I want to build more things than I do, write more than I do and play music more than I do. All opinions here are my own, unless they are correct, in which case they're likely stolen.
If you want to, you can e-mail me: jamie at
  • Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?


I didn’t notice that the headline didn’t come in correctly on my last post. One of many things I’ve failed at today.

Kodak to stop making cameras, digital frames 

This is pretty interesting: Kodak is going to focus printing, both home and commercial, instead of cameras.

Kodak gets the most recognition for bring cameras to the masses, but don’t forget that most of their revenue always came from film, processing and printing, whether by selling materials to print at home or supplying commercial labs. So really, this is a return to that model, and I hope it works.


It’s 2012. Who still has to be told this? (Taken with Instagram at Kirkwood Community College Iowa City Campus)


The Art of Living, by Grant Snider (via Boing Boing)

spacer girl-non-grata answered your question: Serious question time

TBH, this pisses me off. It’s just more trivialization of Fibromyalgia. Constant nerve pain can’t be fixed with a protein shake.
Completely agreed. It’s insanity to think that it would, but the people who sell these shakes actually believe this. 

The consensus seems to be unsubscribing

Thank you for your wisdom, Tumbl-folks. I can now go on Facebook with a light heart.

Serious question time

So say you have someone who keeps trying to sell you health shakes and constantly talks about the benefits of said shakes on Facebook. 

So far, the shakes help with:

  • being overweight
  • diabetes
  • migraines
  • fibromyalgia
  • EXCZEMA eczema

It, of course, helps with none of these (well, actually, it might help with the first two, but only because you’d be eating fewer calories and less sugar).

This is a person who should know better, but apparently doesn’t. It’s also someone I cannot be mean/horrible/a dick to, for various reasons. Part of the problem is likely that once you start selling something you have to publicly affirm your belief in it, but it’s getting absolutely ridiculous.



Playing at being professor Jamie again. (Taken with Instagram at Kirkwood Community College)

Honeywell sues Nest for patent infringement – 

Some of the patents are for things like displaying a grammatically correct sentence on a thermostat.

My question, as I’m not a lawyer: I thought patents covered ONE WAY of doing things: that is to say, the patent for Edison’s lightbulb was about the way he made a lightbulb. If there’s another way to do something, wouldn’t that be clear of any patent infringement? (That’s setting aside the problem of the USPTO office granting overly-broad patents, which is an application problem, not a problem with the patent system itself.) Any lawyer-ly folks out there want to clarify for me?


I’m now an award-winning multimedia producer douchebag producer.

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