Meet Kris

spacer Hey there. So happy you found me here.

Here’s the skinny on me.

Who I am and what I do:

My name is Kris Ward, and what I do… it freakin’ LIGHTS ME UP. 

My work is a one-of-a-kind mash-up of everything that tugs at my heart strings in one way or another.

I’m a Yoga teacher, artist, and dancer/choreographer by trade. Mindful Marketer, speaker, online entrepreneur, lifestyle design coach, and lover of life by way of making that trade WAY more joyful, impactful, and profitable––a truer expression of the real me.

Because I’m not JUST a yoga teacher. I’m an advocate of full self-expression––of NOT limiting ourselves by conforming to anyone ELSE’S opinions or belief systems, but instead tuning into to what’s REALLY alive in us, and honoring that truth, no matter how scary or different it might be from the “norm”.

Whether I’m on the phone with a client, teaching a yoga class, or speaking in front of hundreds of people, the only thing I’m ever really doing is reminding people to be precious to themselves. Helping them remember their value, their brilliance, and their uniqueness; that when it comes to life, they really CAN’T get it wrong and they don’t need to rush. It really is supposed to feel good. And everything they desire, it CAN be theirs if they really want it and are ready to make the decision to create it.

Ultimately, I give people the kick in the rear they need to start living their lives by design, not by default; by choice, not by chance.

So my greatest creative contribution thus far is Abundant Yogi™, a brand I founded to empower my fellow yoga teachers, coaches, and wellness professionals to create financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth through compassionate entrepreneurship.

I love working with this group because they carry a lot of GUILT around making great money doing what they love (as if they should only make great money doing work they despise. Weird, I know, but this belief is like an epidemic within the community). So I help them ditch the guilt, once and for all, and get back in their power, PRONTO… so they can make a bigger difference and spread their love juice a lot more generously.

The nutshell version of all that:

Through my proven Lifestyle Design Coaching™ programs, home study courses, live events, interviews and blog, I have the privilege of educating and inspiring thousands of people out of painful conflict around money into getting paid their worth for doing what they love and living a well deserved abundant lifestyle.

How it all started:

Abundant Yogi™ was actually an off-shoot of my first baby, Trikaya Yoga® (AKA the yoga that helps you get your sh!t together). Although I don’t do as much with this company anymore because I love the more mobile aspects of coaching, on special occasions I still host live events under this brand that incorporate high energy yoga and dance sequences with laser-sharp coaching that supports each participant to stop hiding out and playing small, and start living their passion––taking a stand for who they choose to be in this world.

Where you might’ve seen me:

I’ve appeared in LA Yoga Magazine and Yoga Journal online, spoken at Yogahub’s World Yoga Conference, the Yoga Teachers Telesummit, the Holistic Entrepreneurs Authentic Business Summit, and the Yoga Month Health Festival. I also directed the Global Mala Project – San Diego in 2007-2008.

Where I am and what I’m up to now:

After a decade out west, living mostly in San Diego, California, I now live on the most adorable little island off the coast of South Carolina, close to my roots and my precious family. I’m preggars with my first child, a little baby boy. His name is Rhythm Jai and I can’t wait to meet him!

I share my beach house with my husband and fellow entrepreneur, Kraig Ward, trusted keeper of my heart and founder of the Mindful Marketing Academy. We follow the strict orders of our two Shih Tzu dogs, Sushi and Saké, the real rulers of the household.

As for my latest and greatest, I am beyond thrilled to be kicking off the first ever Abundant Yogi LIVE––a weekend retreat and live event to be held Oct. 28 – 30, 2011 in gorgeous downtown Charleston, SC, just down the way from my cozy little Isle of Palms.

AND… last but BEST OF ALL, I am overflowing with gratitude and excitement for the honor and privilege to be opening up the doors once again for enrollment in my beloved  Secret Sauce Society™ ––my private coaching and mastermind program for Women Entrepreneurs who want to design their most delicious lives. It includes Live Retreats in the most gorgeous settings on the planet, private and group coaching, a Lifestyle Design Coaching Certification, and complimentary admission into my latest programs, Abundant Yogi PHD and Abundant Yogi LIVE.

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