
Self promotion for wimps*


Or: How to Stop Your Stuff from Getting in the Way of Making The Monies

*Ohmygod, did we just say wimp?

That was a lie. A mean, mean lie.

You are not a wimp. Or a pansy. Or a pushover. More like an Accidental Wallflower, or maybe a Person with Legitimate Fears and Concerns. If you have fears and concerns, they’re legitimate. We can help.

Doing something about it.

This is a 6-part homestudy power course for creative types, small business owners, and people who are (understandably) too busy freaking out to properly live their dreams.

And it’s full of learning, soothing, ass-kicking, fear erasing, question answering, and some other things that end with "ing".

It’s a course for people who want to get their business – sometimes referred to as "that thing that you’ve always wanted to do and maybe you might get paid a living wage for it someday but it’s not really, you know, a business business" – rocking and rolling.

It’s for people who are ready to clear out the crap that’s standing in the way of their fabulous life and start having more fun and making some money doing it.

What we cover in 6 (ridiculously awesome) classes:

spacer Class 1: Help! I feel like a sham!

"I’m NOT good enough, I’m NOT smart enough, and gosh darn it, people HATE me. There’s no way on God’s good earth that anyone will ever pay me for this. I totally suck. This was a stupid idea. Forget it, I’ll go back to my cubicle and/or bed and die."

Quality anxiety blows. And it’s almost always the number one thing that keeps you from moving forward.

(Almost always. Sometimes it’s the whole" What-if-I-die-homeless-and-alone?" thing. See Classes 4 & 5.)

This is where you learn to take down the "I Suck" once and for all.

spacer Class 2: Help! What if I fail?!?!

"Aaaaaaaaaaah! What if I get laughed off the internets? What if it all goes horribly wrong? What if my mother-in-law spends the next two decades telling me she always knew I should’ve kept my day job? WhatIfWhatIfWhatIf?"

Fear of failure is horrible. It is a big, mean nasty fear, and it keeps millions (OK, probably billions) of people from living their dream life doing the stuff that they love. Yuck.

This is where you learn the tools to get your fear of failure to pipe down and to start getting excited about what’s going to happen next.

spacer Class 3: Help! What if I succeed?!?!

"I am so not ready for this. Everyone will think I’m a total sell out. I won’t even enjoy my success. My family will stop speaking to me because they’ll think I’m a snob. It’s not even worth it. Who’s bright idea was this in the first place?"

When you’re not extremely busy being afraid of failing, you occupy yourself with fear of all the stuff that comes with success. It’s not healthy, people. Normal, yes. Healthy, no.

This is where you learn to deal with success. Because you will succeed. Don’t argue. You’ll succeed because you’re awesome. (Also because you took this course.)

spacer Class 4: Help! Monies: I have issues here!

"What if I charge too much and nobody buys and then I’ll be poor? What if I charge too little and nobody takes me seriously and then I’ll be poor? Who the hell am I to charge those kinds of prices? OHMYGOD I’m going to STARVE TO DEATH!!!"

Since Communism is kind of a bad business model, at some point you’re going to have to deal with the money drama. For the sake of your bank account, sooner is probably better. Like, say, class four!

This is where you learn tricks for making peace with the scary, filthy lucre.

spacer Class 5: Help! I need a little help from my friends!

"Nobody’s interested in my little business. My friends don’t help. My family thinks I’m a dreamer. If they call this a hobby one more time I’m gonna do something drastic. Nobody gets it."

You need support. You need some hand-holding. You need people to start rolling up their sleeves. Without good people, it’s pretty hard to thrive. And we like thriving. Thriving is good.

This is where you learn where to find support, how to get it, and who to dump.

spacer Class 6: Help! I’m still freaking the hell out over here!

"Fine. I get it. Deal with your fears, like yourself, whatever. But I’m still scared. And, uh, terrified. I’m so overwhelmed it’s like I’m turbo-whelmed. What am I supposed to do when the course is done and I have to actually unstick myself?"

Life is long and stuff comes up. Things get scary. You’ll get stuck. New stuff will happen that throws you for a loop. You’ll have to stay in the process and keep moving so you don’t start freaking out all over again.

This is where you learn how to get on with the rest of your shiny, fabulous new life.


If you’re reading this, you probably know at least one of us (and maybe both of us) already. You know that we know our stuff, that we bring different but equally cool things to the table, and that this is going to be a very good time.

In brief:

spacer Naomi Dunford is smiling sweetly in this picture to distract you from the fact that she’s a bad-ass and curses like a sailor.

Naomi’s bringing her extensive knowledge of seriously great marketing techniques and small biz biggification know-how. You can find her at or read the obnoxious bio that Havi wrote for her right here.

spacer Havi Brooks is the one with the duck. Both Havi and Selma (her duck) will be cursing considerably less than Naomi.

Havi’s bringing her intense and wacky "here’s how to rewrite your patterns and change your habits to not have to keep re-living that depressing cycle of stuckification" techniques. Find her at or read the awful things Naomi wrote.


Get the homestudy!

The course already happened, but you can get:

spacer Six mp3 recordings (75 minutes each);

spacer Notes from each class;

spacer An invitation to a follow up Q&A session;

spacer Eligibility to take our Fear of Success Course (this is a pre-requisite);

spacer Discount (if you’re interested) on our future copywriting course.


Are we at the Yeah, baby, let’s do this thing! moment yet?

Because we don’t want to spend a lot of time (or any time) convincing. Basically, if you’re not already thrilled about this, it’s probably not for you.

Order your copy of the Non-Icky Self Promotion homestudy:

What you get The Program
Awesomeness. Ass-kicking. Recordings. Notes.


Here’s where you ORDER. spacer

» Questions? Talk to me, Naomi (Naomi at Havi is on email sabbatical. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.