Displaying All Posts by Ryan Cash

Grow Tall & Stand Out in Your Company

Ryan Cash 5th March Career 5 Comments

While watching BBC’s Planet Earth the other day, I drew a strong comparison between plants and humans.

In areas with dense foliage, plants are in a constant race to grow taller than each other in order to gain their share of available light. The tallest plants leave the others behind to die as they blanket the forest floor with shadows.

Just as plants compete with each other for light, you’ll have to stand the tallest if you want to thrive in your company.

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Getting Out of Your Rut: A Change of Scenery

Ryan Cash 24th February Productivity 11 Comments

Working in different places can prove to be quite beneficial. A change of scenery could be exactly what you need if you’re stuck in a creative rut or experiencing writers block – or just simply bored.

By changing your location, atmosphere, tools, and even clothing, you can change the way you work.

I’ve done quite a bit of experimenting with this, and find it to be quite effective. Here are some examples of some different work environments and the types of work you can achieve in each setting: Read More

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