Timelapse of a Cobra Sketch

Coming up shortly, I was requested to live draw at the Agenda Trade show in Long Beach for the Apparel Brand Lira. This piece was a test piece to calculate how long it would take me to start to finish on a piece as well as what materials would work best. As in would the markers bleed, how would they react to the material, and so forth.

This was a successful test run. Granted I could of invested more time in cleaner lines, but this was to see how long / how quick I could accomplish this piece.

Needed more time to make it look cleaner? This looks as clean as one can get. I want to hang this up on my wall.

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By Scrivs | Posted in Inspiration, Video | January 12, 2012

29 Ways to Stay Creative

By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 11, 2012

Swissted is Design Un-Twisted

swissted is an ongoing project by graphic designer mike joyce, owner of stereotype design in new york city. drawing from his love of punk rock and swiss modernism, two movements that have absolutely nothing to do with one another, mike has redesigned vintage punk, hardcore, and indie rock show flyers into international typographic style posters. each poster is sized to the standard swiss kiosk dimensions of 35.5 inches wide by 50 inches high and set in berthold akzidenz grotesk medium, all lowercase. every single one of these shows actually happened.



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By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 11, 2012

Fotoshop By Adobé

By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 11, 2012

The Origins of the PBS Logo

It is awesome to see the different logos and the thought process behind the PBS logo. I wonder how long this process took, but it is great to see how iterative some designs can be.

By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 10, 2012

5 Olive Oil is Slick


Excuse the title, but I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate to say. I love how some packaging makes you just want to put the item on display. In most kitchens you will find that people hide their kitchen goods in cupboards because they are ugly. However, give them something slick and they want to show it off. It appeals to the eyes and they aren’t ashamed to keep it right on the counter.

Simple enough concept that companies continuously fail at.

By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 10, 2012

“Goldfish Salvation” Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介

Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it’s such an odd process that results in something that’s both a painting and sculptural. Wonderful.

This is Colossal

By Scrivs | Posted in Inspiration, Video | January 10, 2012

The Gregor Calendar: a Useful Scarf

By Scrivs | Posted in Inspiration, Video | January 10, 2012

The Pen Envelope Art of Mark Powell

Give a man a pen and an envelope and magic can happen. Mark Powell takes old and used envelopes and does unbelievable sketches on them with a ballpoint pen. Not sure why he chooses to use old envelopes, but when you are able to see stuff this great one shouldn’t complain about the canvas.


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By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 10, 2012

Crania Anatomica Filigre

The Taj Mahal. The Great Wall of China. The Pyramids. All of these structures were built long before there was CAD software, bulldozers, and giant metal cranes. We take for granted the tools we have no to finish a project, but to think that some people haven’t been able to create what they want due to the limitations of tools amazes me. If the Egyptians can find a way to build the Pyramids and Sphinx then we should be able to figure out how to make mini-sculptures.

Fortunately, Joshua Harker is able to make his tangled sculptures and they are beautiful.

By Scrivs | Posted in Neato | January 9, 2012
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