Locomotive is an open source CMS for Rails. It's super flexible and integrates with Heroku and Amazon S3.

Theme inspired by nostrich.

19th July 2011

Text with 2 notes

Changelog #1

Here is a pretty exhaustive list of what the BIG MERGE includes:

  • upgrade the list of gems: Rails 3.0.9, Devise 1.3.4, Rake 0.9.2, …etc 
  • roles with the CanCan gem
    note: 3 kind of roles. Administrator (they can do everything), Designer (like Administrator but applied on a single website), Author (only edit pages and contents) 
  • resizing images on the fly (ticket #79)
  • tinyMCE enhancements (ticket #99):
    - the locomotive image plugin has been replaced by the locomotive media plugin which allows you to upload any kind of files
    -  fullscreen mode, very convenient to edit a long text 
  • remove asset_collections
    note: the asset collections tab was confusing for users (and me too). Actually, it’s like a content type with a different kind of view in the back-office (the galery view is not implemented yet)
  • use dashes instead of underscores (ticket #56):
     note: pages (slug) and contents (permalink) uses the parameterize String method.
  • SEO (tickets #57 & #90):
     - index and index/ are the same page now (301 redirection)
     - add a seo_title for both the site, the page and content objects.
     - write a {% seo %} liquid tag to display the title, meta (description and keywords) tags depending on the context
  • fix issue about httparty (ticket #91)
  • check if custom contents are organized in a category when displaying the select box for the has_one / has_many fields
  • add 2 liquid global variables in the page conext: current time and date. Dates from a custom content are now comparable
  • site export (but editable_elements inside a page are not correctly handled for now)
  • rake task to import a remote template
  • UI tweaks, a quick list of some of them:
    - better hints for the theme asset new/edit action
    - slight modifications on forms: separator between fields, text shadow, error message redesigned, …etc
    - quick link to edit directly a model from the submenu 
  • new sites picker (if the multi_sites mode is enabled and correctly set up)
  • the robots.txt can be edited directly from the back-office (site settings) (ticket #57)
  • 2 new languages:
    - dutch (#92)
     - spanish (#103)
  • a lot of internal refactoring as well as a ton of bug corrections

Checkout the following link for the upgrade procedure:

I’d like to thank all the contributors, users and developers who reported bugs / problems or just simply suggested relevant improvements. Seriously folks, THANK YOU SO MUCH !

A very special and big thank to 2 companies. The first one, a german company (designhunger) run by Bernd Hauser, funded the has_one / has_many feature. If you are in touch with him, please thank him, he deserves it :-) 

The other one is a startup from San Francisco named Bushi.do. Sean and Kevin, the 2 owners behind this company, have been helping us so much for a couple of months now. They provide us a financial support so that we can be focused as much as possible on the CMS. On top of that, they provide us a great help for the documentation (believe me they are working hard to deliver a top notch FAQ) and they also advise us on the commercial side of LocomotiveCMS.
Working with them led, in a first time, to the update to the demo section. Before our partnership, the demo section was just a simple application with the same credentials for everyone and without the ability to edit the demo website. Now, anyone can launch as many LocomotiveCMS websites as they want and do everything possible with them !
The bushi.do people rock and I love their product ! 

To sum up things, I feel so great about LocomotiveCMS !

Tagged: changelog


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