December 07, 2011
245 notes

I live in a country where this man is running for President and a large percentage of the population is not able to understand why this commercial is offensive and very against the Constitution of that country. 

I’m guessing Rick Perry wouldn’t feel this way if the ‘faith’ increases for Muslims. 

If you are reading this and you are Christian, and you for some reason cannot understand why this is offensive try this. Imagine a person who was born in the U.S. from immigrant parents who were from Egypt. This person has a birth certificate proving that they were born in the U.S. by the way. Also, a policeman, fireman, rabbi, priest, scientist and Matlock were there to witness the birth, thus confirming even more that this person was born on American soil. Now imagine that this person was named Muhammad. I don’t use the name Muhammad to spark controversy here, I picked it because it is THE MOST COMMON NAME ON PLANET EARTH. Now imagine that Muhammad lived his life serving his country and helping the people within it. He was an American hero. Now imagine that Muhammad wanted to run for President and he made an ad explaining that he will make sure that children can openly celebrate Eid al-Adha in schools. Oops, sorry. If you are Christian you probably do not have any education in holidays that are not Christian. Let’s just call it Muslim Party Day so that you can keep up. Imagine what it would feel like to have someone attempting to become President of a free country forcing his religious ideas over you and your country. You probably would not like it. Why? Because it infringes on your ideas and your freedoms as an American. 

The Constitution protects us from this. Your ideas and my ideas may differ. You are not forced to believe what I believe or the majority believes. It is what made this country what it is.

PS: Kids can pray in school and to any God they choose. The school cannot force kids to pray. What Rick Perry is doing is called ‘lying’ by saying this.  

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    Yeah, so this video has been done to death, I know, I know. But I love this explanation for why it is the most gosh-darn...
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    want to punch rick perry in. the. face. ron paul 2012
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    Do. Not. Just, don’t.
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