


As a certified life coach, I struggle with how I can accurately, realistically, passionately, authentically serve each and every one of you without personally coaching you myself. Workbooks and e-courses and even speaking gigs have been rewarding, but didn’t lead me to the same warm-and-fuzzy feeling that I get from seeing my clients grow each and every week while we work together, helping to bring about – and bearing witness to – their a-ha! moments and the moment they decide on a business name/get the job offer they want/make their first sale/insert-other-milestone-here. I was dreaming up a way that I can connect, coach, and serve more clients without having to charge them $197-$487/month. I wanted to give them all I had, get to know ‘em like I would a one-on-one client, and offer lower price points than my least expensive coaching option.

I started thinking of the things my Clubhouse members would say as reasons for becoming a member. After working personally with almost 200 creative types, I had a pretty good idea it would be things like…







(OK, those are things that real-live Clubhouse members said as reasons that they joined, but I totally wasn’t surprised!)

So, the brainstorming began….

A workbook? Nah…I hate how it gets released into The Interwebs and 85% of the time I never hear what came from it. Too impersonal.

An e-course? Too much time behind the computer. No coaching aspect. Shudder at the thought of having to build a whole new membership site from scratch. Still too impersonal.

A membership site? All the exercises I’ve ever created. Every workbook I’ve ever written. Virtual workshops. Discounts. Giveaways. Community. Coaching calls. Different price points. Private sessions. A Clubhouse!

I’ve been cooking up The Clubhouse for months, even when I didn’t know what it was. It’s The Answer to how I can give you personal attention and do my work as a coach (it is what I do best, after all) and offer it all starting at $27 a month.

I was so excited about it, I just had to write a theme song! Here’s my original ukulele tune, At Our Clubhouse:


Wondering what comes with a Clubhouse membership? Wonder no mo’! :



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spacer Access to a private Facebook group with other Clubhouse members. Not only will there be an amazeballstastic community there, where you can share your wins/ challenges/ resources/ questions with other creative career changers, but everything will be housed there: the Excellent Exercises, the Clubhouse Rules, tips to get the most of your membership, the monthly call schedule and recordings…you name it, it’s all in the place you know you’re going to two dozen times a day anyway. And I, of course, will be there, too!


spacer Access to Word versions of all the exercises I’ve ever created (& ever will!). Currently, there are 27 of ‘em, and I guaranteed to give ya at least 1 new one each and every month. They’re impeccably organized and accessible 24/7, so it’s easy to find your goal/challenge – whether it’s not-knowing-what-you-wanna-be-when-you-grow-up to needing-to-learn-how-to-not-procrastinate-anymore-goshdarnit, you’ll be able to find what you need quickly, painlessly and easily – and get your answers about an hour later. Wondering what the existing Excellent Exercises can help ya with? Here ya go:


spacer 15% off on everything I offer outside the Clubhouse. Whatever you buy through my website is part of the 15% refund you’ll receive from being a Clubhouse member , whether it’s private coaching, Operations!, workbooks, gift certificates, or whatever else I dream up. Just give me up to 72 business hours to realize you’re a member of the Clubhouse and credit back your PayPal account with the 15% I owe ya. Of course, if you’re part of Team Badass or Team Amazeballs, you won’t get 15% back on the stuff you’re getting for free (duh), but you would still get 15% back on any coaching services ya wanna purchase.


spacer Live monthly call to coach you on your personal goals/challenges. Each month, I’ll host a live 2-hour call that you can access from wherever you are (I have clients in Tunesia, after all!). In that window, I’ll coach at least 4 people through their goals/challenges with time for feedback/takeaways/resources from the rest of the Clubhouse members that are on the call. While I can’t guarantee that we’ll get to everyone who wants to be coached on every call, I can guarantee that you can get a ton of insight/a-ha! moments/perspective on your own challenges/goals by listening to what others are going through, like my Operations! clients have learned. Wondering how much we can actually get accomplished by being coached for 15-ish minutes? Click on the top sidebar of this page and listen to a 15-min coaching call with Rachel and me. I also guarantee to make sure not to coach the same people over and over each month. No call hogs here! Can’t attend the call live? I promise to switch up the dates/times to accomodate lots of time zones, but if ya can’t make it live, you can still listen via an MP3 recording. Win-win.


spacer Opportunity to win a private coaching call every month. I’ll choose a number based on how many Clubhouse members there are via, and that lucky duck’ll win a free 60-min one-on-one session with yours truly! An opportunity to get a whole hour of one-on-one time with me would otherwise cost ya $216 and change. This is no joke.



spacer A guaranteed spot in a new virtual workshop, which’ll happen every 4-6 weeks. Already in the hopper: An Effective Escape (aka leaving your day job without having to live in your parent’s basement and eat Ramen noodles) and Vampire Slaying (aka how to recognize the voice in your head that sucks the good stuff out of ya and garlic it to death).  Honestly, while I have a ton of ideas on what to offer, I’ll be reading/listening to what you Clubhouse members are struggling with via the Facebook group, and will offer whatever I see is needed. These virtual workshops will either be offered as as a live 2-ish hour call (with PDFs included, because I can’t help myself) and/or as a series of MP3s/videos to listen to/watch at your convenience. While I’ll accept registration from non-Clubhouse members (and those who are part of Team Coolness will get a 15% discount on a spot), Team Badass and Team Amazeballs members won’t have any additional charges, which is at least a $29 value for each workshop offered.


spacer All of my current and future products for $0. Everything here? It’s yours for free upon registration, which is $123 in your pocket. You’ll also be the first to get a new product when it drops (see that record exec talk? I’m a baller), so when you see me talking about offering a new workbook and/or virtual workshop, put your money away – you’re already in.



spacer 1 60-min private coaching session a month. This alone would cost ya $216, but for $19 less, you get it along with everything above. The good news? If ya do the math (which I abhor, but like to do for business-related purposes), you’ll see that this is a $584 value and climbing, especially as the new exercises, virtual workshops, and products you’re getting for free continue to be offered. The bad news? I can only offer a limited number of spots in Team Amazeballs, as I can currently only do 10 coaching sessions each month. Once they’re gone, they’re gone until (a) someone in Team Amazeballs relinquishes their spots (b) my capacity to do sessions opens up.


OK, I can’t help myself. Here’s more of “I Joined The When I Grow Up Clubhouse because…”, straight from the member’s mouths!





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spacer How much time will being a member of the Clubhouse take? As a member of the Clubhouse, you are the one that discovers how to live your vision of a passionate, successful, healthy, vivacious life and commits to your goal at your own pace. To get the most out of this self-paced club, I’d suggest that you schedule a standing weekly appointment (or two) to tackle an exercise (or two), start and/or contribute to a conversation in the private Facebook group, and participate in the monthly group call. Like Yoda says, “Do or do not – there is no try.” Make sure you don’t waste the time/money you invest here by setting yourself up with a structure that’ll allow you time in the Clubhouse as often as you’d like (and if you’re unsure how to do that, I got an Excellent Exercise at the ready for ya!).


spacer How can I make sure to know when a Team Amazeballs spot opens, should it be sold out? That’s an easy one! Just sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be the first to know. I’ll then announce it over the Interwebs, but by then a newsletter subscriber might’ve snatched it up!


spacer How does billing work? Once you sign up for your Team, PayPal will debit whatever account you used to make the first payment on the same day each month (i.e. your first payment was made on March 5th, so the second one will be debited on April 5th and the third on May 5th and so on). So, you’ll automatically be billed monthly at a rate of $27, $57 or $197/mo (depending on your team membership) until you tell me to stop it already.


spacer What if I wanna switch Teams? If you wanna switch Teams throughout your membership, that’s more than fine (hey, I’m a Democratic former musical theater performer – I’ve seen it all). As long as ya send me an email at least 3 business days before payment for the next month of sessions will be debited from your account, we’ll make it happen.


spacer How can I cancel my membership? You or I can decide at any time to terminate your membership, because it is so not fun to have an unhappy President or member. In order to stop the automatic payments, you or I need to provide written notice via email at least 3 business days before payment for the next month of sessions will be debited from your account.


spacer Can I still be a member if I’m not on Facebook? You can, but it would be to your detriment. While I’ll send out periodic emails about the events that are happening (virtual workshops, monthly calls, etc), I’m going to keep it to a minimum and use the Facebook group to set-up Events and reminders and such. You’d also miss out on the Community aspect that I know is gonna be mind-blowing awesometastic.  You can, however, still get the links to the Excellent Exercises and all the Clubhouse documents you’ll need (Rules, The Nitty Gritty, etc), so if that’s your main reason for being here, you’re in the clear (there’s nothing to fear!)

spacer How is this different from an e-course? No daily emails. No private blog posts. No rushing-to-play-catch-up-because-I-didn’t-log-in-for-a-week. Instead, you’ll get the same community-based, um, community (and fearless leader!) you’re used to in an e-course, but when you’re ready for an exercise based on your needs/goals/challenges, it’s there for you to download and work through instantaneously. There’s also dozens of topics that the exercises here apply to, so whether you’re looking to figure out what you wanna be when you grow up or you wanna build your business – or anything in between – there’s an exercise for that (and if there’s not, let me know & I’ll make one!).


Do you have a question that wasn’t covered above? Contact me and I’ll get back to ya lickety-split.


Last batch of Why I Joined the Clubhouse reasons – just ’cause I think they can help!





And my favorite..



In summation (I love saying that – I feel so lawyerly!), you’ll know that The When I Grow Up Clubhouse is right for you if you’re craving:

spacerpressure-free, creative community

spacer juicy, helpful, on-point, no-time-to-waste exercises that help ya with the exact challenge/goal ya have when ya have it

spacer clarity (on what you as to what ya wanna do, how to get there, and other not-so-small stuff)

spacer personal coaching with a creative career coach who’s logged over 700 hours helping creative types devise the career they can’t have – or discovering it to begin with! – but ya don’t have $197+/month to spend.

Are ya really ready to join The When I Grow Up Clubhouse, where boys are totally allowed, nobody’s gonna give anyone cooties, and I won’t ask you to play M*A*S*H (if you don’t know what that is, please pretend you do so I don’t feel old)? Then use the buttons below to pick your Team, and all the info will be emailed to ya within 24 business hours (business hours being Mon-Fri 10a-6p Eastern). See you there!
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