Volunteer Expo- Final Thoughts

Posted: February 9, 2012 in Encouragement, Granger Community Church, Team

Inside a four-week series entitled “Remix,” we took time to celebrate volunteerism at Granger Community Church.  There’s a ton of value added when we commend ministry efforts, cheer the accomplishments of our teams, remind people of the reasons we serve and, yes, cheer on the volunteers who make ministry happen.

Again this year, our Senior Pastor, Mark Beeson, handed out what he has termed Smooth Stone Awards. Based on the Old Testament story of David and Goliath, they are given out to heroes serving above and beyond in ministry. Mark does such an incredible job with these that I’ve included a clip from one of the services below.

Since “Remix” incorporated volunteerism, our leadership team thought it best to present these awards during the final week of the series. It was a great addition to the weekend message to celebrate volunteerism and recognize the vast scope of ministry within the body of this congregation.

Other elements of celebration included video testimonies from attendees and volunteers thanking other volunteers, a ministry or ministry team. What an amazing way to say thank you publicly and incorporate so many members of the body of Christ in the weekend celebration. You’ll find that video below, too.

Encouragement, testimonies and recognition of both the ministry and the people who serve in them are worth celebrating. It’s not the reason we do ministry nor is it even in the playbook. It’s a way of honoring both the people and the accomplishments that happen as darkness is pushed back and hope and light are given to a world in need.

So you might be asking yourself, “How many people took a next step and signed on the dotted line from the two weeks of Expo?” There’s still a lot to be done. Cards are still coming in and follow through will continue over the next few months.  Here’s what we do know: Over 735 people filled out a card.  Dozens have already served their first weekend and are experiencing “team” for the first time in a local church.

We’re seeing first-steps sightings across every part of the way we do church at GCC and hundreds more will join them in the coming weeks. Good things happen when people decide to do life together and when all is said and done, lives will change and people will be moved closer to Christ because of the selfless efforts of many.

Hopefully you’re more confident about trying an Expo at your church. Remember: Think it out and follow it through.

Enjoy the videos.



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Volunteer Expo 2012 Part 2