
  • About The Angry Drunk
  • About the Site
  • Dedication and Thanks
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About The Angry Drunk

My name is Darby, and I’m an angry drunk. I am, in fact, The Angry Drunk. More accu­rately, “The Angry Drunk” is my online per­sona. So who, then, am I? I guess a lit­tle back­ground is in order. I was born some­time in the first half of the 1970’s in Monterrey California. In 1980 my fam­ily moved to Tempe Arizona; where I reside to this day.

My edu­ca­tion was a stan­dard one; but, more to the point, I reject the notion that the valid­ity of a person’s opin­ions is nec­es­sar­ily pred­i­cated on their level of edu­ca­tion. Suffice it to say that I am col­lege edu­cated and we’ll leave it at that.

My career has mean­dered across a large swath of the tech indus­try. At var­i­ous times I have worn the hat of a: tele­phone tech­ni­cal sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tive, trainer, data ana­lyst, appli­ca­tion designer, appli­ca­tion admin­is­tra­tor, busi­ness ana­lyst, project man­ager and, most recently, prod­uct tester and release spe­cial­ist for a major elearn­ing ven­dor (who will remain name­less). If it’s been done; I’ve either done it, seen some­one do it, or fixed someone’s crappy imple­men­ta­tion of it.

In my down time I indulge in some of the usual geek pur­suits. I watch and read sci­ence fic­tion, of course; but I also have a love of good foren­sic inves­ti­ga­tion shows. By which I don’t mean CSI. Part of my time at col­lege was spent in the pur­suit of a degree in Forensic Anthropology; so, basi­cally, fuck Gill Grissom and his band of foren­si­tards. My all con­sum­ing pas­sion though is my love of ethyl alco­hol. I can often be found prop­ping up the local neigh­bor­hood bar. My weapon of choice: Guinness; although in a pinch I’ll drink damn near any­thing that will raise my blood alco­hol level.

The final, and prob­a­bly most impor­tant, thing to know about me is some­thing that you either know already if you’ve read any of my work; or you’re about to learn. I am one seri­ously pro­fane, blas­phe­mous, and just plain angry mother fucker. Idiocy, hypocrisy and douchebag­gery in gen­eral engen­ders in me a white-hot rage that makes the leg­endary wrath of Achilles seem like a bit of piqué. And, other than drink­ing myself into uncon­scious­ness, I only have one way of dis­si­pat­ing that rage; which is to write about it here. So, gen­tle reader, lucky you. Strap in and hold on.

About the Site

I started this site a few years back (I for­get exactly how many and I’m to lazy to look it up) as a Moveable Type blog. I wrote lit­tle and had exactly fuck-all read­ers. As they say in the writ­ing busi­ness, I hadn’t found my “voice.” At some point around June of 2006 I shit-canned the whole MT install and rebuilt the blog in WordPress. I couldn’t tell you why I made the switch to WordPress. I vaguely recall being lim­ited by the capa­bil­i­ties of Moveable Type at time. Since then I know that MT has made major improve­ments, so we’ll not be hav­ing any CMS holy wars here.

With the new incar­na­tion of the site I set­tled on a voice. I’ve always been keenly inter­ested in sci­ence, tech­nol­ogy, lit­er­a­ture, phi­los­o­phy and pol­i­tics. I’m also, as men­tioned above, an angry, pro­fane bas­tard. This site is the syn­the­sis of those inter­ests and atti­tudes. I have writ­ten or will write about: Macintosh com­put­ers, social media and net­work­ing, reli­gion, jour­nal­is­tic ethics and alarm clocks that you shoot to enable snooze. If you are inter­ested in what I have to say, cool. If you aren’t, or don’t like the way I say it, the back but­ton is right at the top of the screen.

And now a brief tech­ni­cal rundown:

  • Site pow­ered by: WordPress
  • Hosted by: Apis Networks
  • Theme: Atahualpa 3.x (some tweaks by me)
  • Plugins used: Listed here.

Dedication and Thanks

In the pre­vi­ous ver­sions of this site I ded­i­cated it to two very dear friends of mine. I’d like to con­tinue that ded­i­ca­tion, so I’ll repro­duce it in it’s entirety here:

I want to ded­i­cate this site and the writ­ing in it to two very spe­cial peo­ple. While these two have never met, they share so very much in com­mon. They are both amaz­ing moth­ers, whose love and devo­tion to their chil­dren informs every aspect of their lives. They are both amaz­ing friends, who have been there for me in ways that I can never put into words. And they are both amaz­ingly beau­ti­ful women, who’s radi­ance fills every room that they pass through. Christine and Vicki, I ded­i­cate this to you. Thank you for let­ting me be a part of your amaz­ing lives. To know either of you would be a bless­ing; to know both of you is a miracle.

I’d also like to thank the friends and com­men­ta­tors, both in the real world and online, who have encour­aged me to con­tinue writ­ing here. It con­tin­u­ally amazes me that any­one would want to read my psy­chotic ram­blings. In par­tic­u­lar I’d like to thank John “bynkii” Welch for all of his encour­age­ment. It’s com­fort­ing to know that there is some­one who is at least as angry as me out there. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.