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to the Soul-Centered Success eZine, which includes:
~ powerful methods for creating holistic success
~ intuitive tools to tap into your feminine power
~ inspiration for joyful living
Plus - receive Joanna's FREE eCourse:
How to Overcome the 5 Obstacles to Soul-Centered Success

We never share your name with any third party.

Create a Life and Career Path that is SOUL-CENTERED, HEART-HONORING, PASSION-FILLED, ABUNDANT, and deeply rooted in the wisdom of the FEMININE!

Are you a creative & intelligent woman who wants more out of life, but has been unable to connect with yourself and your INNER WISDOM?

Do you know you want a MORE CONNECTED, MORE MEANINGFUL and MORE SUCCESSFUL career, personal life, and vision for yourself?

Do you sense its time to step more fully into your authentic Soul-VOICE, your true PASSION, and into your unique TALENTS and PURPOSE?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you've arrived at the right place (& I want to speak with you!)

"Can't wait for our session on Tuesday! This connection is so precious to me and I feel it working in my life already. You are something special!!!!!" - Sarah Chase, Brooklyn Acupuncture Project, NY

You want to fully and powerfully know, accept and love yourself, and to make a positive difference in the world. Yet somehow there is something that is still in the way. You haven't been able to fully claim your truest value, your sense of worth, your full creativity and your high level of talent and insight.

spacer A lot of your work and accomplishments come from pushing, driving, trying to make it happen - and you CAN make it happen - but it has come at a high price: exhaustion, disconnection from self, loss of inspiration and motivation. You have trouble balancing all that you want to do with a life that is successful, passionate, influential, abundant, and filled with connection, spirit and love.

That is because most of us have not been taught how to activate the incredible power our inner wisdom and passionate voice, and apply it to our businesses, careers, community projects, artistic pursuits, and personal.

Using Woman Wisdom Success Principles, I will coach you to connect to your innate feminine power and to access your highest sense of self so that you are able to move into the world in a SOUL-CENTERED and authentically successful way with much more ease, joy, and trust. You will learn how to honor your body and connect with the wisdom and brilliance you hold inside. You will learn how to reclaim all parts of yourself so that you feel fulfilled and whole. You will also learn how to manage and move through your fears and limiting beliefs around visibility, competition, failure, your money story, and more.

Once that happens, then things REALLY begin to take offyou are propelled in concrete ways towards completing your projects, easily making your moves, joyfully achieving your goals, and realizing your dreams (earning money and creating abundance through it all!) because your confidence, self-love, intuitive self-care and inner wisdom are fully activated.

We will create healing, inspiration & success in your life & career by:

  • Tapping into your inner wisdom so that we can move beyond any "should"s or "have to"s and instead create a vision for your life and work that energizes you.
  • Transforming your over-booked and overwhelming schedule so that you flow through your life with effectiveness, ease, joy, and wellbeing.
  • Integrating ALL parts of yourself - even the ones you forgot you owned - so that you can joyfully lead your Soul-Centered projects to success and prominence.
  • Strengthening your natural leadership abilities so that you have the confidence to finally and fully step forward and let yourself and your work shine.

I have spent the last ten years learning how to stop being driven by adrenaline, fear of success, fear of failure, and my need to be seen at all costs. I feel so lucky and blessed to have experienced what I call Woman Wisdom Success Principles - the powerful principles that inspire Feminine Energy. These principles have taught me how to connect and listen to my intuition and deepest desires so that I can create a life that is fulfilling and rich instead of exhausting and inauthentic. And I want to help you do the same through my unique life coaching for women and leadership training programs.

I have pulled together my experiences as an educator, entrepreneur, public speaker, workshop facilitator, spiritual mentor, author, mother and coach in order to help YOU successfully envision, execute, and enjoy your soul-centered, heart-led life. Through the Woman Wisdom Success Principles we create balance and flow in all areas of your life including work, health, relationships, home and finances.

I empower women to pursue their Soul-Centered projects such as healing businesses, world changing conferences, one-woman shows, volunteer organizations, and not-for-profits, as well as running marathons, raising families, activating creativity and spirit and planning life-changing moves and journeys. Through our work together, I invite you to embrace your power, create more compelling and fulfilling goals for yourself, become a powerful, heart-centered leader, connect to the wisdom and brilliance you hold inside and to make it a practice of remembering how sacred and important you are.

I know that the more this happens, the more you will live your individual life with enthusiasm, love and satisfaction, and the more we, collectively as women, will transform our communities and heal the world.

spacer If you recognize it's time to take your life and your life's work to the next level, then schedule a Complimentary Intuition Activation call! On this call, you will have a deep and transformative experience as we get clear on what you want for yourself, identify the obstacles in your way, and look at specific next steps for you to move forward and for us to work together. Get in touch at!

Wishing you health, love and happiness,

Get Your Recording Now!

"The 5-Part Process for Soul-Centered Success"

Click here to listen to the class.


Sign up below for my FREE eCourse

"How to Overcome the 5 Common Obstacles to Soul-Centered Success"

And as a bonus you'll also receive the Woman Wisdom Success Principles tips and newsletters.

We never share your name with any third party.

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© 2011 Soulful Coach, Brooklyn, NY
Joanna Lindenbaum is a life coach, wedding officiant, and inspirational speaker. She helps women in the following areas: work/life balance, career change, prosperity, time management, creativity, leadership, and spirituality.

Web site by Rachel Goldstein is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.