29 Jul 2010

Wings Tattoos

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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Wing tattoos can be affiliated with either gender, mostly depending on the design and coloring of the tattoo. The design can be associated with angels, and is often used as a memorial to a loved one. Wing tattoos are very common and there are several different variations in how the tattoo can be done including the width between the wings, the length of the wings, coloring, and the detail put into the feathers.


Some wing tattoos are featherless, giving the impression that they might be bat wings or some other form that is not associated with the common stereotype of angels. Though mostly thought as male tattoo, wings tattoos are more commonly being used by females. This tattoo is more masculine, because of the rough and dark look it has. Female wings tattoos often have a more subtle, softer look to them, and are usually a brighter color, like white. The placement of wings tattoos also varies. Some are close together near the spine, while others can be spread as far as the shoulders. the length can also vary, going from just below the neck to all the way down the back. Wing tattoos are a popular design and are used hundreds of times a year.

28 Jul 2010

Wings Tattoos

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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Wings tattoos can often have inspirational or spiritual symbolism. That is probably why they are enjoying a new found popularity nowadays. In many myths, wings often have to be earned by their wearer. Wings tattoos are often associated with birds and represent speed, elevation, freedom and aspiration. Wings tattoos can also be associated with angels, however. In this context they represent the spiritual, symbolizing enlightenment, guidance and protection. Wings associated with butterflies, dragonflies, fairies, mythological winged creatures like dragons, griffins, and the winged-horse Pegasus, have an element of the magical about them.


As in alchemy and magic, wings can be transformational, allowing an individual access to a previously unattainable state. The presence of wings allows the combination of different elements, earth and sky, wind and fire. But, the wing tattoo can have other meanings as well. All you have to do is take a look at what the wing symbol means in other disciplines or art forms. For example, in heraldry, wings represent valor and bravery of the highest order or nothing less than a death defying act. An angel depicted on family crest with three pairs of wings represents dignity, glory and honour. So, it’s fairly easy to determine the meaning of a wings tattoo. And there is no better time to get one then right now.

5 Jun 2010

Wing Tattoo

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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This is one of the most unique wings tattoo designs I’ve seen, having not one, but two separate sets of wings, and each set is shaped into a heart. Though the heart design the wings are shaped into is often considered to be feminine, the shading and coloring of this tattoo is almost masculine, having a darker look to it. Most wings tattoo only incorporates one set of wings, which makes this design unique. What also makes this tattoo unique is the subtle differences put into not just each set of wings, but each individual wing.


Differences is size, feather length, coloring, and even width of each individual wing sets this design apart from most wings tattoos. Shaping the wings tattoo design into a another shape is not often done, either. The artist incorporated the shape of each heart well, while still preserving the look of each wing. Each wing is a bit abstract, which gives it a more natural look. Also, the structure of the wings is more defined than most designs. Though wings tattoo design is very common, you probably won’t see many like this, and not done to the caliber that this one is.

4 Jun 2010

Wing Tattoo

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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If your considering a wing tattoo you need to know that there are three distinct sub-genres of this design. These include angel wing tattoos, tribal wing tattoos and Native American wing tattoos as shown in the picture. Let’s go through each of these individually. Probably the most traditional of all angel wing tattoo styles are the feathered wings done on the upper back or full back. These are typically done in black ink only and a kinds of feathery multi layered effect. Tribal wings designs are often done in black or grey scal with very little coloring of any type.


The last wing design is the Native American wing design. Feathers were of great importance to Indian tribes and this design is one that bears witness to this fact. It was believed that anyone who wore an Eagle’s feather behind their eye had increased eyesight and became a much better hunter. Wing feathers were also used in headgear and in Dream Catchers. Symbolically the bird feather connected the wearer to the forces of nature. But, don’t believe that you are limited by these design choices either. You can add other elements to the wing tattoo to make it a true expression of your inner being.

15 Apr 2010

Tattoo Wings

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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Tattoo wings have become a very popular design to have tattooed. The reason may be because of the beauty that wings portray, possibly the religious meanings behind them or it might just be because they look so cool. Whatever the reason, wings are one of the most extraordinary designs that can be had. There are many ways to wear your tattooed wings and lots of design options to choose from. You can add them to hearts, crowns, angels (of course), skulls and even automobiles!! Your design options are almost limitless.


And the placement of the tattoo wings can also be almost as vast. You can put them on your back, your chest or on your arm. Really, they can be placed anywhere that you would place any other design. The choice is all up to you. And how much color and detail you want in your wings will also play a part in the final result. You can get intricately detailed wings in several colors or just simple one colored wings. This is such a versatile design that can be worn in so many different ways that the possibilities are endless. So, work up your tattoo wing design and go crazy!!

14 Apr 2010

Tattoo Wings

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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I have seen so many tattoo wings that I’m almost overwhelmed by them. I have seen tattoo wings done on angels, as part of sport logos and placed on peoples back as a single design element. While I think that tattoo wings are a design that can convey a lot of personal meaning and symbolism, I think that in most of the cases people get them for the way they look. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that. But, it does mean that tattoo wings are often a design that is way overused.


With that being said however, I have to admit that I kinda like the tattoo wings in this picture. While the concept is not all that unique, I do think that the execution of it is really quite good. I think the tattoo artist put a lot of detail in the cross element and the wings themselves have a whole lot of detail in them. Each individual feather is gently added and it gives the whole design a new level of realism. I also like the color of this design. I think it’s simple and not over zealous, though personally I would have added a bit more color to it.

25 Nov 2009

Wing Tattoos

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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This is a set of wing tattoos that has the halo of an angel in between them so it’s a pretty sure bet that the wings are meant to be that of an angel’s. These are not the kind of wings that go all the way down the side of the back but they cover the area across the shoulder blades and they are still some pretty big wing tattoos.


The angel of course probably stands for the idea of someone looking after them or maybe it is suppose to be saying that the person with the tattoo is an angel, as far as their general behavior is concerned.

Some people say that a woman with an angel wings tattoo is trying to represent purity and a man with one is extremely fond of women. Really? Does anyone out there really believe any of that? Not me. How in the world does a girl getting a tattoo represent purity. If anything it probably means she is a bit loose. At least that is the general perception, is it not? And for men, they are all extremely fond of women. Well, you know what I mean.

24 Nov 2009

Wing Tattoos

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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Here is a set of large angel wing tattoos on this girl’s back. These are the kind I really like seeing on a girl. An angel wings tattoo is a beautiful way to express whatever message you seek to impart to others. You’ll have the attention of an entire room, or the beach, or whenever your tattoo is visible at any given time. They say that a woman’s reason for getting angel wing tattoos has to do with a search from something within themselves but it doesn’t need to be that deep at all.


You can go and get the angel wing tattoos on your back just because you can be assured that a lot of men will find it to be a big turn on.

There’s nothing sexier or more mysterious than an angel waiting to swoop down from heaven with an important message, and your tattoo will most certainly reflect that much . So when your ready to at least look around., just head to your local tattoo shop today to see the different designs and styles available to create your unique angel wing tattoos. If you like them there is nothing to hold you back.

23 Nov 2009

Wings Tattoo

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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This is a fairly common style of a wings tattoo on this persons back. All though they are much smaller than I like to see them, they are still pretty cool looking. These two wings go across to each shoulder blade rather than going down the length of the back like the bigger ones do. And these are almost gold in color which is somewhat rare as well. I do not see this color very often on a wings tattoo but I like it a lot. It sort of fit’s the whole angel wings thing.


It is my guess that this girl had no great meaning in mind at all when she got this tattoo. I would be willing to bet that she just wanted to be seen by the boys, or maybe just certain boys, as an angel with wings and I am sure it has gotten her a fair amount of extra attention since she’s had this tattoo. These type of tattoos always get the girl who has it a little extra attention. And make no mistake, most guys really like to see a wings tattoo on a girl. It’s a big turn on for them.

22 Nov 2009

Wings Tattoo

Posted in: Wing Tattoos
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The wing tattoo is one that embodies several different symbolic meanings. Wings are often representative of flight or leaving the corporal bonds of mortality in favor of a spiritual life. But, wing tattoos can also represent peace, love, and the link between earth and sky and between the human and the divine. They are also symbols of transcendence and liberation. Wings are associated with creatures such as dragons, griffins, winged horses, and with the more delicate world of fairies. Therefore there is often a magical quality implied in the use of wing tattoos.


So, these tattoos can portray a transformational, and sometimes mystical quality about the wearers who choose this design. Combining wings with traditional symbols of love, such as the heart, is currently one of the most popular designs of all time. This combination of motifs have been used for thousands of years and was often used as a symbol by warriors in various traditions to signify that they have earned their valor through personal accomplishment or battle. A modern example of this tradition can be seen in the Harley Davidson logo which symbolizes pride and independence. As a result the wing motif is especially popular among motorcycle riders.

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