October 14, 2011 · 1:19 pm
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Alder Stream Canvas



Alder Stream Canvas, founded in 1989 in Kingsfield Maine, had a tent at the Common Ground Country Fair this year so I had the opportunity to poke around and chat with founder and designer Jane Barron. The quality and design of the packs and accessories was impressive, to say the least. Barron keeps her experiences of hiking and canoeing in Maine, Alaska, Labrador, and the Yukon, in mind when designing each piece with durability, practicality, and comfort being a priority when crafting her duffels, totes, and packs. Barron had one of her own Alder Stream packs that she uses when acting as a Maine Guide on display in her tent. The pack had obviously stood up against the harsh Maine wilderness. The only noticeable wear was some fading of the color, which in my mind only enhanced its general appearance. Barron is also open to completing custom orders if you want to tweak or personalize an already existing design.

*images via Alder Stream’s website.

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Filed under Style

Tagged as Alder Stream Canvas, Maine

3 Responses to Alder Stream Canvas

  1. spacer Rhon
    October 14, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    Looks impressively like Filson met L.L. Bean and they went on a canoe trip.

  2. Pingback: Plaidy: Christine Mitchell of N’East Style

  3. spacer Jonnalyn Wilkins
    December 3, 2011 at 11:10 am

    Awesome, so cute and simple yet unique ideas.

    Jonnalyn Digital Photos on Canvas


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