
Do you feel called to create inspiration and change in the world, but don't know how to get your plan off the ground?

The Truth is that you are a Wise Woman.

Wise Woman /'wīz 'wu-mən/:

woman in connection with herself, the Universe, and others; she is recognized

& sought after for her intuition, expertise, and wisdom

The problem is that you don't see what other people see.

Soulful Coaching for Busy Women presents:


Wise Woman Leadership Program

begins Wednesday March 14, 2012

a NEW 5-month foundational training in success, visibility and transformation for entrepreneurs, visionaries, and artists

"Get the recordings from the two part teleseries, "The 5-Part Process for Soul-Centered Success"
Part 1 January 17, 2012-Click the play button to listen
Part 2 January 18, 2012-Click the play button to listen


The Wise Woman Leadership Program will train you in foundational & transformational Woman Wisdom principles to support you in bringing your Soul Purpose into the world. Whether you are an entrepreneur, artist, visionary or working on any other type of Soul-Centered project, or even if you are in transition, this program will provide you with the foundation you need to make being in your Sacred Purpose in BIG and SUCCESSFUL ways a reality.

Are you a woman who:

Then you have arrived at the right place!

spacer The Wise Woman Leadership Program is for women who are ready to be seen, heard, happy, and abundant. Throughout the course of this powerful foundational program, you make amazing concrete forward movement on your goals while also learning the incredible methods I have developed for bringing balance into your life and cultivating joyful satisfaction on all levels.

I believe to the core of my being that women are the ones who will heal and transform the world. It is my sacred purpose to educate and mentor those women to be able to develop, market, and execute their brilliance in soul-centered ways so that the entire Universe can benefit.

And I also believe to the core of my being that too many creative, talented, soul-centered women out there are sabotaging themselves from the success they want and deserve. You hold yourself back and stay stuck for so many reasons (some known to you, and some not) — fear of success, failure, visibility, rejection, abundance, scarcity, loss of loved ones...or because you keep on telling yourself you "just don't know how to make it work".

And year after year, you find yourself still yearning to make a difference, to be BIG, to create your vision...yet not much farther along then the year before.

I know you feel this way, because I used to feel this way too. For way too long, my business was much more of a "70-hour-a-week hobby" than a thriving, successful organization that I could be proud of. I was exhausted, over-worked, under-earning and in deep judgment of myself.

Using the techniques that you will learn in this program, I was able to create a 6-figure business working part-time. I now have a full private coaching practice, and multiple group programs that fill time after time after time. I am now confident from the inside-out, and have so much more time for myself, my family, and my life.

And I want the same confidence, energy, success and abundance for you too!!!!!

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The Wise Woman Leadership Program is a 20-week supportive, encouraging, and empowering telephone mentorship and community where you will learn how to achieve what you want in life with confidence, ease, and joy.

Here are some examples of how the program can help:

In this program, you will be guided step by step to (click each item for more in-depth program info):

Module 1: Connect With Your Body Brilliance and Inner Wisdom ▼

The Soulful Coaching approach to success centers on a deep respect for the inner wisdom that each woman holds inside of herself. Because of the quick pace of modern culture and the ways that the mind has been valued over the wisdom of the body, most of us have forgotten how to use this ESSENTIAL tool that we have access to at any moment that it's needed.

In our work together, we take the time to slow down so that you can settle into your body, learn to connect with it, and listen for the important information you have stored inside.

Once you re-connect with your body, you will have access to the incredible information that your intuition and inner wisdom provides you with. In our process, we listen deeply for your priorities, values, and needs, and begin to envision your life based on those factors. By listening to your inner wisdom, you will also gain incredible decision-making skills, as well as the confidence and grounding that come along with truly trusting yourself and your ability to know what's aligned and right for you.

Module 2: Vision Your Soul-Centered Project, Including its Scope, Vision and Mission ▼

Here is where we look at the bigger picture of your soul-centered project and life, and set compelling goals for yourself based on your inner wisdom, what inspires you, and what you know you really want for yourself. This is a time to think BIG and start believing that you deserve everything you want - even the stuff in your wildest dreams! - and that you can achieve all of it.

We will create goals that excite and challenge you. We will make sure that you set goals that come from your heart, not goals that you think you "should" achieve or are expected to achieve.

Module 3: Create a Blueprint for Your Soul-Centered Project ▼

A well-planned strategy is key to your success. Whether it is launching a business, a career transition or finding a publisher, a thought out strategy with clear action steps and intentions is like an easy-to-follow blue print to get you to your goal.

I will teach you how to create your own week-by-week action plans to help you achieve your goals. You will learn how to plan in a way that will ensure success, ease and accountability without feeling confused or overwhelmed.

Module 4: Establish Operations and Marketing Strategies for Visibility and Success ▼

I believe firmly that strong leadership is built on the ability to let the world know about you. The Wise Woman Leadership Program includes a series of training calls and coaching opportunities for those women who are serious about taking their business, not-for-profit, or artistic pursuit to the world in a HUGE way. On these calls, you will learn how to create marketing and operations systems that are ALIGNED for YOU. These are not cookie cutter suggestions, but rather strategies and ideas that will work for you and your business, and allow you to feel good and in integrity.

Module 5: Take Control of Your Schedule and How You Spend Your Time ▼

One of the most common obstacles to success is not knowing how to manage time and not knowing how to balance time. Nearly every single woman I meet tells me that she feels frazzled, exhausted, and pressed for time. As you move forward to achieve your soul-centered goals, it is important that you learn how to make your schedule work for you and how to balance all of the important projects, relationships, and entities in your life. It is only by taking control of your time, deeply respecting your priorities and boundaries, and learning how to "BE" that you can succeed with ease and grace.

In our work together, you will have an opportunity to take a close look and carefully re-vamp how you spend your time, at what is working for you in your schedule, and what is wasting your time and energy.

Module 6: Powerfully and Courageously Work with Your Fears ▼

It is my firm belief that whenever we step into bigger visions and goals for ourselves, there is always a fear to address and a risk to take. There is always some relationship, image of self, held belief, or situation that is at risk when we commit to our soul-centered projects. This is where we explore how you can take risks in your life in order to create energy and achieve your wildest dreams.

There is a particular and powerful Woman Wisdom Success Principle method that gives you the tools you need to address and work with persistent and pain-inducing fears in your life. Common fears include: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of surpassing a parent, fear of criticism, fear of losing a loved one, fear of being seen, fear of not being good enough, fear of competition and fear of the unknown. Together, we will work on breaking through these fears so that you can reclaim yourself, and move forward feeling open, excited, and confident.

Module 7: Conquer Your Negative Thinking Patterns ▼

You will learn a powerful Woman Wisdom Success Principle method for getting a handle on those negative thoughts that stand in your way. Negative thoughts happen so quickly and build up over time. They then become so habitual that you don't even notice how pervasive and damaging they can be.

It is so incredibly freeing to move past those pesky and paralyzing thoughts and into thinking habits that support you. Once you do, you become motivated by joy and passion instead of anxiety and adrenaline!

Module 8: Eliminate Distractions ▼

A big piece of feeling whole and aligned, and managing your time and energy is about naming the distractions and obstacles in your life. Together, through the Woman Wisdom Success Principles process, we will address any and all blocks standing in your way of your SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. These distractions/obstacles might include: overeating, working too hard, spending too much time on the computer or watching TV, relationships that no longer serve you, persistent habits, self-criticism and judgement, lack of self-confidence, believing that you are unworthy, guilt about being successful or happy, unhealthy relationship to money and many more.

We will go deep and explore the origins of these obstacles, and, more importantly, the purpose they serve in your life. Then, we go straight to work at learning how to let them go so that they no longer stand in the way of what you really want for yourself.

Module 9: Re-Write Your Money and Abundance Story ▼

Feminine energy and wisdom is all about truly connecting with the abundance and richness of the world. Yet, for so many of us, we approach our life and our work from a place of scarcity, of not having enough, and of not valuing ourselves enough. This often leads to under-earning, being under-paid, feeling guilty about having too much, or difficulty in managing finances. Together, we will re-write your money and abundance story so that you powerfully move through the world knowing your infinite value and earning it!

Module 10: Intuitive and Loving Self-Care ▼

Taking care of yourself and making time just for you is essential in reducing stress, and in making good decisions from your soul. I believe that putting your self and spiritual care first is the number one key to achieving success and balance in your life.

In that spirit, together we also look at your self-care tactics so that you take the very best care of yourself, your body, your finances, and your spirit. This can include diet, nutrition, exercise, meditation techniques, getting massages, balancing your checkbook, quitting smoking, creating a practice of self-reflection, and much more.

Module 11: Measure Your Progress and Celebrate Yourself ▼

My personal favorite part of the process! Together, we will see and chart your progress...and be amazed by it. As women, so often we do not acknowledge our accomplishments and celebrate everything we are and have done. Celebrating our successes is what keeps us motivated and interested. Plus, it makes life juicier! Through our time together, you will learn how to really appreciate yourself and all that you do. The more you learn to honor and celebrate your achievements, the more you will be able to assess and understand how to refine your actions to make them more effective, and the more you will be inspired to set new and juicier goals for yourself.


spacer "I encourage all women who want to move courageously into the lives that they really want, to invest in this program, and in themselves."

Joanna over-delivers invaluable content, support, empowerment, business savvy and heart, throughout the Women's Intuitive Leadership Program. I cannot recommend her coaching, or WILP, highly enough. Joanna's gentle invitations to go deeper and focus inward, helped me completely transform my personal vision, my life mission, and my business, all in one go. I found clarity on some internal and external questions I've been pondering for years. My biggest take-away from the WILP program? The keys to success and happiness are within us all. Finding those keys and knowing how to use them is a skill that few master, and even fewer can teach, but Joanna does it with grace, compassion, humility and cheerful enthusiasm. If you're at a life juncture and need support finding your way, there is no better value than what Joanna delivers in WILP. I encourage all women who want to move courageously into the lives that they really want, to invest in this program, and in themselves.

- Natalie Nevares,

spacer ""My business has flourished and I have realized a 12-year vision because of my work with Joanna.""

Joanna is absolutely extraordinary! Her coaching reflects her unusual ability to connect to people's deepest needs and fears in a way that is safe and pushes them to move forward with action that will support their life's goals. She is able to see beyond the surface of words and help clients to uncover and excavate deeply held beliefs that hold them back and then to make moves that will transform their lives. My business has flourished and I have realized a 12-year vision because of my work with Joanna. She worked with me on an inner level to address the emotional and mental blocks to my moving forward, and on a practical outer level so that I could develop an action plan that would help me realize my dreams and fullest potential. I recommend Joanna wholeheartedly to anyone who feels stuck or unsatisfied, or who is struggling to move forward with a meaningful life goal. She will see your spirit and help you align your action to who you really are. That is one huge gift that has no price tag!

- Amy Jo Goddard,

   What You Receive In Your Wise Woman Leadership Program:

Direct Access and Support from me, Soulful Coaching Master Coach, Joanna Lindenbaum, and personally-trained-by-me Wise Woman Coach Britt Bolnick

Fifteen 60-minute Intuitive Leadership Training calls that focus on the Soulful Coaching for Busy Women Success System ($3,000 Value):

Each week you'll receive one 60-minute live training call. These deep, information-packed and intimate calls will provide the inner and outer building blocks and skills you need to be a successful Wise Woman Leader, as well as homework and coaching to put them into practice in your life and project right away.

That's 15 hours of incredible information and learning with me, Master Coach Joanna Lindenbaum, and Wise Woman coach Britt Bolnick.

Two 90-minute Bonus Marketing Strategies Calls ($1,000 value):

Whether you are a business owner, a writer, or in career transition, marketing yourself, your value and your skills is of utmost importance. These info-rich calls are packed with tools and exercises to support you in learning how to get yourself and your Soul-Centered Project out into the world in BIG ways.

Seven 60-minute Circle of Women calls that harness the talents, resources and energy of the group through facilitated group discussion and direct coaching (priceless!!):

These soulful calls are completely focused on what each woman brings to it - each woman in our group has an opportunity to bring a question to the circle on her particular project, and together we offer resources, suggestions, and wisdom. The value of like-minded women coming together in community is priceless by way of the emotional support, inspiration and creative resources it provides. Your Circle of Women calls are powerful opportunities give support, receive support, network, and problem-solve.

Six 60-minute group coaching calls with Joanna to help keep you on track with your goals ($1,800 value):

I am told time and time again how I have the distinctive ability to laser coach women to create huge shifts on inner and outer levels.

Every other week, throughout the entire program, you will have transformative opportunity to ask me anything about your soul-centered project and receive direct coaching on it. You can use this time many ways that will support you, including brainstorming, moving through obstacles, keeping on track, marketing, messaging and finding solutions. You will see that these laser calls inspire and motivate you to move forward even more quickly, as well as provide easy-to-implement ideas to bring more visibility and success to yourself.

Four 60-minute Sacred Blueprinting calls with Joanna to create your monthly action plan ($1,200 value):

When I tell you that I am here in this program to hold your hand step-by-step and guide you to success one action at a time, I'm not kidding. I take this VERY seriously.

On these calls, I will lead you step by step to create your individual monthly action plan. This is absolutely vital to being able to move forward with ease and success. On these calls, you have the opportunity to get crystal clarity on your steps for the month, broken down week by week, to manifest your goals on the concrete plain.

Downloadable recordings of each Training and Bonus call ($1,445 value):

I highly recommend you show up for each call live to receive the full energetic value, be fully present, and have the opportunity for Q and A. However, every now and again you may need to miss a call. Shortly after each class, you will receive a recording of our call so that you can review any information, class exercises, or visualizations at your leisure. I am told by many clients that they return to their training recordings again and again because the inspiration that is packed into each of these calls continues to grow for them each time they listen.

Online community of like-minded women for brainstorming, resources, and networking PLUS access to me for e-coaching for the duration of the class (priceless!!):

This incredible online resource will connect you to the other women in the program for suggestions, brainstorming, and networking.

But there's more: I will be checking the online once each week and answer any questions you might have for me. This e-coaching is PRICELESS, and usually only reserved for my private mentor clients!!!!.

Powerful homework worksheets, exercises and activities, including specially created Wise Woman Leadership rituals and visualizations ($885 value):

I am a big fan of homework and giving away LOTS of supplemental materials to you. These materials will support you in the work and learning you do in between our calls. Each of these exercises and activities are designed to accelerate your growth and achievement, and are re-usable each time you start a new project.

Opportunity to schedule a 30-minute coaching call with me whenever you need it at a very reduced rate



spacer "Joanna has helped me solidify and clarify the vision I have for the world, and way my business will continue to grow toward that vision."

Joanna has helped me solidify and clarify the vision I have for the world, and way my business will continue to grow toward that vision. She has given me the skills to continue to organize my schedule the way I want it, and the planning tools to move forward with direction and long term goals. She has given me the extra push I needed to hire an assistant, to reduce the amount of time I spend in front of a computer and increase the time I have for building my business, planning for the next steps, and finally have time to do the things I love (besides work).

- Zoe Bowick Levine,

spacer "The WILP class helped me dramatically reduce my daily negative feelings, add positive daily energy with self-care, and clarify my business' core values."

"Ten years ago I worked with a personal coach when I decided to quit my full-time corporate job and start my own freelance writing business. Ten years later, in the fall of 2009, I found myself stuck at a crossroads of not knowing where to go next for my business and my family responsibilities. I felt trapped professionally, personally, and spiritually. I literally didn't know what to do next. I had forgotten how to listen to my true self and then take action to create positive change in my life like I'd done before. That's when a friend told me how Joanna was helping her get her artistic company up on its feet financially and professionally. A woman who could coach me in both soulful expression and business smarts? That spoke to me. I called Joanna and enrolled in WILP.

The WILP group helped me remember how to listen to my inner wisdom. Joanna's kind but insistent requests helped me relearn how to get specific with next steps and follow-though with successful baby steps. These baby steps added up to powerful changes. The WILP class helped me dramatically reduce my daily negative feelings, add positive daily energy with self-care, and clarify my business' core values. The WILP inquiry and planning skills allowed me to enjoy the tumultuous holiday season for the first time in many years. I started 2010 energized and inspired rather than exhausted and resentful.

Joanna possesses the remarkable dual qualities of deeply grounded spirituality--compassionate and gentle enough to speak to anyone's heart--and practical, real-world business planning. I recommend WILP for any woman who has longings and seeks to live a happier life. Joanna can help you unravel problems that seem unsolvable and help you transform them. Joanna's practical coaching will teach you how to move from being stuck to being clear and help you create the life you truly, deeply want."

- Claire Sommer,, West Orange, NJ

The Next Wise Woman Leadership Program begins Wednesday March 14, 2012!!
Spaces in this powerful program are limited. Be sure to reserve yours right away. Make 2012 the year that you claim you Wise Woman and step into the success, visibility, and sacredness for which you are ready!

Wise Woman Leadership Group Calls: Mondays and Wednesdays at 1pm EST

Program Investment:

paid in full tutition rate= $1995.00

Special Rate: Only $1695

only until Midnight February 17, 2012!



3 monthly payments of $699.00

Special Rate-3 Payments: Only $585

only until Midnight February 17, 2012!



6 monthly payments of $349.00

Special Rate-6 Payments: Only $305

only until Midnight February 17, 2012!


spacer If you know you are ready for the kind of change, forward movement and more ease and joy in your life that the Soulful Coaching Wise Woman Leadership Program will bring you, sign up right away - there are limited spots available!

Wishing you health, happiness and success'



P.S. Feeling like this is truly in line with you and your heart's desires but just have a few more questions? Schedule a complimentary Intuition Activation call and we'll get really clear, really quickly if this is the program for you. Contact us at:

P.P.S. I really look forward to serving you in stepping into the authentic, soulful, and successful Wise Woman that you are!!

spacer "I feel so excited to have this polished tool-kit to take with me on my journey and am happy to say that I am thriving!"

The Women's Intuitive Program arrived in my life with perfect timing, answering my desire for greater success as well the balance of inner and outer strength to make my dreams manifest and shift from strive to thrive. Joanna's soul centered coaching offers the optimal balance between internal self-development work and outer action. I only wish this type of coaching was available to me as a teenager, and really feel that everyone should have access to this coaching as essential life skills!! Unlike any other self-work I have experienced, the clarity, principles, and understanding of what's in the way of big dreams and goals, were unveiled by simple teachings that make so much sense you'll apply them to everything you do for the rest of your life. I feel so excited to have this polished tool-kit to take with me on my journey and am happy to say that I am thriving!

- Shandoah Goldman,

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and it's potential. The testimonials are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money or complete any project.

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© 2011 Soulful Coach, Brooklyn, NY
Joanna Lindenbaum is a life coach, wedding officiant, and inspirational speaker. She helps women in the following areas: work/life balance, career change, prosperity, time management, creativity, leadership, and spirituality.

Web site by Rachel Goldstein is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.