for their counterpart - the Druids of the Talon. Then your income will increase only slightly, but you will double your quest pool, so you don't get bored questing for the Druids every day. Once you have both factions recruited, you can choose which one to quest for every day - but you can only choose one.


  1. The Shadow Wardens
  2. The Hunt Begins

Daily Quests

It is worth mentioning that the dailies tied to this stage follow a linear progression of some sort. You will need to complete your four dailies from Stage 2 in order for The Forlorn Spire to open up. You will need to complete that to open the next three dailies - the ones in the Widow's Clutch. When you are done with those, you will be able to take the Enduring the Heat quest. If you have completed Calling the Ancients, you will get one more quest here - Strike at the Heart. This means you'll be earning your 14 Marks from the previous stage, and then an additional 8 for a grand total of 2 Mark of the World Tree. Anren / Tholo and Fire Lasher dailies are not included in this count.

  • Pyrorachnophobia (every day)
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Solar Core Destruction
    The Wardens are Watching
  • Limit: 1 / day
    Wicked Webs
  • Enduring the Heat (every day)
  • Strike at the Heart (every day, requires Calling the Ancients)

Anren & Tholo Daily
This is a small stage that you unlock if you have already quested for the Druids of the Talon. If you explore the caves of the Molten Flow, you will find Anren Shadowseeker, dehydrated and in need of an escort. Take him out of the caves and he will award you with 5 Mark of the World Tree as well as a daily worth an additional 1 Mark of the World Tree. The daily will be available regardless of which group you choose to help this day, but your choice will determine which daily you could get. If you complete The Forlorn Spire, you get one of the two listed below; if you complete Into the Fire, you get one of the two in the Druids of the Talon tab.

  • Limit: 1 / day
    Fandral's Methods
    The Flame Spider Queen

Fire Lasher Daily
This is a small stage that you unlock if you have already quested for the Shadow Wardens. If you kill a Druid of the Flame somewhere in the Widow's Clutch, he or she will drop a Dried Acorn that starts a short quest chain (beginning with The Mysterious Seed) to unlock the Fire Lasher dailies. The quest chain awards 5 Mark of the World Tree on completion, as well as a daily worth 1 Mark of the World Tree. The daily will be selected from the same pool every day, regardless of which group you choose to help this day.

  • Limit: 1 / day
    Steal Magmolias
    Some Like It Hot

Ricket's Daily

If you have advanced far enough into the Molten Front progression, you may have completed the quest Additional Armaments. To get there you must have both the Druids and the Wardens recruited (that's 300 Marks), and then spend an additional 125 Marks to complete Additional Armaments. Now, if you are there, you should know that there is an additional daily quest you can complete in the Forlorn Spire:
  • Bye Bye Burdy

The Next Stage

If you have not yet recruited the Druids of the Talon for the Firelands Invasion, you will want to save up 0 Mark of the World Tree and complete Druids of the Talon. If you do have them in your team and you just got the Wardens to join as well, the next stage will be your call. As soon as you get the Wardens to go to Malfurion's Breach, you will see three new quests open up - Calling the Ancients, Filling the Moonwell, and Additional Armaments. You can complete those three in any order you wish, but keep in mind that they all unlock different rewards:
  • Calling the Ancients - Unlocks the Strike at the Heart daily, as well as the vendor Varlan Highbough who sells epic gear.
  • Filling the Moonwell - Unlocks Into the Depths, the vendor Ayla Shadowstorm (who sells patterns for 36-slot profession bags, as well as some gear), and an infinite supply of food in the Molten Front.
  • Additional Armaments - Unlocks two additional dailies (one at Malfurion's Breach and one at the Druids/Wardens camp), as well as the vendor Damek Bloombeard who sells some epic gear and a lot of Blacksmithing and Engineering plans.


Objective: Recruit Elderlimb and the ancients.

Recruiting Elderlimb and his Ancients unlocks the final daily quests for the Druids of the Talon / Shadow Wardens - Strike at the Heart, where you have to a kill a miniboss in the Molten Front. Investing in this phase will increase your Mark of the World Tree income by an additional 3, as well as unlock a new vendor - Varlan Highbough.


  • Calling the Ancients
  • Aid of the Ancients



Spirit Fragment Band
Nemesis Shell Band
Lylagar Horn Ring
Relic of Lo'Gosh
Relic of Tortolla
Lancer's Greaves
Aviana's Grips
Dwyer's Caber

Hyjal Bear Cub
Mylune's Call

The Next Stage

There is no "next" stage here. You have progressed to the point where all you need to do is fill the moonwell, and recruit the Ancients and the armorer. You can complete those in any order you wish, knowing that they offer different rewards each. Once you are done with all three 125-Marks quests, you are done with the Molten Front.
  • Filling the Moonwell - Unlocks Into the Depths, the vendor Ayla Shadowstorm (who sells patterns for 36-slot profession bags, as well as some gear), and an infinite supply of food in the Molten Front.
  • Additional Armaments - Unlocks two additional dailies (one at Malfurion's Breach and one at the Druids/Wardens camp), as well as the vendor Damek Bloombeard who sells some epic gear and a lot of Blacksmithing and Engineering plans.


Objective: Recruit an armorer.

Recruiting an armorer for the Firelands invasion will unlock two additional daily quests in the Molten Front - one at Malfurion's Breach, and one at your local Druids/Wardens forward camp. Those two dailies are worth only one Mark each, but it's probably worth it to open this stage up early. In addition to those two dailies, you will gain access to Damek Bloombeard's goods as well.


  • Additional Armaments



Meteorite Ring
Ricket's Magnetic Fireball
Fiery Treads
Gauntlets of Living Obsidium
Widow's Clutches
Fireplume Girdle
Belt of Living Obsidium
Rickety Belt
Ricket's Gun Show

Plans: Brainsplinter
Plans: Elementium-Edged Scalper
Plans: Lightforged Elementium Hammer
Plans: Masterwork Elementium Deathblade
Plans: Masterwork Elementium Spellblade
Plans: Pyrium Spellward
Plans: Unbreakable Guardian
Plans: Witch-Hunter's Harvester
Schematic: Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher
Schematic: Flintlocke's Woodchucker

The Next Stage

There is no "next" stage here. You have progressed to the point where all you need to do is fill the moonwell, and recruit the Ancients and the armorer. You can complete those in any order you wish, knowing that they offer different rewards each. Once you are done with all three 125-Marks quests, you are done with the Molten Front.
  • Calling the Ancients - Unlocks the Strike at the Heart daily, as well as the vendor Varlan Highbough who sells epic gear.
  • Filling the Moonwell - Unlocks Into the Depths, the vendor Ayla Shadowstorm (who sells patterns for 36-slot profession bags, as well as some gear), and an infinite supply of food in the Molten Front.


Objective: Build a moonwell.

Choosing to build a moonwell in the heart of the Firelands will do a few things for you. First, you will get to see the story about Leyara finally come to an end (and earn 5 Mark of the World Tree in the process). Second, a new vendor will open up in Malfurion's Breach - Ayla Shadowstorm. And finally, you will gain access to some eternal conjured food while in the Molten Front - food that restores a lot of health and mana and never runs out (e.g. Eternal Sunfruit).


  • Filling the Moonwell



Band of Glittering Lights
Moon Blessed Band
Relic of Elune's Light
Relic of Elune's Shadow
Moonwell Chalice
Moonwell Phial
Globe of Moonlight

Pattern: Luxurious Silk Gem Bag
Pattern: Royal Scribe's Satchel
Pattern: Triple-Reinforced Mining Bag

Crimson Lasher
Mushroom Chair

The Next Stage

There is no "next" stage here. You have progressed to the point where all you need to do is fill the moonwell, and recruit the Ancients and the armorer. You can complete those in any order you wish, knowing that they offer different rewards each. Once you are done with all three 125-Marks quests, you are done with the Molten Front.
  • Calling the Ancients - Unlocks the Strike at the Heart daily, as well as the vendor Varlan Highbough who sells epic gear.
  • Additional Armaments - Unlocks two additional dailies (one at Malfurion's Breach and one at the Druids/Wardens camp), as well as the vendor Damek Bloombeard who sells some epic gear and a lot of Blacksmithing and Engineering plans.

4.2 Changes -- Patch Notes Explained

With 4.2 hitting live, it's time to review the patch notes again and see what changes are happening for each class. Below I put both the patch notes and Ghostcrawler's explanations for the changes so that those who missed them the first time around as a buffer could understand them.

Notable changes not explained by GC:

  • You can dance in combat now
  • All races have their own /roar emote with added sound effect
  • No more key ring, keys, and attunement processes
  • You can reorganize your characters on the character select screen
  • The map animation from 4.1 PTR seems to persist for 4.2 and may make it live
  • Ten new rares that are tameable
  • Valor points are changed
  • New Ground PvP mounts for rated battlegrounds
  • Various new haircuts for both factions

Patch Notes

World of Warcraft PTR Patch 4.2.0 - Last Updated Thursday, June 16, 2011


  • New Daily Quests: The Regrowth and Molten Front

    A large assortment of all-new daily quests and rewards are now available in Hyjal, where players can help the Guardians of Hyjal push back the allies of Ragnaros and establish a forward operating base in the Firelands. In order to partake in the Regrowth and Molten Front daily quests, players must have at least completed up to and including the quest Aessina's Miracle. Once this quest has been completed, players should speak with Matoclaw in the Sanctuary of Malorne to take part in the Regrowth efforts.

  • New Quest Chain: Elemental Bonds

    A New quest line is now available to level-85 Horde and Alliance characters, bringing brave adventurers to Thrall's aid. The Call of the World-Shaman, the quest which will point players toward Thrall and The Nordrassil Summit, can be obtained in Stormwind or Orgrimmar
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