
Posted on by kylesteed

Most mornings I wake up like this:

Turn off alarm
Grab my phone
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes
Check my email
Check my twitter
Check my instagram

… and before my feet hit the floor my identity has already been decided. Who I am is made up by networks of people around the world hitting a little like button. Bullshit!

Who I am is not decided by any factor here on earth. It’s not a number, not a relationship, not even a job. I am worth so much more than what this world can offer me. And the more that sinks in the more free I feel. The more I am able to create and love and give and share. You see, it’s only when you give up trying that you can receive by faith what’s been staring you straight in the face. God’s love.

Posted in faith | 11 Replies

Freelance Week 05

Posted on by kylesteed

This past week was pretty normal. Head down. Getting work done. Managed to get some work done around the house as well. There is something satisfying deep down in my soul when I do something manly around the house. I can make things on my computer all day long, but when it comes to using my hands to fix/install something that’s when I feel really proud of my labor.

On a side note, I am starting to sense the nerves rising up as I prepare for filing my taxes this year. This will be the first time filing as a full-time freelancer. I guess I’m trying to prepare for the worst. But honestly it’s easy for me to get totally overwhelmed by all of it.

So here’s to a new week filled with new opportunities to create. I remain thankful for the chance to do what I love for a living. I don’t want to take this lightly. I feel a greater sense of purpose now that I am cutting my own path in life. Not just for the right now, but for the future, however uncertain it may be.

Posted in life | 3 Replies

Freelance Week 04

Posted on by kylesteed

Climbing back in the saddle this past week after 5 days in San Francisco was really rewarding. Here are a few things I learned over the past week.

1. Stop trying to over-prepare and leave room for some impromptu living

2. Don’t be underprepared either, a plan of action is better than no plan at all

3. Anything over 3 days is too long to be away from my family

4. Going back to the drawing board is never a bad thing, it helps you refine your original idea and make it better.

5. Face-to-face time is better than FaceTime

After getting in late Wednesday night, I enjoyed some quiet time with my wife. Trying to hold on to those last few moments of peace and quiet. The next two days were filled with non-stop excitement. From getting to do two new murals up at Union Bear, to speaking at the new Circle Meetup.

I’m finding my schedule is consistently busy now that I’m working for myself. It’s not even the “business” side of things I feel that are keeping me busy, but the opportunities to go and do great things outside of my day-to-day routine. I’m not complaining, just learning how to better manage my time so I can do all the things I love to do.

I hope this last week was a good one for you. Let’s focus on making this week ahead even better though. We can only live one day at a time. That’s where I want to want, the here and now, not the “remember when” and the “what if”. Stay creative.

Posted in life | 9 Replies

Moment of Clarity

Posted on by kylesteed

I want to stop the bull and just be real for a moment, for a week, for the rest of my life. I feel like moments of clarity are far and few between. There is a hole so deep in this world that no amount of consumption can fill. We are all only ever human. Yes, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you do. The pedestals we put people on in the design community are like the tide of the ocean. As sure as they rise, they will fall. Having expectations is not a bad thing, but don’t be surprised if reality doesn’t live up to them. Get over yourself. Treat others like you wish to be treated. Make time to step away from your work and spend time with your family. Money, like friends, will come and go. So be wise where you choose to invest. Okay, that’s all I got.

Posted in life | 11 Replies

Freelance Week 03

Posted on by kylesteed

I can’t believe it’s only been three weeks since I started this journey. Feels like a lot longer if I’m being honest.

I feel like I’m still in a mental transition period. To the point where at the end of the day I’ll think to myself, “Oh man, I gotta go to work tomorrow.” Only to remind myself seconds later that I work for myself now, and that I’m doing what I love. But that stress of going in to the office has been so ingrained in me. I wonder if anyone else has felt this before? Surely I’m not the only one.

This past week brought about a different change of pace for me. Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to wrapping up client work and Wednesday and Thursday were spent preparing for my trip out here to San Francisco. Here are some of the things that have happened since I’ve been in SF:

1. Due to last minute change of plans, I needed a place to stay in SF. I frantically sent out Direct Messages to friends who lived in the area the day before I flew out. Then a friend put me in touch with this couple who lives in the city, and VOILA! a connection was made. I had never met these fine folks, although we run in the same circles, but they were totally open and willing to let me stay with them. Talk about being awesome. Much love to @kvnsmth and @emilysmith for letting me crash on their floor.

2. Putting a face to a name is one of my favorite things to do. I had the great pleasure of meeting and spending time with so many great people the past few days. My instafriend @mo_neal and I got to spend quality time snapping photos as he showed me around this beautiful city on Saturday. On Sunday, my friends @jimjones and @samanthatoy gave me a great tour of the Mission and the outer Sunset area of town. I’m still stoked on the burrito I got at Taqueria Cancún. Also, got to catch up with my good buddies @jbrewer and @samsoffes.

I still have three more days here in San Francisco. I’m looking forward to making some new connections and catching up with old friends. The city is alive with people and I want to make the most of my time here. I’m thankful I have the opportunity to do what I love for a living. This trip is encouraging me to continue to pursue my dreams. Until next time, stay creative.

Posted in life | 3 Replies

Freelance Week 02

Posted on by kylesteed

Here are a few things I learned this week:

1. Asking how I can serve is just as important as asking how I can succeed

2. Show people what you’re proud of, save the rest to remind you where you came from

3. 99% of Instagram comments are just fluff

This week I’ve seen a huge increase in work requests. It’s such a blessing to be only two weeks in to working for myself full-time and already have more folks wanting to work with me than I have time for. Now, it’s all about time management and keeping a close eye on my schedule. Where would I be without calendar reminders?

Have you ever had a conversation before where you verbalize something you’d only ever felt and then it becomes more clear after you say it? Well I had two conversations like that this past week. One was with a good friend who just graduated from school. Like any good designer starting out he wants to showcase his best work, but at the same time is conflicted by all this other work in his portfolio. I bet you can remember that time in your own journey, I know I do. My advice was simply this, only showcase work you want to get in return. Meaning, if you want to do illustration work then your portfolio better showcase your drawing skills, and if you want to focus on print design then you should probably have some examples of prints you made.

One last thing, if the environment you work in does not fulfill the desires of your heart, remember it was never intended to. We are more than what we do. But at the same time, we all have a calling in our lives. So make the most of your down time. If you aren’t happy where you’re at, then start making a plan on how you can change that. Don’t wait around for a hand-out.

Posted in life | 10 Replies

Freelance Week 01

Posted on by kylesteed

Here are a few things I learned my first week of self-employment:

1. To-do lists are important

2. Coffee should always be black

3. Getting dressed for work in the morning makes me more productive

4. An open line of communication with my client(s) is key

5. More coffee is never a bad thing

6. Family time is refreshing

7. Plenty of sleep is most important

It’s tough to put into words how I feel after just one week of freelancing. It’s good and challenging all at the same time. Some days are stressful, other days are cake. But all in all I know I’m in the right place, and that is what keeps me going. The obstacles that are waiting for me are nothing to be compared with the feeling of victory afterwards.

One of my goals this year is to share my journey with you each week. And hopefully we can learn from each other, instead of feeling like we’re all on our own. I hope your new year is off to a great start. Stay creative.

Posted in life | 16 Replies

The Next Step

Posted on by kylesteed

The coming new year marks a new beginning for me as a husband/artist/believer. I will be foregoing the comforts of a steady paycheck in pursuit of a more fulfilling life. Saying it out loud, or in the case typing it in the computer, really solidifies it. I think it’s a part of my maturing process to not only go from thought to speaking it out loud, but then to also stand behind my words and be committed.

Of course this hasn’t been a quick decision to come to. There are many obstacles that have stood in my way. The biggest being my own fear. But over the course of the last two years I have continually prayed and sought the Lord on what I should do. Some days I felt really empowered to pursue my dreams, and others I was down right afraid. But I felt the Lord giving me the strength this year to prepare to walk by faith more.

The question I get asked most when I tell someone is “what kind of work do you want to do?” And I don’t want to put myself in a box, but I feel the obvious direction is one of illustration and art. I’ve had to be really honest with myself about what satisfies my soul and where I see myself in the years to come. And building websites is not it. I love the web for one reason, the people. The endless pursuit of technology is tiring. But I’m of the opinion if a client/project is a good fit then you shouldn’t limit what platform you create on.

My desire is to build things with my bare hands that reflect truth in a beautiful way. Whether that’s with a pen and paper or on a computer. At the end of the day I want to build a relationship with my client(s) and make stuff that’s awesome. Is it going to be easy? Probably not. But living out the dreams of your heart isn’t meant to be easy. The challenges that lie in wait for me are nothing compared to the victories on the other side.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to all who have walked with me and encouraged me over these past couple of years. Your words and prayers have not been in vain. I am really excited about what the future holds and couldn’t do it without the love and support of my family, friends and awesomely supportive wife.

Posted in life | 31 Replies

Out of the woods

Posted on by kylesteed

I recently spent 4 days in the Ouachita mountains in western Arkansas with 5 other men. It was a time of rest and bonding over doing what we men do best, chop wood, grill meat and drink whiskey. If you would’ve told me 10 years ago that’s what men of God did when they got together then I would’ve laughed. But I continue to learn that God doesn’t fit inside our safe little boxes.

The over-arching theme of the trip was to be get back to the heart of a man. Letting go of what the “church” has told a man he should be and just living out of our rough, wild and adventurous nature. Too many times have I sat idly by and watched the desires of my heart pass me by because I was told it wasn’t safe to follow my heart. Well you know what? The heart of a man isn’t safe, just like it’s creator.

When I am faced with adventure my heart puts on boots and grabs an axe. When I am under pressure my heart stands up and says “bring it on”. The world, nay the church, doesn’t need another generation of emasculated men with polite manners and a clean cut. I think that verse in 1 Peter about judgement starting at the house of God somehow applies here. We, as men, must take a cold hard look in the mirror of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help us regain our strength.

I read this in Proverbs:

“A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest; So shall your poverty come like a prowler, And your need like an armed man” – Proverbs 24:33,34

There is a deep need in this world for men to wake up to their calling. To stop “folding our hands” over the xbox controller and get off the couch. We are only given one day at a time. I am earnestly praying to know what it means to give each day all I’ve got in respect to work, family and faith. My heart isn’t satisfied anymore with the affections of my youth.

Posted in faith, life | 12 Replies

The value of living local

Posted on by kylesteed

These past 4 years have been a struggle for me to appreciate what I have. In the back of my mind I have been preparing to move on and start fresh. And how can anyone truly value the present if they’re always worrying about the future? But as my wife and I continue to press in to our local community around us, we are finding real value in staying put. Now as I sit in my home I can look out the back window and appreciate the tree in full fall splendor, because I remember when we first moved in it was much smaller. Or now when I walk down to the local coffee shop I appreciate the beauty of the life that surrounds me.

I used to think in order to be happy I needed to start over. But roots will never grow if you keep ripping them out and replanting them every few years. I am thankful for the grace of God that sustains me and the wisdom of my wife that challenges me. So I would like to challenge you in the same way if you’re feeling anxious about moving or uncertain of where you are. One, stop and pray. Two, maybe it’s not the place you’re living that’s the problem. Three, finding community around you that loves and supports you is incredibly important.

When I stopped looking at the next step and started appreciating where we are, I found value in everything around me. I can only take it one day at a time. And who knows what God has planned for Amanda and I these next few years. Whatever it is I can trust Him to give us peace about it and prepare the way.

Posted in faith, life | 11 Replies