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Our approach is the first comprehensive guide to the world's best yoga centres.

Other sites are devoted to yoga. Some offer contact info for yoga centres in different parts of the world. We bring all the elements together in one easy-to-use directory. is part of the family; an online community driven by the principle of sustainability. In travel, in life, we are committed to sharing knowledge and experiences while leaving the smallest possible footprint. Originally an open-source global travel guide, is now more tightly focused. By creating smaller projects, we realized we could offer better information to our friends. is one of these projects.

We work on a social principle: Yoga devotees are the best people to recommend yoga centres. We have our own opinions, of course, and share these on our site - but we don't pretend to know it all!

Our best knowledge comes from you, the yogis and yoginis who have taken classes (or taught them!) in all the corners of the world. Yoga is a holistic quest for balance, and we aim to bring that balance and knowledge to the vast shared space of the Internet.

We have started in the same way as all great success stories: Small, and by doing just one thing well. In this case, the one thing we do well is to gather information on the world's best yoga centres and display it here for your use, your feedback and your good health.

Enjoy, and be welcome. Namaste. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.