About First & 20

First & 20 is a collection of Home screens of some of the best and brightest developers, designers and tech writers.

Why just show the Home screen?

Because I think it would be pretty lame to show every screen. Seriously, who doesn't have Flight Control on their iPhone? But how many love it enough to have it on their Home screen, one of the first twenty apps?

Who does this site benefit?

Me, and people like me. Maybe you'll stumble across a person you admire, you love their work and you'll take a look at the apps they use. You might see something you've never heard of and check it out. It happened to me when I was looking at Loren Brichter's (developer of Tweetie) Home screen. I had never heard of Byline, I use NetNewsWire for my RSS feeds, but now I know I should maybe give this app a look.

Developers. It's sometimes difficult to filter the good and bad on Apple's App Store, so I'm hoping this helps. I have links to easily purchase all the apps that have been "Home-screened" so maybe a few more sales will be generated.

Where did you get those cool icons on your blog?

I got them from the very talented Cameron Hunt, and you can use them too — just make sure you give him credit.

Why does this site look like shit?

Probably because your browser is shit Internet Explorer. I'll get it working correctly on IE7 soon, but it'll never look good on IE6. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and download Safari or Firefox.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.