Committed. Comprehensive. Completely Different.

At first, BEF’s approach to funding watershed restoration was like everyone else’s. We applied the conventional, short-term approach to restoration and awarded one- to two-year grants to support stand-alone projects. After reviewing the results, it became apparent that this method of funding wasn’t working. Short-term funding promoted site-specific projects and piecemeal restoration activity, while it discouraged sustained monitoring and an adaptive, strategic approach.

So we devised an experiment. We wanted to see if longer-term funding and a commitment to support thorough planning, strategic implementation, and monitoring would enhance our grantees’ ability to be successful.

We implemented our 10-year Model Watershed approach to funding in 2003 and are encouraged by the progress we’ve seen so far.

We’ve found that a long-term approach allows Model Watershed partners to incorporate comprehensive thinking and planning into their restoration strategies. This has helped them focus their efforts in critical areas and work toward achieving specific and measurable ecological restoration goals.

The BEF Model Watershed Program supports science-based watershed restoration initiatives that demonstrate strong community engagement and strive to implement a long-term and adaptive restoration approach.

By applying rigorous project standards and committing to the long haul, we invest our resources in people, processes and projects with the greatest potential to produce positive ecological improvements.

The BEF Model Watershed Program is a part of the BEF Family.

An entrepreneurial nonprofit, Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) is creating a more sustainable future by investing now in clean energy and fresh water. Customers who buy independently certified BEF Carbon Offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of new renewable energy facilities, while customers who buy BEF’s Water Restoration Credits™ support the return of water to critically dewatered streams and rivers. All BEF customers and donors support long-term watershed restoration and renewable energy education for students and communities nationwide because BEF reinvests its net revenues to fund its Model Watershed and Solar 4R Schools programs. Since it was established in Portland, Ore. in 1998, BEF has been a pioneer in helping people and companies become better stewards of the environment.

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