tag:teabass.com,2009:/posts Posts on Teabass.com 2012-02-05T08:52:14Z tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/679 2012-02-05T08:52:14Z 2012-02-05T08:52:14Z Zerply Profile Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>Zerply is a new professional profile site, like a less spammy, nicer looking LinkedIn, I've created a profile on there if you'd like to endorse my work.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> zerply.com/teabass tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/678 2012-02-05T08:50:36Z 2012-02-05T08:50:36Z Cherry-Pick Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A new tumblr blog I've been working on that highlights some of the best work on Github.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> cherry-pick.tumblr.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/677 2012-02-05T08:47:40Z 2012-02-05T08:47:40Z Post 677 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="www.flickr.com/photos/nez/6623263043/in/photostream/"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.flickr.com/photos/nez/6623263043/in/photostream/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/676 2011-12-13T11:00:21Z 2011-12-13T11:00:21Z Is Eventmachine a worthy alternative to Node.js slides Video Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>The video from my talk at RubyManor about event machine and node.js a couple months ago.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> rubymanor.org/3/videos/is_eventmachine_a_worthy_alternative_to_node.js/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/673 2011-11-26T18:37:43Z 2011-11-26T18:37:43Z Wonderpants Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>The new iPhone game by <a class="scramble.com/">Scramble</a>, the new game studio from <a class="forward.co.uk">Forward</a>.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> itunes.apple.com/gb/app//id476285786?mt=8 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/672 2011-11-26T18:35:55Z 2011-11-26T18:35:55Z Is Eventmachine a worthy alternative to Node.js slides Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>The slides from my talk at <a class="rubymanor.org/">RubyManor</a> about event machine and node.js a couple months ago.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> speakerdeck.com/u/andrew/p/em-vs-node tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/671 2011-11-26T18:33:54Z 2011-11-26T18:33:54Z Forward Technology Newsletter Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I've started a newsletter full of all the cool events and projects we have going on at <a class="forwardtechnology.co.uk">Forward</a>.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> forwardtechnology.co.uk/newsletter tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/670 2011-11-26T18:32:28Z 2011-11-26T18:32:28Z Now Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A small, focused, web-based todo list I've been using for a month or so now based on rails and mongodb.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/now tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/669 2011-11-26T18:31:14Z 2011-11-26T18:31:14Z Forward Technology Movember Team Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>Some of us from <a class="forwardtechnology.co.uk">Forward</a> have been growing our mo's for Movember, any donations would be much appreciated.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> uk.movember.com/donate/team-details/id/224380/searchTerm/Forward+Technology tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/668 2011-11-26T18:29:38Z 2011-11-26T18:29:38Z Forward Technology Batcat Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A fun little page I whipped up last week on the <a class="forwardtechnology.co.uk">Forward Technology</a> site, you might also spot Batcat hiding in our <a class="forwardtechnology.co.uk/developers">developer</a> page</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> forwardtechnology.co.uk/batcat tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/667 2011-11-26T18:28:04Z 2011-11-26T18:28:04Z Lanyrd Gem Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I've started building a little gem for interacting with the unofficial <a class="lanyrd.com">Lanyrd</a> API, which I found by watching how their new <a class="lanyrd.com/iphone/">iPhone app</a> loads it data.</p> <p>Once they release an official api I'll switch it to use that.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/lanyrd tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/675 2011-11-30T13:50:43Z 2011-11-30T13:50:43Z Split.js Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A clientside A/B testing library I put together this morning.</p> <p>It currently uses google analytics as the datastore for experiments, this may be extended to handle multiple data stores in the future including the Split ruby library.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/split.js tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/674 2011-11-26T18:43:44Z 2011-11-26T18:43:44Z Post 674 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="www.flickr.com/photos/nez/6268840846"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.flickr.com/photos/nez/6268840846 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/666 2011-11-26T18:25:25Z 2011-11-26T18:25:25Z Andrew-Nesbitt.com Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I whipped up a little profile site for myself one evening with some fun webkit-transitions.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> andrew-nesbitt.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/665 2011-11-26T18:24:20Z 2011-11-26T18:24:20Z LNUG Lanyrd Series Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>We've had three successful <a class="lnug.org">#LNUG</a> meetups now, you can see all the slides and videos in this custom Lanyrd series page.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> lanyrd.com/series/lnug/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/664 2011-11-26T18:23:04Z 2011-11-26T18:23:04Z HN London: Andrew Nesbit - Form Analytics With inForm Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>The video of recent presentation I did at <a class="www.meetup.com/HNLondon/">Hacker News London</a> about <a class="inform.forwardtechnology.co.uk/">InForm</a> last week.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> vimeo.com/32617520 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/663 2011-11-26T18:20:50Z 2011-11-26T18:20:50Z Split 0.3.1 released Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>There is some general code tidying, performance increases and a couple bug fixes in this release of the rest-based A/B testing gem.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/split/commit/aca2c5e9ec89eba63fc332639ddde136605e77bd tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/662 2011-10-22T20:42:45Z 2011-10-22T20:42:45Z Post 662 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="it8bit.com/post/11696202617/keep-calm-konami"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> it8bit.com/post/11696202617/keep-calm-konami tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/660 2011-10-09T09:52:18Z 2011-10-09T09:52:18Z Post 660 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="www.72pins.com/product/super-meat-boy"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.72pins.com/product/super-meat-boy tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/659 2011-10-09T09:51:12Z 2011-10-09T09:51:12Z Post 659 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="tomtrager.tumblr.com/post/11061803564/the-it-crowd-nes-game-brought-to-you-by-reynholm"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> tomtrager.tumblr.com/post/11061803564/the-it-crowd-nes-game-brought-to-you-by-reynholm tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/658 2011-10-09T09:49:55Z 2011-10-09T09:49:55Z Post 658 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="fitz-fitzpatrick.deviantart.com/#/d4bot52"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> fitz-fitzpatrick.deviantart.com/#/d4bot52 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/661 2011-10-09T20:31:30Z 2011-10-09T20:31:30Z Split 0.3.0 Released Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I've just released 0.3 of the rack based A/B Testing gem, split to rubygems.</p> <p>It includes a redesigned dashboard, weighted alternatives and a number of small bug fixes.</p> <p>Weighted alternatives are pretty cool, especially if you want to test out a controversial design without risking your bottom line. You can specify weights for each alternative in your experiment which will change the likely hood of a user receiving that alternative.</p> <p>For example:</p> <pre><code>ab_test('homepage design', 'old' =&gt; 8, 'new' =&gt; 2) </code></pre> <p>Now only 20% of users will see the new homepage rather than the default 50%, allowing you to test it without risking large amounts of revenue loss from a bad test.</p> <p>The full changelog is on <a class="https://github.com/andrew/split/commit/610531ec41da460f8a48289725651909719a95be#diff-0">github</a>.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://rubygems.org/gems/split/versions/0.3.0 tag:teabass.com,2009:Blog/657 2011-10-09T08:19:34Z 2011-10-09T12:03:50Z A/B testing everything with Split Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content'><p>I've just returned from Ghent, Belgium where I had the pleasure of speaking at <a class="arrrrcamp.be/">ArrrrCamp 5</a>.</p> <p>This was the first time I've officially spoke at a conference, my talk was about A/B testing ruby web apps and sites with <a class="https://github.com/andrew/split">Split</a>.</p> <p>The slides are available on the awesome <a class="speakerdeck.com/u/andrew/p/b-testing-everything-with-split">Speakerdeck</a> and the videos should be up within a couple weeks.</p> <p>Although I've been doing a/b tests on and off for the past 6 months, I researched the topic quite a lot, I found these books particularly useful:</p> <ul> <li><a class="www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0470290633/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=teabass-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738&amp;creativeASIN=0470290633">Always Be Testing</a></li> <li><a class="www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0470174625/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=teabass-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=19450&amp;creativeASIN=0470174625">Landing Page Optimization</a></li> </ul> <p>And these sites and blogposts are helpful too:</p> <ul> <li><a class="www.abtests.com/">ABtests.com</a></li> <li><a class="robots.thoughtbot.com/post/9595887299/recipe-a-b-testing-with-kissmetrics-and-the-split-gem">Recipe: A/B testing with KISSMetrics and the split gem</a></li> <li><a class="www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/06/24/the-ultimate-guide-to-a-b-testing/">The Ultimate Guide To A/B Testing</a></li> <li><a class="visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/split-testing-blog/">Visual Website Optimizer Blog</a></li> <li><a class="37signals.com/svn/posts/3004-ab-testing-tech-note-determining-sample-size">A/B Testing Tech Note: determining sample size</a></li> <li><a class="playbook.thoughtbot.com/validating-customers/a-b-testing/">Thoughtbot Playbook - A/B Testing</a></li> <li><a class="37signals.com/svn/posts/2991-behind-the-scenes-ab-testing-part-3-final">Behind the scenes: A/B testing part 3: Finalé</a></li> <li><a class="37signals.com/svn/posts/1525-writing-decisions-headline-tests-on-the-highrise-signup-page">Writing Decisions: Headline tests on the Highrise signup page</a></li> </ul> </div> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> teabass.com/posts/a-b-testing-everything-with-split tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/656 2011-09-15T21:21:44Z 2011-09-15T21:21:44Z inForm Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A new analytics product we've been working on over the past couple weeks at <a class="forwardtechnology.co.uk">Forward</a> that will give you insight into the forms on your sites that you've never had before.</p> <p>We should be launching it in a week or so but if you want in early enter your email in the form today, and yes we are tracking our own signup form with the new product!</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> inform.forwardtechnology.co.uk tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/655 2011-09-10T12:03:15Z 2011-09-10T12:03:15Z Keymaster Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A neat little javascript microframework for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts in your web apps.</p> <p>You use it like so:</p> <pre><code>// define short of 'a' key('a', function(){ alert('you pressed a!') }); // returning false stops the event and prevents default browser event key('ctrl+r', function(){ alert('stopped reload!'); return false }); // multiple shortcuts that do the same thing key('⌘+r, ctrl+r', function(){ }); </code></pre> <p>Very cool.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/madrobby/keymaster tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/654 2011-08-29T16:06:59Z 2011-08-29T16:06:59Z Instareader and Instascraper Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I'm a fairly heavy user of <a class="www.instapaper.com">Instapaper</a>, and with the recent fullscreen features in Lion I wanted a nice instapaper reader for my mac to complement the iPad and iPhone clients.</p> <p>Unfortunately Instapaper charge users for access to their api (not developers), I believe this is because the only source of revenue comes from the sale of iOS apps and they do that to ensure no-one can build a better app because most users would have to api (which 99% do not).</p> <p>So instead I made use of the awesome <a class="">mechanize </a> gem and made my own api by logging into the web interface and scraping down the data, I've made this api available as the <a class="https://github.com/andrew/instascraper">instascraper</a> rubygem.</p> <p>Then based on that api I've built a small rails 3.1 app called <a class="https://github.com/andrew/instareader">Instareader</a> that provides a beautiful web interface for reading. You can either load this in safari or chrome, make it full screen and there you go, a free, clean desktop client for instapaper.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/instareader tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/653 2011-08-29T15:52:36Z 2011-08-29T15:52:36Z London Node.js User Group September Meetup Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I've been organising the first meetup of the newly formed <a class="https://groups.google.com/group/lnug">London Node.js User Group</a> (lnug for short), hosted in our offices at Forward in Camden.</p> <p>If you use Node.js or would like to find out more then come along, you can register for free tickets here: <a class="lnugseptember11.eventbrite.com/">lnugseptember11.eventbrite.com</a></p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> forwardtechnology.co.uk/events/london-node-dot-js-user-group-september-meetup tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/652 2011-08-29T15:41:27Z 2011-08-29T15:41:27Z Metris Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>This week a few guys from Forward and I hacked together a little game for the <a class="nodeknockout.com">Node Knockout</a>, a 48 hour code coding competition, much like the <a class="railsrumble.com">Rails Rumble</a> except that you must use <a class="nodejs.org">Node.js</a>.</p> <p>Metris is a massively multiplayer version of Tetris, the arena is much wider than a normal game of Tetris, allowing room for up to 5+ people to work together to wipe out rows.</p> <p>It was my first real experience with building a production node.js app and I found it quite interesting, I really like <a class="expressjs.com">express</a>, <a class="jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/">coffee-script</a> and <a class="pusher.com">pusher</a>, but didn't get on so well with <a class="jade-lang.com">jade</a> templating, it feels like a half completed haml.</p> <p>The public voting is going on right now so if you like the game please do show some love on our entry page: <strong><a class="nodeknockout.com/teams/forward">nodeknockout.com/teams/forward</a></strong></p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> nko2-forward.herokuapp.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/651 2011-08-14T10:08:25Z 2011-08-14T10:08:25Z Mustachio Chrome Extension Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A fun little extension we built on friday afternoon, it uses the awesome <a class="https://github.com/afeld/mustachio">mustachio</a> which in turn uses the <a class="face.com">Face.com</a> api to detect faces in pictures and then add moustaches to any it finds.</p> <p>Our extension applies this to every image on every site you view, making the web a much hairier place!</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/khaoakmndhjandiaaadnjgnbchillcdj tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/650 2011-08-07T12:05:15Z 2011-08-07T12:05:15Z Chocolat Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>This looks like it's going to be the unofficial successor to Textmate, it looks great, works nicely with the new features in Lion and supports most Texmate bundles.</p> <p>It's still in an alpha state at the moment but it's already very promising, keep your eye on this one.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> chocolatapp.com/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/649 2011-08-06T11:19:05Z 2011-08-06T11:19:05Z Lost Type Co-op Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A Pay-What-You-Want Type foundry, full of beautiful fonts that you can get for free, just type 0 in the amount field.</p> <p>And if you are feeling generous then 100% of the money you pay goes directly to the font designers.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.losttype.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/648 2011-08-03T21:04:21Z 2011-08-03T21:04:21Z Forward Technology Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>This week we've been revitalising the Forward Technology site, adding videos and better explaining what we do, we'll be continuing to improve the site over the week so keep your eyes peeled for cool bits of functionality on there.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> forwardtechnology.co.uk tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/647 2011-07-30T06:58:38Z 2011-07-30T06:58:38Z Rails 3.1.rc4 changelog Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>Ryan Bates (of <a class="railscasts.com/">Railscasts</a> fame) has put together a hugely detailed list of all the changes in each part of rails for the upcoming 3.1 release.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://gist.github.com/958283 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/645 2011-07-27T19:37:14Z 2011-07-27T19:37:14Z Time Flies Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A iPhone app that takes a clever approach to event tracking. Instead of showing you when events will happen, it reminds you how long it's been since you last did that event.</p> <p>For instance, I last backed up my laptop 240 days ago, I should probably do something about that.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> timeflies.absentdesign.com/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/646 2011-07-28T09:27:10Z 2011-07-28T09:27:10Z Post 646 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="octodex.github.com/#nyantocat"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> octodex.github.com/#nyantocat tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/644 2011-07-27T17:31:41Z 2011-07-27T17:31:41Z Post 644 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="it8bit.com/post/8130285112/packman"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> it8bit.com/post/8130285112/packman tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/643 2011-07-26T23:16:37Z 2011-07-26T23:16:37Z Clean Up Your Mess Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A concise, helpful guide to visual design to help non-designers make better looking things.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.visualmess.com/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/640 2011-07-24T21:40:10Z 2011-07-24T21:40:10Z Homesick Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>I've been setting up a new MacBook Air over the weekend and homesick saved me a bunch of time setting up all my <a class="https://github.com/andrew/dotfiles">dotfiles</a>.</p> <p>Simply run the following commands to add my options for irb, rubygems, bash and git:</p> <pre><code>gem install homesick homesick clone git://github.com/andrew/dotfiles.git homesick symlink dotfiles </code></pre> <p>Although you'll likely want to fork my repo and change <a class="https://github.com/andrew/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.gitconfig">.gitconfig</a> to use your github account.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/technicalpickles/homesick tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/642 2011-07-26T19:15:13Z 2011-07-26T19:15:13Z Contrast Rebellion Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A stunning website fighting against low-contrast fonts and unreadable texts on the web.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> contrastrebellion.com/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/638 2011-07-23T23:44:33Z 2011-07-23T23:44:33Z Screenfly Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A very handy tool for previewing how your site will look on different resolution screens.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> quirktools.com/screenfly/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/641 2011-07-25T10:25:19Z 2011-07-25T10:25:19Z A little bit of something Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A beautifully simple, funny self-promotion site, this is how it should be done.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.alittlebitofsomething.co.uk/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/637 2011-07-23T23:43:27Z 2011-07-23T23:43:27Z Cooler Than Before Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>An awesome photoblog of classic, beautiful machinery.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> coolerthanbefore.tumblr.com/ tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/639 2011-07-24T00:17:44Z 2011-07-24T00:17:44Z Node.js Knockout Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>A 48 hour coding competition, similar to the <a class="railsrumble.com">Rails Rumble</a>, but this time in Node.js, I'm entering this year with a team from <a class="forward.co.uk">Forward</a>.</p> <p>We are also hosting other teams from around London in our offices if your entering as well.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> nodeknockout.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/636 2011-07-23T21:54:11Z 2011-07-23T21:54:11Z Textmate Fullscreen plugin Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>With the release of Lion, fullscreen apps are all the rage! This plugin adds fullscreen support to Textmate.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/enormego/EGOTextMateFullScreen tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/635 2011-07-17T18:15:48Z 2011-07-17T18:15:48Z Goyo.com Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>The latest project that I've been working on a <a class="forward.co.uk">Forward</a> went live last week, it's an experiment around live TV, twitter and chat, powered by websockets, rails 3 and node.js.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> goyo.com tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/634 2011-06-25T09:29:19Z 2011-06-25T09:29:19Z Split::Analytics Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>Split::Analytics is an extension I've built for <a class="https://github.com/andrew/split">Split</a> which provides a google analytics helper that adds custom variables for each experiment that the current user is involved in.</p> <p>This allows you to slice your analytics data up and see what other effects your test is having on your users, such as bounce rate, time on site and page views per visit.</p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://github.com/andrew/split-analytics tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/633 2011-06-12T07:53:54Z 2011-06-12T07:53:54Z Post 633 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-content hmedia'> <a class="www.society6.com/product/PACMAN_crime_scene_Print/70542"><img src="/img/spacer.gif"> www.society6.com/product/PACMAN_crime_scene_Print/70542 tag:teabass.com,2009:Link/632 2011-06-11T23:10:19Z 2011-06-11T23:10:19Z Split 0.2.2 released Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <p>Split 0.2.2 is out, get it from rubygems: <a class="https://rubygems.org/gems/split/versions/0.2.2">https://rubygems.org/gems/split/versions/0.2.2</a> and see the changlog: <a class="https://github.com/andrew/split/blob/v0.2.2/CHANGELOG.mdown">https://github.com/andrew/split/blob/v0.2.2/CHANGELOG.mdown</a></p> <img src="/img/spacer.gif"> https://rubygems.org/gems/split/versions/0.2.2 tag:teabass.com,2009:Image/631 2011-05-20T15:56:24Z 2011-05-20T15:56:24Z Post 631 Andrew Nesbitt teabass.com <div class='entry-conten
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