
Our logo as a stamp, which was designed by one of our readers, William Everston, as a submission to our Mail Art Bulletin series.

Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today.

Created by husband-and-husband team, Veken Gueyikian and Hrag Vartanian, Hyperallergic officially launched on October 14, 2009. It combines the best of art blog and magazine culture by focusing on publishing quality and engaging writing and images from informed and provocative perspectives.

In addition to the blogazine, our fast-growing Hyperallergic LABS is one of the largest art blogs on Tumblr, and it is a visual laboratory that explores weekly themes through art and mines the internet for images, memes, quotes, links and videos. LABS is an online experiment that welcomes public submissions. To submit content, visit: hyperallergic.tumblr.com/submit

The Hyperallergic Podcast, known as Hyperallergic TV, features video & audio discussions of art, exhibitions, trends, the art blogosphere, and issues facing the art world. Hyperallergic TV is also available on iTunes.

The Hyperallergic Newsletter is sent out weekly and includes a letter from the editor with a recap of the most popular and important stories from the week. (Subscribe here) Newsletter subscribers also get first dibs on Hyperallergic Events, that including discussions, parties, screenings, and performances.

Hyperallergic is published by Going Off Script in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

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Who are we?

Hrag Vartanian, (@hragv)
Hrag Vartanian is editor of Hyperallergic. His work has appeared in the Art21 blog, Brooklyn Rail, NYFA’s Current and Huffington Post. He serves on the board of the Triangle Arts Association, he volunteers on numerous educational committees and he blogs at HragV.com.
Veken Gueyikian, (@veken)
Veken Gueyikian is publisher of Hyperallergic. He left behind careers in chemical engineering and medicine to pursue his passion in interactive marketing. He works with clients in the real estate, pharmaceutical, nonprofit, and culture industries to help them reach audiences around the world. His agency, Going Off Script, was named by Adweek as an up-and-coming Brooklyn ad agency. You can find him on Twitter, @veken.
Janelle Grace, (@rudyhuxtable)
Janelle Grace is the managing editor of our Tumblelog Hyperallergic LABS. She is currently attending University College London for her MA in History of Art. She posts haphazardly about all sorts of things at Gratuitous.

Editorial Assistant

Liza Eliano

Regular Contributors

John D’Addario
Claire Breukel
Emily Colucci
Alexander Cavaluzzo
Alissa Guzman
Howard Hurst
Katarína Hybenová
Allison Meier
An Xiao

Additional Contributors (Last Three Months)

Man Bartlett
Peter Dobey
John Fekner
Daniel Larkin
Erin Lindholm
Lynn Maliszewski
Ellen Pearlman
William Powhida
Jocelyn Silver
Benjamin Snyder
Harry Swartz-Turfle
Kate Wadkins
Sarah Walko
Cat Weaver
Rachel Wetzler
Tom Winchester
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