About Me


Name: Steve Cullum

College: Lincoln Christian University

Major: B.A. Youth Ministry; M.A. General Ministry

Hobbies: Soccer, Video Games, Movies, Music, Hiking, Skiing, Roller Coasters

Favorite Books: Bible, Chronicles of Narnia, Blue Like Jazz, I am Legend, The Shack

Favorite Movies: Dumb & Dumber; The Illusionist; Napoleon Dynamite; I am Legend

Favorite TV Shows: Smallville, The Office, Boy Meets World, The Middle, Modern Family, MythBusters, American Idol

Favorite Scripture: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13)

I currently live in Salem, NH, and I work at Rockingham Christian Church (also in Salem) as a Student Minister for 6-12th grade students. It is my passion to minister to teens and their families, and I have been actively living in that passion since high school.  I grew up in Southern Illinois, before going to college, grad school, and moving to New England. I got married on January 3, 2009, to my amazing wife, Yvette.  She is an awesome partner, and I am so grateful that God allows me to work beside her in life and ministry.

In addition to sports, one of my other hobbies is video games. In 2008, I began [volunteer] blogging for NintendoFuse (formally WiiNintendo.net), a privately owned fan blog for all Nintendo-related news and games.  It has been a great opportunity for me for many reasons, as you can probably assume.  Basically, I pass on new and info about games, write reviews, and attend gaming events when I can. It is a lot of fun, and I thank God for it.

Where else can you find me online?

  • Personal Twitter Page
  • Personal Facebook Page
  • Personal YouTube Channel
  • SteveAndYvette.com

Feel free to contact me (questions, booking, advice, etc.):


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