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Create Space is an online experience that invites you to give yourself the gift of being present in this moment of your life. During this five-week course, you will slow down, take a deep breath with intention, and notice what you need. Through video and audio lessons, stories, writing and photography prompts, and weekly creative adventure assignments, we will explore self-care and being-present practices to use in your everyday life.

Registration for the Winter 2012 session has begun (it begins February 5). Read on for more information, read testimonials from the previous session, and register. Registration will remain open until Wednesday, February 8.


Some of the topics we will explore include:

  • Creating internal space through accessible meditation and being-present practices that will help you find your breath, sink into your body, and quiet your mind. We will spend time discovering our personal soul mantra phrases and connecting to the heart space within us. We will look at ways to make space for all that we experience from joy to grief.
  • Creating sacred space within our homes through gathering the treasures, inspirations, and words that speak to where we are on our journeys. We will look at ways to create small altar spaces to honor who we are, where we have been, and where we want to walk next on our paths.
  • Creating space for ourselves throughout our days with writing practices, getting out into the world for short creative adventures, and using our cameras to capture who we are and what we find in this moment.

We will explore ways to integrate these practices into our day-to-day lives, and I will share stories about the ways I do this in my corner of the world. Note that this class is more about the experience of slowing down and noticing than it is about lots of homework and “doing.” That said, along the way I will gently encourage you to work through the lessons in the course so that you can give yourself the gift of using these practices as you walk through autumn (or spring) toward the holidays.

NEW for the Winter session: The course is now five weeks long because we will be taking a break from the lessons during the third week to create some breathing space to catch up and let what we explore in the first two weeks sink in a bit. There will be inspiration and check in posts throughout this "breathing space" week.

Testimonials from previous participants:

I've never really asked myself, "What do you need today, kid?" I know what I want, but have never given myself real permission to give it voice and to allow it to be real and not a dream of "one day, maybe some time in the future." Such emotion has filled me today because I believe I CAN, instead of wondering IF I can. This practice for me personally has lifted a layer of self-doubt, negative talk and given me the motivation to throw out my beautiful box of excuses with tomorrow's trash…I truly am where I need to be right now.

- Stephani

These last four weeks have been a delight sharing time with you each day. You have opened up so much for me, and I am going to work my way through each day again because there was such depth to all you gave and shared with us. I know I will get even more. Thank you so much.

- Barbara

For what you have helped me find, I am so grateful.
(I am finding a girl I "misplaced" a while back.)
I was ready, there you were with this amazing course.
Thank you from my unearthed heart.

- Jeanne

I just wanted to check in and share how much I am enjoying this and how much peace it is bringing, both within my practice and my everyday life out in the noisy world.

- Kelly

I have to say that I officially love prompts…It's been no doubt one of the most honest exercises I've done in a long time. I write in my little notebook, sometimes, but this allowed [me] to get things that I would have never thought of writing...thanks.

- RR

Additional details:

Dates: Create Space begins February 5 and ends March 11.

Where: The course will be hosted on a private blog and private Flickr group. The course will stay up on the blog until April 30 to give participants time to soak up the information. The Flickr group will be available indefinitely for continued connection after the course ends. A PDF of the content will also be given after the course ends.

Lessons: There will be five main posts per week on the private blog plus downloadable audio meditations, inspiration and resources, and other goodies along the way. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and check in about their experience during our time together. 

Supplies needed:

  • Journal/notebook
  • A camera (any camera is fine, including a camera phone, but if you use film, you will want to be able to scan the photos to share in our Flickr group)
  • A Flickr membership
  • An additional supply list will be shared after you register for the course. This list will include items you might want to gather before our time together that we will use as we create sacred space in our homes. More than likely you will have these items on hand, but I will also supply a resource list of my favorites. 

Cost: $79


Registration has begun! To participate in the Create Space online experience, click the PayPal "Pay Now" button below.

Your confirmation email from PayPal confirms your spot in the class.

Within a few days of your registration, I will send you a welcome email that includes a resource list.

Note that I will use your PayPal email address to communicate with you. If you prefer that I use another email address, let me know when you register or via an email to liz [dot] lamoreux @ gmail [dot] com (or click here to email through this website).




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