
Boxjs is a modular script loader that provides the speed of a single, compressed JS file.

Boxjs was a different approach to script loading that Marcel and I felt would tick all the boxes that we need on our own projects. Namely, easy management of dependencies, guaranteed load order and speed.

The site is actually a service that will allow scripts to be passed as a query string (along with a few options) and will return them in a single compressed and cached file. The small Box library is merely a way to pass scripts to the Boxjs service, but I added a few extra bits such as duplicate file handling, setting global options and a way to develop locally.

Responsive design is all the rage these days (and rightly so) therefore the Boxjs site makes full use of media queries to adapt itself to mobile devices, tablets and the desktop. It also features several CSS3 properties that fallback gracefully to less capable browsers (ahem, IE).

The Box JS library is accessible in an uncompressed format as well.

We have also just released Boxcss and have plenty more ideas tucked away. Keep an eye out!

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