We’re Ready for the Madonna Bowl

February 3, 2012


I like sports as much as the next gal – which is to say not all that much.  Hey I love baseball, and like basketball, but football has never made it’s place in my life.  In fact I’d rather clean out the basement than spend an afternoon with the Super Bowl raging in my TV room.  But this weekend might be an exception.  With Madonna holding court at half time I’ll just have to set my DVR to catch it.  In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying MDNA’s new vid that popped up last night, Give Me All Your Luvin’.


A Happy Imbolc to You!

February 1, 2012


Tomorrow may be Groundhog Day (I have a feeling Punxsutawney Phil will not be seeing his shadow this year) but today is Imbolc, or St Brigid’s Day, a luscious day of celebration in the Irish culture.   It marks the beginning of Spring, and like everything ancient, involves a good measure of superstition and watching for omens.  One of the foremost of which is the weather on this particular day – if it’s a bit fowl where you are that’s a good sign.

According to Wikipedia:  “Imbolc is the day the Cailleach, the hag of Gaelic tradition — [in which she] gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood. Therefore, people are generally relieved if Imbolc is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep and winter is almost over.” 

The Gaelic people also watched for serpents or badgers to emerge from their burrows:

“The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bride,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground.”

All right, enough history – to celebrate the day you can simply light a nice bonfire somewhere (that works where I live, not so much if you’re in a city) or candles (no need to let the wax drip all over you as on our model below)….


…and make up a fresh batch of Irish Bannock – an easy bread that I think you’ll like fresh from the oven and spread with a touch of butter. Recipe is below!


Irish Bannock


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup raisins


1.   Preheat oven to 375 degrees F

2.   Combine sugar, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a bread hook.  Combine on a low setting while you add buttermilk until dough is soft.  Then add raisins.

3.   Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 5 – 10 minutes till smooth. Form dough into a 6 – 7  inch round and place on a lightly oiled baking sheet.  Using a large knife, cut 1/2 inch deep cross into top.

4.   Bake for 40 minutes.


Is the Floofy Wedding Dress Back in Style?

January 27, 2012


If you’re old enough, you might remember the floofy wedding dresses from the 80′s – just take a gander at this gallery from google and you’ll get the idea if you’re a youngin’.  Most of them were obviously inspired by Rose Parade floats with their intricate beadwork, raucous lace detail, puffed sleeves, high necks, and flouncy skirts – everything onto one dress.  I know, I actually sewed one – and it wasn’t pretty.  Enter Vera Wang.  Wang immediately smoothed down the wildness, making wedding gowns less embarrassing and more awe inspiring.  But I think the real turn came when Carolyn Bessette wed John Kennedy in her regal Narcisco Rodriguez gown.  Sans ruffles, it sent a shock wave through every bride-to-be’s heart.

For quite some time now, ruffly, floofy, over the top dresses were decidedly off the menu, with brides opting for sleek over silly.  But I was giggling as I watched the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this season, as Lisa Vanderpump’s daughter, Pandora tried on one bridal confection after another.  The very fashionable Housewife Vanderpump looked on, not in horror, but in adoration.  So is this the cue? Are we floofing it up again as we march down the aisle?  It seems so if this collection from Lazaro is any barometer.   But unlike the insanity of the 80′s these gowns are gorgeous in their excess -  in fact I’d have not a problem in the world wearing one these beauts!  I think the key is in not adding every bell and whistle to every gown.








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Pop Up Shops are soooo 2011

January 20, 2012


I’m always thinking about clever promotions or ideas for getting my clients out in front of the public (that being my job and all).  Pop up shops, luxury celebrity suites, and press events are always in the mix.  So I was really intrigued when I saw this story about the Styleliner on FashionIndie this week.

Styleliner founder Joey Wolffer took a retired potato chip delivery truck and tricked it out, making it a very cute boutique on wheels.  If the Marshall’s commercial springs to mind, I would say the concept is pretty similar, yet the Styleliner was designed to feel like an ’80′s nightclub and its offerings are more unique and indie.   This weekend the Styeliner will be at the Sundance film festival – next week Palm Beach .  Very clever, right??  Be sure to check out this very cool video about the Styleliner>>




Whoops I did It Again

January 17, 2012


It may seem like I’m gorging on chandeliers lately, but this is the last one, I swear – I don’t have any spots left (except in my office, which now has me thinking….).  I saw this vintage rose chandelier (in the same shop where I grabbed the dining room piece) over the long weekend.  We’ve had a ceiling fan in the master bedroom for several years – it’s great in the Summer months but otherwise collects dust from September through May.   We have standard ceilings in the Connecticut house, so trying to get it to push down heat in the Winter just creates an unpleasant cold draft.  So this beauty is a great alternative – I put in frosted chandelier bulbs and a rheostat that if turned down low gives the ambiance of glowing candles.  I adore it, even though I’m not a gold and gilt person, this gives a French vibe that is elegant and unexpected.




Please Admire the Pretty Blue Bubbles

January 13, 2012


I’m taking the time to give props to this fabulous aqua blue bubble necklace that I found at a vintage store this week – yes it’s the J Crew.  I’m a sucker for this color (as you must have guessed by our website design) and can wear it a bib style or long with sweaters.  Love it!!



A Chandelier NOT To Die For

January 9, 2012


Have you ever seen something in a store that just grabbed you?  If you’re reading this blog you probably have.  Last week, on New Year’s Day to be exact, I saw this scrumptious vintage chandelier in a shop near our house in Connecticut, that was/is well priced and really pretty.  Whenever I see pieces like this, they’re easy to resist because they’re usually a big investment piece – priced in the thousands and not on my list of needs right now.

To be clear, I’ve been renovating my house out in the woods for some time now – bit by bit.  Most recently we took down an ill thought out wall that the previous owner had installed between the kitchen and the TV room (that was never in the original plans and served to chop up the rooms on the first floor into little dark bits)…and changed the finishes in the kitchen, added a big island, and put up a few cabinets.  As a result the dining area is back to it’s original (large) area, which allowed me to put the leaves in the dining room table, and buy some new dining chairs.  The chandelier I had there was still fine, a bit small, but fine considering it is also a pass through room where a big distraction hanging in the middle of the room isn’t really necessary.


So anyway, I saw this tulip shaped chandelier about a week ago, it was priced well, but right after Christmas and with all sorts of bills coming due I didn’t want to spend the money.  So I left it – and then spent a week torturing myself thinking about it.  The train of thought went something like this:  “Should I get it?  I always want this and that!  Why do I always want things?  I have the money but I just spent a lot on this and that… maybe there’s another one out there I’d like better…. stop thinking about it!” over and over.

So on Saturday I was back in the neighborhood of the store and went in, really hoping someone had bought the chandelier, taken it off with them, and put me out of my misery.  But there it was, chained to it’s lovely spot in the dealer’s alcove.  So I asked the sales person if it worked – she of course made a phone call and came back with a vague answer:  “Well you should never buy a lighting fixture from an antique store without planning to rewire it.“   Ahh OK, that’s good advise but only served to alarm me.  I left and went home and started on the internal dialogue I mentioned above again.  By Sunday I’d had enough already.  I have a long history of not buying/getting things I want, and trying to make myself happy with substitutes which never seems to work.  I went down and took the thing on approval.

First I tried the lights with a swag kit – they seemed to work fine, however at some point someone had put the wrong sized candle fixture covers on, making it difficult to screw the bulb down to the contact in the socket.  I think the dealer had incorrectly thought this was a wiring issue.  I temporarily fixed that (cut it down so it would make contact) and installed it over the dining room table.  But of course now I’m convinced that it will burn the house down, even though the wiring looks fine – the plastic covering on the wires is a little dry and there is no ground, but I have it up until my electrician can come over and check it over.   Anyway, I think it looks lovely.






Cheers to Frozen Fingers and iPhones

January 6, 2012


Well – there’s the first week of 2012 – and I must say it was pretty great.  I snapped this photo yesterday with Instagram on my iPhone – the lake clearly isn’t frozen, but my fingers certainly were.  As you know, unless you have those trick glovey-gadgets that can text, you have to take off your gloves to use the darned thing.  The frozen finger issue together with the two dogs that were hopping around at my feet as I held their leashes between my knees made this a creative challenge, but I kind of like it anyway.

One of my resolutions this year is to try to be more creative, ie: produce more original photos, prose, articles, videos, recipes, interior design projects (even if they’re not perfect – ie: crap) rather than just re-blogging other people’s work.  It’s a lot harder than you think when you have a million other balls in the air.  But I try spacer

Have a great weekend!


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